@Calgary Flames

I’ve seen a lot of cold Flames takes, but…

As a lifelong Flames fan I know there’s a lot of different opinions and perspectives on our hockey team and the management, but this one may just be the coldest take I’ve ever seen.

I hope this guy is trolling or is actually an Oilers fan because this may just be the take that freezes hell. It’s people like this that make it an embarrassment to sometimes be a Flames fan.

Either way, I hope everyone else disagrees with this guy. Go Flames!!

by Disastrous_Data1030


  1. imaybeacatIRl

    Every fan base has morons. That guy surely is a moron.

  2. inmontibus-adflumen

    Clown boy living in fantasyland where the salary cap doesn’t exist and teams want all of our players.

  3. Straight-Plate-5256

    Can we please stop sharing this guys takes? I’m legitimately pretty sure he is handi-capped in some way, he’s always spouting stuff like this on YouTube and Twitter

  4. He must be being facetious. It’s so ridiculous that it feels like he’s making fun of it rather than championing it.

  5. Dam why didn’t we think of getting rid of all our non NHLers for 30/40 goal scorers and Norris defence men? Get this guy a job!

  6. UrbanPervin

    I didn’t even realize the Flames suck because of the players not on the team. Make this guy GM.

  7. Previous-Exit8449

    This guy does not understand. If it was that easy wouldn’t every team do this?

  8. AverageatUFC3

    Just found my next r/nhlcirclejerk post, thanks boys!

  9. Chemical_Signal2753

    As dumb as his take is, I can understand how people could think it is possible (or a good idea). 

    In theory, you could probably package Pelletier, Klapka, and a first round pick and get a 60+ point scoring player on the wrong side of 30. You could take Miromanov, Poirier, and a first and get a legitimate top pairing defence man on the wrong side of 30. If you made enough of these trades you could make the Flames pretty competitive next year. The problem is, the more of this you do the longer and more painful the rebuild would be.

    Other teams would be giving away these top players for the same reason Superstore marks down their meat by 30%. They know they’re approaching their best before date, and getting something for them is better than nothing. Unfortunately, using this analogy, the Flames would be left with “rotting meat” after they paid good money for it.

    I think the Flames are in good shape because they seem to have understood what they were without too much thrashing. They have a healthy prospect pool, a team full of players on decent contracts, and a ton of draft capital. Trying to become competitive next year would be possible but would come at the expense of all of these.

  10. Out of curiosity I looked this guy up on Facebook, he lives in the UK and probably hasn’t been to a flames game in his life. He had no idea what he’s talking about 😂

  11. Flames should just trade for McDavid and Makar. How has no one thought of this yet? SMH.

  12. Why havent we simple just got rid of all our players and replaced them with all star caliber players?

  13. SpagingoSquadroneer

    “Fire Conroy and Huska” after one year that if nothing else, has instilled some hope for the future (which was sorely missing prior). Total ground-breaker here, folks! 😤🔥

  14. SeeingRed-

    I feel like y’all are picking on someone with a pretty obvious developmental issue, lets take er down a couple gears boys,

  15. Brilliant_Reserve_57

    He must work for the leafs always getting older and losing any chance at a future just for a competitive playoff run just wait for a few years and see where they are

  16. Hire this dude and let him cook up some trades I want to see what he got

  17. Comfortable-Ad-7158

    I made a post shout this same dude like a week ago. He really sticking to his guns

  18. Every franchise has a subset of fans that feel and think this way. It’s unavoidable, best to ignore it.

  19. thatcanadianincanada

    Sure guy and the best way to have functional adults is to kill all children and teenagers

  20. This should be an official r/CalgaryFlames copypasta. Legendary levels of stupid.

  21. Gnarly-Banks

    Is that not the guy who said to trade the 4th line for McKinnon. All hot air like flatulence, try to stay away from it.

    True definition of a dolt!

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