@Pittsburgh Penguins

Mike Sullivan on why he started Eller in OT, Penguins battle Maple Leafs for point


  1. Sullivan just blatantly lied about Sid having a skate issue. No one was working on his skate and he was ready to jump over the boards for the faceoff.

    Also, Sullivan didn't start Sid last ot loss either. Cowardly answer and another loss squarely on the coaches shoulders.

    Penguins winning in spite of Sullivan constantly handicapping this team. With just average coaching , this team is a top 4 team in the east easily.

  2. So because Sid had a “skate issue” you benched Malkin, Rust, Bunting, Rackell? Right, because that’s the kinda decision that makes sense when fighting for every single point. Thanks for the cup runs but pack your bags and take the assistants with you.

  3. Fire his ass. Starting Eller with O'connor is unacceptable. If Sid in unavailable, you have to start with Geno and Bunting/Rust or Racky. It's terrible to lose with your best players on the bench.

  4. He tried to give all the points away. Overtime line up was terrible but considering with 56 seconds left he slaps Jeff carter on the ice it’s a wonder we even got 1! Ned is why this teams been winning not Sullivan

  5. Regardless it was a baseball swing to his face and no one jumped on the ice for multiple abuses he took that game where’s your character players

  6. I have this nagging feeling this clown's chronically terrible decision making costs us big in the playoffs (yes I think we make it)

  7. Wow skate issue what's the next excuse……. Gosh the ice melted ?
    He stayed with Jarry too long Ned is battler and wants to win Jarry coughs up 4 and you can see him smiling The team was used to Tanger on the power play……EK65 slowed them down

    Maybe some team is stupid enough to take Jarry and Carter for another Bunting

  8. Anybody else out there that watches Pens and Pirates on MUTE
    Josh G, Brown, and Block are good BUT the number 2 man in the booth is unnecessary

    armdog bourkie walk walker mckenry WHEW STFU

    Rupp is the exception good man

  9. I love what Sully’s done for this team in the past.. but starting Eller and DOC for OT was one of the biggest bozo moves he’s made as head coach. At a critical point of the season, you don’t start our 3C and our 5th best winger

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