@Seattle Kraken

Kuznetsov scores twice in 29 seconds after Blue Jackets’ game misconduct

Josh Anderson received a five-minute major after boarding Michal Kempny, and Evgeny Kuznetsov scored twice on the ensuing power play to give the Capitals a 2-0 lead.


  1. Oh come on, I'm not a fan of either of these teams, but you gotta brace for that hit. He even looked behind him. Not a dirty hit AT ALL, just another instance of a player buckling at the point of impact

  2. Not a fan of either team but that is a 2 minute penalty and no more. The laying on the ice made the ref feel obligated to give him the boot. Unfortunate.

  3. doesn't look "dirty" to me, maybe he kinda jumped, but it doesn't look like it was an intent to injure hit, and also they were very close to each other, it's not like he got hit from behind then ran straight into the boards, he was really close to the boards which kinda reduces the impact, not sure why it would be a misconduct, also, it wasn't directly from behind, almost side rear of him, not directly on the numbers

  4. A bit later, Wilson hits Wennberg's head and it's only a 2 minute minor. Wennberg also left the game thereafter from injury due to this hit. This refereeing is all over the place. At least be consistent and fair to both teams. If you call this 5, call the other one 5 as well.

  5. I've been a Vaps fan all my life and I want more than anything for Ovi to get his cup this year…. But that wasn't a dirty hit at all. It happens pretty frequently and can go either way. Penalty? Sure. Game misconduct? No way.

  6. I referee hockey and tbh it does warrant a 5 min major and a game but that's all. Its a CFB and at the last second he launches himself into the check which is charging he doesn't get much height but you can see it. So Anderson launched himself into a check from behind. It may go to a hearing but i don't think a suspension will come of it. In the end it is kind a tough call to make cos yes it wasn't that hard of a hit but you need to let up and not launched yourself into the back of someone.

  7. I thought that was a good hit. Don’t you want hitting in the game? There were a lot of hits like this in the Boston and Winnipeg games. I’m glad Columbus came back.

  8. Anderson never had the angle on this hit, he was coming in a little too fast, and he made it worse by throwing the arm in there as well. If it had just been the hip check into the boards, probably would not have been anything, but the arm is probably what forced Kempny's head into the boards.

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