@National Hockey League

“Stop fucking crying bro…this isn’t fucking junior hockey” – Nylander

“Stop fucking crying bro…this isn’t fucking junior hockey” – Nylander

by Hockey-Daily


  1. QuarisDoma

    Where’s the leadership?? NyLander is the most captain character here? Leafs cooked.

  2. Alarmed_Teacher_1022

    The glove throwing is just… *chefs kiss*

  3. Nice-End-4742

    after seeing this team absolutely implode, i would feel comfortable betting the farm that bostons gonna win game 5. they’ve already lost mentally.

  4. If you throw your gear then you don’t wanna play, so ride the fucking bench.

    There’s plenty of guys who’d love a shot in the N…making 11 fucking million dollars a year.

  5. No fucking way he was tearing up game 4*. I always enjoyed calling him bitch marner but come on now…

  6. jcanada22

    Wasn’t a Nylander fan at all. I am now. Good for him.

  7. AlteredStateReality

    Babies need to have some milk before bedtime. Good sponsorship.

  8. therealchrisredfield

    This is what happens when you sign a bunch of pretty boys…another 1st round exit

  9. don_johnsons_big_toe

    Bertuzzi is the fly on the wall we all wish to be

  10. Odd-Willingness6972

    If they played against a junior team and called it the Stanley Cup playoffs they’d still lose

  11. Federico216

    Why is there so much pressure on Toronto? Is it just the local sports media? Last year I understand, playing against lower seeded teams and all, but this year Boston was the clear favorite from the get go. They slapped Toronto 4-0 in regular season, the series is going exactly as anyone would’ve expected.

  12. TheGreatPervSage_94

    Offtopic but does anyone know who was caught on the hot mic at the isles vs canes game. It happens at the end of regulation and goes on long enough even the commentators have to apologise for the flowery language

  13. The only time you’ll ever see him drop his gloves in a game

  14. Candid_Past9520

    Marchand scoring for fun against them now !!

  15. Shiny_Mew76

    Make Nylander the Captain, have Matthews and an older, more experienced guy get the As. Maybe bring in Phil Kessel? Fire Kefee, Fire Shanahan, somehow move Tavares and/or Marner, and bring in a competent goaltender. All of a sudden the team won’t look so bad. Marner and Tavares are great, but it just isn’t working for the current roster. Personally I’d prioritize moving Tavares, although either would work.

  16. I don’t blame Mathews one bit. He’s surrounded by an organization of people who apparently don’t give a fuck about winning. Don’t say “well Nylander does” either, the guy has been a ghost for a month now. Talk the talk all you want, he isn’t performing.

    Everyone wants their big paycheck, yet they can’t clutch up when it matters.

    Keefe somehow got resigned when he’s one of the worst coaches in the league

    The org hired one of the worst GMs in the league. This is a guy who didn’t do anything in Calgary in years of being there and managed to lose both their superstars just before the beginning of a season.

    Shanahan won’t stop vetoing GMs plans which has now lead to every player of significant value on this team being untradable which means they are literally just stuck with this core who can’t do anything when it matters.

    And to top it all off the org has also created a stale environment in their arena as they priced out their fans.

    It’s a fucking joke, and as much as it would upset me as I have a soft spot for the leafs as someone who lives in southern Ontario, I hope the org loses every great player they have and they all have success elsewhere just to prove how much a joke this org is.

    Something’s gotta change, and it’s far above just the team or coaches or GM because it’s been a constant issue for a long time.

  17. JosephMcCarthy1955

    I know he’s talented (even if he hasn’t been great in the playoffs), but how on earth is Marner an alternate captain acting like that? Hell, Nylander probably deserves it more than him

  18. Flimsy_Biscotti3473

    Marner and Reilly have to go.
    Get a #1 tendy and some real defence.
    You’re welcome !!

  19. False_Pool6621

    Not a leafs fan but team lacks leadership and a willingness to setup in the big games. Don’t need a letter on your chest to be a leader. It’s sad. Regular season means nothing if you can’t shift your gears and out compete, out work and out play your competition.

  20. Lucky_Ad_5057

    Marner is sick but definitely a little bitch.

  21. Calling__Elvis

    I just love this time of year. It has a groundhog day feel to it, but I like it.

    Late April it’s time for the Leafs to get their allergic reaction to the playoffs. Next week we have all the posts about what Leafs to be traded, circumventing the NMCs and how to rebuild.

    It’s predictable, but I love it.

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