@Toronto Maple Leafs

If we beat Boston…I will buy two Leafs tickets for a random commenter in this thread.

So, I posted something similar 6 months ago (mods you can check that, and which you allowed then) that if 34 scored a third hat trick in a row, I’d get two Leafs tickets for someone in here. There was no winner. Even though I reduced it to 2 goals during the game.

I want to redo that for this post season craze. And the Boston Curse we all want to exorcize…

If we beat Boston and advance to the second round, I will purchase two tickets randomly for someone who posts in here, and transfer them to you.

Now, playoff tickets might be tough to either get or pay a decent amount for on Stubhub. I’d like to stick to around $500. If that becomes not viable, whether in cost to me, or the winner’s schedule, you can choose going to a game in the next regular season, and do a lot better with that money seat-wise. I will expand it to 4 or 5 tickets in that case, if you wish, if they are within $500.

The mods can – especially in the next season case, which is far off – track with the winner and make absolutely sure I follow through. On top of the playoff situation, of course.

These tickets can be home or away. Whatever you wish. And we can coordinate together on where you would like to sit, based on availability and price. Thus far, some tickets seem to look pretty reasonable. But that may change

***This all stands ONLY for leafs fans.***

On fairness:

This thread must have 250 upvotes minimum and 125 OP posts/entries (to further qualify, a simple first-line comment or emoji — which also must be positive and/or pro-Leafs), and exclude my own comments. This qualification is so that people don’t enter and then downvote this thread in order to lessen the chance of others from seeing this and being able to enter. Or I will respost this, starting over.

Everyone needs to have a shot, and be able to enter. So it has to be visible enough. I don’t care about upvotes – just equal opportunity. It needs to be fair for all. Please be kind and do right by your fellow fans. As they will you..

If the 250/125 mark is not met, I will repost, if the mods allow. Purely in order to make fairness a real thing.

Mods can track all this and make sure I follow through. I never EVER want to be banned from this sub…so I put myself at their mercy.

Good luck. And let’s trash this trash. And who knows how crazy I will get in round 2!

Bonus track:



  1. rhineauto

    Are you talking about $500 per ticket or $500 for the pair?

  2. peanut-arms

    Screw pessimism, I am ready for another broken heart! Go Leafs!

  3. ChipStewartIII

    You’ve got my upvote! Anything to have our boys finally exorcise these Bruin devils from their heads I’m in!

  4. Unlikely-Bee5040

    IVE BEEN A LIFELONG LEAFS FAN, first generation Canadian.

  5. YoungGodV

    letss gooo….also very generous of you. Hope I win, but more importantly I hope the leafs win

  6. Impossible-Tie-864

    Please and thank you homie would be massive

  7. Johnny-Mo

    I was looking for something to post on for my reddit (and real-life) cakeday. This is definitely that post! Go Leafs Go!!

  8. JVRforSchenn

    Good on you!

    Leafs in 5 would be the ultimate response to ‘it was 4-1’

  9. Go Leafs Go! Matthews going to come in clutch for me when I win these tickets!

  10. CMDRShepardN7


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