@New York Islanders

Sergei Gonchar cheapshot on Cal Clutterbuck

Flying elbow interference charge.


  1. @ JustToLeaveComments: You keep complaining, i'll keep waiting for washington to do something in the post season. Crosby = greatest player in the world. FACT. Pens > Caps, you little bitch

  2. @JustToLeaveComments
    Typical Washington fan attitude… A) This has nothing to do with Crosby so I have no idea where he came into play in this… B) You have to chill out, hockey is a sport which involves physical contact, it's called body checking, if you don't like it then don't watch. C) I'm a Leafs fan so don't even come back with "OMG UR A FAG PENGUINS FAN RAH RAH RAH"

  3. Ring, Ring.

    Yeah, who's this?
    Its, The Gonch! I BREAK YOU!!!
    Shut the….

    Next phone call? Crapitals.

  4. Just, why?

    I wonder if somehow Cal somehow deserved it from any earlier plays, knowing how often he hits. But it certainly doesn't seem like it. You'd probably have to watch the whole game, and understand Clutterbuck's reputation around the league, whether he deserves it or not.
    Good thing he didn't get his bell rung too hard on this one.

  5. @windguardien
    Listen to the commentary. If you watch when Gonchar dumps it in at the beginning of the video, Clutterbuck hits him late. That's what Gonchar was retaliating towards.

  6. @Buckshockey33 are you an inbred? clutterbuck never touched the puck you can't hit a player who doesn't touch it, he left his feet, he elbowed him in the head, it was clearly an attempt to injure, you are a moron

  7. @Buckshockey33 did you even watch the video? and even if he touched the puck, it would still be a flying elbow

  8. @NHLArchive I think you're an inbred, Gonchar did not leave his feat you genius. In slow motion no shit it looks like it. So any time a player makes a hit and loses his footing because he freight trained someone it's a charge? Look at Macintyre hit on Boyd, I hope you learn something about hockey really soon. Get your facts straight before spewing shit over youtube.

  9. @choseGODfirst clutterbuck never touched the puck anyways even if you were right, i can't believe that was your "comeback" argument, you truly are devoid of a few more IQ points than the average person

  10. @choseGODfirst i know people in pittsburgh dont all know theyre hockey but stop making a fool of yourself trying to defend this argument, it was clearly a cheap shot… stick to football… i like football

  11. @gravino555 Not even from America you ignorant American. I never said this was a clean play, it was interference nothing more.

  12. @justaguyab show me clutterbuck pulling a stunt like this, hard hitting should be retaliated upon with more hard hitting, not a cheapshot

  13. kind of a dirty play but Clutterbuck plays hard like that all the time so this time he got some of his own medicine just part of the game…nobody was injured i see nothing wrong with this hit

  14. @streetLAkings cluterbuck doesn't throw cheap hits, i can't believe you think this is a normal play, blatant cheapshot

  15. @streetLAkings thats the dumbest thing i have ever heard… the fact that you think this is a fair hit must mean you know absolutely nothing about hockey… he didnt even touch the puck..

  16. Dirty hit but I think the elbow was unintentional. Definitely an interference penalty though. Worth a misconduct.

  17. @NHLArchive I was amazed clutterbuck wasn't suspended for the hit on Lebda. it was completely classless, worse than most matt cooke dirt-bag hits.

  18. Clutterbuck is one of the cheapest players in the league & likes to fight without taking his helmet/shield off. Fucking bitch deserved it

  19. This should have been at least a five and a fine, certainly would be a suspension now with the way Shanahan is handing them out. Blatant interference and an elbow right to the jaw?

  20. To say Clutterbuck is cheap is to say that Matt Cooke has slaughtered countless pregnant mothers and burnt down at least 100 orphanages. If you want a cheap wild player, look at Staubitz. Clutterbuck is no cheaper than 99% of the league.

  21. The right way to retaliate is within the rules. If you cannot retaliate within the rules, get off the ice and cool your head. I don't care if the other guy broke the rules first. Two wrongs don't make a right. The best way to humiliate your opponents is to kick their ass within the rules while they are cheating.

  22. Unless they gave up points on that power play, that cheap shot helps his team. Clutterbuck is on the sidelines bleeding and not on the ice crushing people.

  23. @delacroixwalrus Two wrongs dont make a right thats true, three rights make a left however…

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