@National Hockey League

Höglander taking a slash to the dick.

Hey how are ya?!

by hartmanwhistler


  1. I genuinely believe that was by accident as Ryan otherwise isn’t known as a dirty player, but yeah that looks really bad

  2. Havoc_XXI

    Oilers getting away with nonsense that whole game

  3. SpringrolI

    droppin it like its hot in public is crazy but bro emoted live mid game

  4. Squares9718

    Might just be the camera angle but that seems like a stretch

  5. Humans_Suck-

    At what point do we start fining the refs for missed calls

  6. butwhyyyyyyyyyyymeee

    Is this at least fine-able or something under the CBA? Should be at least 2 for slashing and 2 for unsportsmanlike. Definition of a low blow

  7. Darkstarmeyers

    Damn, take that number and plan a solid revenge hit

  8. DiscussionBeautiful

    Slash on the wrist + cross check into boards = nut speer (that’s hockey baby)

  9. dubbledub92

    I may be wrong. But that wasn’t Draisaitl. Which is more surprising than the lack of call

  10. nothxnotinterested

    The way his knees buckled I burst out laughing couldn’t help it

  11. nothxnotinterested

    Where’s the absolute beaut of a tip in own goal for the loss?? lol

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