@New York Rangers

the rempire strikes back

the rempire strikes back

by ItsASamsquanch_


  1. WindowPlayful7352

    Dirty ass hit what a fucking shocker….

  2. blueshirt11

    Like a quarterback watching his pass…keep your head up.

    And nice of his team or goalie to yell “heads up”. Everyone saw it coming except for one person. They left him out there to die.

  3. FarmerRadiant2822

    I do not understand how this is interference

  4. Key-Tip-7521

    r/hockey is so upset. but damnnn remps. you brought that jam. and he whacked a guy.

  5. NYdude777

    Hit him so hard his brother probably felt it. Love to see it.

  6. elvista1991

    I guess he needs to go down to one knee to deliver legal hits LOL

  7. Away_Sun_3040

    That hit was something else, I whooped when I saw it. He really just throws himself around.

  8. thebearbearington

    Rempe makes solid dudes go ragdoll and airborne. Dude is a monster.

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