@St. Louis Blues

Matthew Knies Roughing Penalty Against Niko Mikkola

All rights go to the NHL. I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. For entertainment purposes only.


  1. It's not interference. The rule is complicated, but not impossible to understand if you read it.

    56.1 Interference – A strict standard on acts of interference must be adhered to in all areas of the rink.

    Body Position: Body position shall be determined as the player skating in front of or beside his opponent, traveling in the same direction. A player who is behind an opponent, who does not have the puck, may not use his stick, body or free hand in order to restrain his opponent, but must skate in order to gain or reestablish his proper position in order to make a check.

    A player is allowed the ice he is standing on (body position) and is not required to move in order to let an opponent proceed. A player may “block” the path of an opponent provided he is in front of his opponent and moving in the same direction. Moving laterally and without establishing body position, then making contact with the non-puck carrier is not permitted and will be penalized as interference. A player is always entitled to use his body position to lengthen an opponent’s path to the puck, provided his stick is not utilized (to make himself “bigger” and therefore considerably lengthening the distance his opponent must travel to get where he is going); his free hand is not used and he does not take advantage of his body position to deliver an otherwise illegal check.

    Break down: It boils down to body position. They were both skating in the same direction and Florida player was in front of or directly alongside Holmberg. Florida didn't skate laterally into a player that didn't have possession to make contact. If he did skate laterally, then it would have been interference. But, he didn't skate laterally. They were skating in the same direction and Florida player had body position hence, NO INTERFERENCE even though puck possession was not established. We see these plays end badly more and more ever since the league ruled for automatic icing as clubs don't practice touch-up drills as they once did.

    The rulebook is available for download as a PDF.

  2. Not a dirty hit that intended to injure but it’s also 100% interference by Florida #77 as per 0:04

    Holmberg (Toronto #29) never touched the puck (he’s not a puck carrier) and Florida #77 never made play for the puck. He just stepped into the skating lane to hit his man before either of them got to the puck.

    That’s the textbook definition of the penalty in the rulebook.

  3. Thats interference all day long…. Refs call the stupidest penalties for almost nothing and then miss that loud interference penalty.

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