@Winnipeg Jets

Really hoping Dillon’s alright. Just awful. Especially in a meaningless scrum. Brutal / 26.04.2024

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  1. Играть нужно а не бестолково толкатся, дратся так с пользой кого нибуд из лидеров поовоцировать.

  2. Ничего в этом спортивного брутального и благородного нет… агрессивная мышиная возня, ещё бы за волосы друг друга оттаскали) зарубились бы уже как спортики в стойке)

  3. Jets tried to start shit in the end so cant feel bad for Dillon. It's not like he is innocent

  4. Когда Диллон подло травмировал Капризова он не думал что все вернется ему

  5. I blame Lowery, the “captain” he showed a losers mentality at the end with the goon stuff instead of playing, his guys tried the same and got hurt.

  6. Meaningless?! This is a continuous battle in a series, they lost the battle but this is part of the war. Gtfo of here with ‘meaningless’

  7. Duhaime possibly dished out some Karma coming back at Dillon for his thuggish play. Minnesota fans are cheering their former "Dewey"! Dillon broke Karill Kaprizov's ribs with a series of cheap and intentional crosschecks this season. There are some that find the Karma comin' round on Dillon is deserved…
    Judge for yourself!

    Personally, I haven't rejoiced about Dillon getting his this much since Erickson Ek choke slammed him in the crease for being a goon!

  8. Gnarly but looks to be in the meaty part of the hand. He may have gotten very lucky. Doubt we'll see him playing on Sunday though.

  9. This is why you’re not supposed to continue fighting when they’re on the ground because that’s when hands get stepped on, etc.

  10. I am really tired of seeing these guys with head locks on their fellow competitors don't tell me a good old fight was as dangerous as this garbage I got no respect for a player that head locks an opponent on the ice do we really need to see a kid get a broken neck in one of these dumb ass scrums after every whistle. NHL get control of these children before you get one of them killed or paralyzed…… total joke to watch this crap

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