@New York Islanders

Matt Martin unsportsmanlike conduct/needlessly endangering an official – Tough Call Recommendation

Matt Martin got a little carried away with Stefan Noesen, and needlessly endangered an official in the process. Here’s my Tough Call Recommendation.


  1. Frustration boils over. This is the moment the Isles realize they aren't good enough to hang with a contender. Matt has had a long career. This is the second really dumb thing I can remember him doing. Sucker punching a Penguin was worse. Poor little Penguin.

  2. Hm, to play devil's advocate on this one, Nosen doesn't punch him until after the ref steps in. I agree Martin should expect some retaliation, but Nosen probably should have punched/pushed a little sooner. Definitely a funny play though, haven't seen that before. Then Nosen with the wrestling takedown on him to cap off the hilarity haha

  3. …. I think they should have a couple more linesmen on a ref bench area ready to come out and help in situations like this so the Refs don't have to break up any scrums but can stand back and see what's going on and call penalties without getting spun around … lol

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