@Toronto Maple Leafs

[Alter] William Nylander, speaking to the media today following practice, asked what will be the biggest challenge for him if he’s back in tomorrow? “Nothing” Why is that? “Because I’ve been skating and everything..”

[Alter] William Nylander, speaking to the media today following practice, asked what will be the biggest challenge for him if he’s back in tomorrow? “Nothing” Why is that? “Because I’ve been skating and everything..”

by DevOpsMakesMeDrink


  1. hymensmasher99

    I love the confidence Nylander has. I hope he’s playing tomorrow.

  2. AdamAAndrews

    We need your fearless, don’t give a fuck attitude Willie. Get out there and make us believe!

  3. __TheWaySheGoes

    Hope he returns. We could really use an all-star calibre winger in our line-up tomorrow night.

  4. BurnTheBoats21

    Biggest challenge for Willy? Willy *is* the challenge

  5. Rowdy_Roddy96

    This man is gonna possibly save the series

  6. Like people said Nylander is made for this market. He does not give a damn about the pressure and gets straight to the point lol

  7. hellarios852

    Nylander is so good dealing with the Toronto media. Guy thrives here

  8. Dude is basically Goku, showing up when things look their bleakest

  9. GooseRider960

    If Willy slots back in and makes a goal happen on the power play I’ll bust

  10. hydroflow78

    Glad to hear Willy may return soon. Hopefully Marner returns too! /s

  11. CMDRShepardN7

    With an answer like that, the only challenge is having to skate around carrying his giant churchbell sized balls.

  12. JBishop87

    The boys need him back for sure… hoping he’s feeling 100% tomorrow and ready to go

  13. BackTo1975

    This is the same guy that people were trashing here just a few weeks ago for floating through the season after he got his contract, right? He’s now gonna be the saviour? Just checking.

  14. salmonthesuperior

    If this “not reporting on an out of nowhere ailment” issue was gonna happen to anyone on the team, Willy is literally the one guy that can get away with it unscathed. Not because people didn’t shit on him but because out of everyone on the roster he’s the least likely to notice or care lol I love him and I hope he actually is back for tomorrow

  15. MrBalanced

    Icewater in this man’s veins.

    Biggest Willy in professional sports.

  16. clapperssailing

    Everything = no back check ever, absolutely no corner work. Will skate through a wall for instagram followers only.

  17. FansTurnOnYou

    Willy about to be done giving Boston their three game handicap.

    A man can dream…

  18. Lord_TyrionLannister

    Big dick Will with that fuck you swag.

  19. Disastrous-Ad-4494

    This made me so goddamn excited that I didn’t know how to express myself.

  20. AmosTheBaker

    Was odd to hear Willy say the games were difficult for him to watch at home – do we know why, even if he had some undisclosed injury, why he wouldn’t be with the team?

  21. Goldinsight

    How long will it take for Boston to go after his head?

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