@National Hockey League

Hockey wives show off their playoff jackets

Hockey wives show off their playoff jackets

by Hockey-Daily


  1. Flux_resistor

    Washington and Toronto didn’t bother, makes sense

  2. tecate_papi

    Why does every hockey wife look like a variation on a theme?

  3. Great-Stranger-5400

    VGK goalie tandem wives are fucking slamming!!

  4. magenta_woods

    The ones with the Vancouver jackets on look like they are flipping off

  5. I mean this with all the love in my heart and I do not mean to dehumanize any humans

    But I swear to god they make these women in a factory. It’s so funny when you stand out just by being a brunette lmao

  6. Strawhaterza

    Hockey player’s definitely have a type 😅

  7. good_guy112

    Wives & girlfriends.

    Some Knights out there saying “Take it easy with the wives talk”

    Edit §I don’t know why I only saw the Vegas photo at first glance.

    Shout out to all the guys not tied down till after they get the fountain money

  8. Tbloctothorpe88

    Contrary to the “All NHL players’ wives are blonde” theory, only 61.1% of these women are blonde.

  9. This clearly must be photoshopped. Every single blonde woman looks the same guys. I can’t think of any stereotypes about NHL player’s wives that would be the reason for these pictures looking similar.

  10. WhereIsSmorzCereal

    This is actually nice. Idk just makes the players seem so human to realize they have wives and kids

  11. Don’t be silly, they are clearly different. Some of them have long dyed blonde hair and some have long light brown hair.

  12. likesexonlycheaper

    As Matthew Mcconaughey would say. All white all white all white

  13. DistributionNo9968

    That’s an awful lot of pumpkin spice aficionados

  14. brokenbiscuitt

    The darkest any of these men date is off-khaki, I swear.

  15. TripelTripelTripel

    You’ll never find another girl like me

  16. fatgirlnspandex

    Both Marchand and his wife have that same nose.

  17. -thisismyusername---

    I have no idea how the Avalanche players figure out which wife is theirs, it must get very confusing

  18. reddith8tor

    Such a diverse group
    They even have a redhead!

  19. SkoopPoop94

    At least they all fall for different types!

    Seriously lol is this a cartoon?

  20. scottybobotty1992

    Jerseys so they can find which one is their wife

  21. OkAnything4877

    Why do 95% of them look exactly the same?

  22. drstu3000

    What the hell is going on in Vancouver? Blonde to brunette ratio waaayyy off

  23. rocketmn69_

    Only 3 or 4 real beauties there, the rest look fake in vgk

  24. My wife isn’t white. Just one of two things holding me back from a career in the NHL…

  25. SelectStudy7164

    I think the preferred nomenclature is “puck sluts”

  26. Ricky_5panish

    Is there a single woman in any of these photos who isn’t white? And do NHL guys just hate red heads or something?

  27. kinkykowboy69

    Wow they all look so different! So much variety….

  28. Main_Photo1086

    It would be refreshing to see a wife with a short hairstyle and/or natural corkscrew curls or something.

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