@Pittsburgh Penguins

This is insane. Some of these players. Wow.

This is insane. Some of these players. Wow.



  1. Dixon-Mason

    I’d be lying if I said I remember all of these guys.

    Congrats Sid!

  2. natty-broski

    For a Yinzer late millennial, this might be the single-greatest “remember some guys” prompt ever created.

  3. Drakengard

    Wait, Goddard got a goal? Proof that Crosby will literally help *anyone*.

  4. PenguinsPants88

    George Laraque and Mario Lemieux side by side is a nice lol

  5. Crosby has assisted on a goal by a player who’s rookie year was 1984, as well as a guy who was born in 2000.

  6. Seven22am

    Who’s that Mario guy over in column three? Only one goal? Doesn’t seem like he’ll amount to much.

  7. Who the hell is Harry Zoler-whatever? Was he like the janitor who just played in pre-season scrimmage games?

  8. DevilBomb76

    Scuderi has 8 career goals, 4 of those with the Penguins, and Sid assisted on 3 of them.
    And his other Penguin goal was before Crosby was on the team.

  9. BruceTimmRule34

    I didn’t know Cheeks Klapanen ever was on the same line as the kid

  10. Zelgius87

    I’m a little surprised Whit is that high and some were surprisingly low.

  11. ZackaWacka

    I think I even saw my name in there and I’m overweight and middle aged. Sid’s the goat 🐐

  12. CattleDogCurmudgeon

    Im alarmed by the amount of players I forgot were Penguins by this list.

  13. Hockeyruinedmylife

    That Crosby Malkin combo. We’re so lucky to have both of them at the same time for their whole careers.

  14. hangryhyax

    Ha wow, some of those names. Only 18 assists for Colby though? My brain is having a hard time reconciling that. Then again, I was in my early 20s during the Colby days, so my memory is a tad foggy.

  15. andthatsalright

    I forgot John Leclaire was ever a penguin until this list

  16. phreakzilla85

    I recognize every name on here except….who the fuck is Harry Zolnierczyk? I had to check THREE SEPARATE TIMES to make sure I spelled that correctly.

    Edit — I snooped his Wiki page. 84 games, 7 career goals and 5 different teams. Fun fact: he played 13 games as a Penguin in 2013 and I’ve never heard of this fucking guy. But his picture he’s wearing our sweater so he can’t be too bad.

  17. RLMZeppelin

    38% of Rob Scuderi’s career goals being assisted by Sidney Crosby is a really funny stat.

  18. The duper number surprises me a bit, for as long as they played together I would have guessed that number would be higher

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