@Vancouver Canucks

For those of you feeling worried about the Canucks performance in the recent games, don’t. Canucks were clearly the dominant team in both games and only lost those game due to poor goal tending and puck luck.

For those of you feeling worried about the Canucks performance in the recent games, don’t. Canucks were clearly the dominant team in both games and only lost those game due to poor goal tending and puck luck.

by TheFriendlyBagel


  1. TheFriendlyBagel

    I’ve posted the two “deserve to win-o-meters” regarding the last two games we played against this kings. Canucks had a 60% chance to win last night and a 66% chance to win on March 15th. Make no mistake, we had a higher expected goals than they did, and it wasn’t close. Plus Demko is one of the top goalies in the league when it comes to saving expected goals about average so if he played those games, totally different results.

  2. Awkwardmoment22

    Oh good, two things not needed in the playoffs!

  3. RepresentativeBarber

    Doesn’t matter cause the stats don’t tell you the fact that this isn’t their year for a deep push. Demko won’t be enough to make the difference. It’s been a fun season, no doubt, but I’ll be moderating my expectations.

    Source: a Canucks fan since the early 1980s.

  4. PaperweightCoaster

    DeSmith is a perfectly adequate backup goalie. His Goals Saved Above Expected is right around 0. He makes the saves that he is expected to make.

    The Canucks can’t win against a team like LA without an elite, Vezina nominee Thatcher Demko in net? We’re more doomed than we think.

  5. carry-on_replacement

    Now I know how the Oilers felt early season. Out chancing opponents but bad bounces everywhere and getting out scored

  6. Overclocked11

    Can we please stop with these copium posts?

    It makes it sound like we were victims of things outside of our control which led to losses, when in fact that is simply untrue.

    I will be the first person to come to the defense of this team, sometimes even when it would come across as copium/homerism.. but I am not so illogical to try to make up excuses why we lose games.

    Last night we took two very stupid first period penalties, both of which cost us a goal.
    You could say “well LA got lucky on their shots” or “desmith should have had them” but at the end of the day we took the penalties, and they were not unjust penalties.

    Lets please be realistic around this team and call things like they are. The game goes well beyond the stats.. watch what is happening on the ice.

  7. Frankly I don’t give a shit about the “shoulda/coulda” results like this that rely on fancystats.

    We lost the game because Desmith couldn’t handle his corners and our powerplay is so rigid that the players aren’t even attempting to adapt to the team/circumstances they are facing.

    We are trying to only take the perfect shot instead of creating movement and chaos and capitalizing on it.

    Sucks to watch.

  8. The one thing I’ve noticed in our games V the kings this year, is we have not gotten a single bounce. All 4 games it has felt like we mostly outplayed them, but all the bounces have gone in favour of the Kings. It’s the little ones, like every rebound is JUST out of reach, or the puck hits a player and bounces right to a kings player.

  9. cowfromjurassicpark

    Something something scoring effects. Being down by 3 goals let’s the other team just dump it.

  10. RoughJustice81

    Ya well if these “don’t feel bad” posts are coming up after playoff loses…. I’m still going to feel bad

  11. Iron_Seguin

    It’s a good thing the Stanley cup is awarded to the most deserving team based on deserve to win o meter. What? It isnt? It’s given to the team that wins 16 games in the post season and nobody else? Oh…. well that kinda brings the concern back….

  12. You don’t win games by deserving to win. You need to actually win those games, even not deserving if you want to do anything in the playoffs

  13. interwebsLurk

    “It is possible to commit no errors and still lose. That is not a weakness… that is life. “

  14. Baller-on_a-budget

    Good to hear. Shut that garbage off 5 minutes in last night.

  15. chopkins92

    Be careful relying on a single number representing the entire game. Notice in that first Kings game you posted that the Kings had the lead in expected goals up until the last 8 minutes. You can always expect the team trailing (the Canucks) to generally control play towards the end of the game. This doesn’t mean they were more dominant.

  16. Nier_Perfect

    Frankly, this sub has been so disrespectful to the PDO gods that we deserve this. We need to have weekly PDO prayer posts if we want their favor again.

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