@Dallas Stars

Just gonna put this out there

Just gonna put this out there

by texasguy7117


  1. Super_Networking

    It’s a new series. Even if we go down 3-1 I think we’ll win at home and then win on the road again.

  2. SawsageKingofChicago

    I am already daydreaming about a potential even series coming back to AAC, what an environment it will be if they can win tomorrow.

  3. ShenaniganCity

    It’s not over until it’s over. I think the stars will be fine if they keep up the effort.

  4. Stove-Top-Steve

    “We just need to win 1 game” I keep posting this

  5. I know they’re down 2-1 right now, but the Stars played both of those first two games well enough to win.

    Last game they absolutely dominated the Knights in every facet except finishing.

    Oetteinger is the wild card. He’s been the pre-April mediocre version so far, while Thompson is playing lights out. If he can’t figure it out, the knights are going to stay in it.

    If Otter can figure it out, the stars will win the next 3 easily.

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