@New York Islanders

If your backswing sucks, perfect your downswing! 🔥#golf #golftips #jimfuryk


  1. You don't bow your wrist it happens naturally after a turn with soft hands and arms. These golf videos send amateurs on a wild goose chase to keep them coming back

  2. This is why fitting is important. I’m 6’1 280lbs, I was playing with super light clubs and could never tell where the club was on the backswing. I was introduced to some stocky and heavy clubs and now I can shallow without thinking about it.

  3. It’s easier to take the club back like a normal person and learn how to unload from the top. Shallowing shouldn’t really be a thought


    This dude isn’t right about it not

  5. I would recommend everyone not to do this, shallowing the club is for the perfect swing, and it does not ever lead to good results, the steeper swing is the safer swing, and gives a crapton more control, shallowing the club only leads to added side spin.

  6. Seeing a lot of golf tips where the swing is coming from the hips. I've always heard that your hips should stay still.

  7. Shallow your driver ok, with your irons you need compression to elevate the ball if you shallow to much you will flatten out your down swing and hit level coming behind the ball to much.

  8. I took my first lesson a few days ago with a Pro and this was the first thing we worked on. Definitely a different feel – especially since changing from a strong grip to a weaket grip, also – but I've never hit the ball purer. 100% recommend taking lessons haha

  9. I find that my natural swing was the way to go. I just don't see how are the artificial manipulation of the swing helps a terrible lot. Granted, I am not speaking of the people that have absolutely awful swings. In a lot of cases, there ain't no hope for those, lol. What I am saying is that there are lots of ways of getting it done. Cramming so many thoughts in there isn't healthy. As Hogan used to say, find your swing in the dirt.

  10. เห่ยว่ะไอ้กร๊วก มึงหน้าเอเซียหยั่งงี้ กูไม่สนว่ะ เพราะกูก็เก่ง เข้าใจทุกอย่าง

  11. Another great video. I have been practicing this swing tip for 2 weeks. It's absolutely fantastic. I'm currently a 8.2 index. I'm trying to get down to a 5.0 or less.

  12. Just started doing this and I feel like my slice is going away! I need so much more practice but I’m getting there!

  13. My best tip is to use your right arm as the dominant arm to strike the ball and the left arm as a flimsy guide for the club path

  14. Just slow down the back swing and hit the damn ball and it will naturally do the swing you can do. It will go right down the middle too.

  15. Shallow like that and you'll get stuck. Check out Mike malaska instead, everyone. This is just some gimmick golf coach channel. Nothing good here.

  16. you will shank balls coming too inside i thought i was over the top turns out i was coming so far inside that i was swinging at pretty much a 45 dagree angle

  17. 1 minute content makes it easy to pick and choose what info to hear.

    He says “take slow swings first…” “rotate your body through”. There’s info here that’s easy to miss but it’s essential. Top comment here says it best. Proceed with caution. If you’re going to get this into practice, it’s worth the time to take the time to make it right

  18. The best tip I ever got for shallowing has nothing to do with club or hands. It’s all about keeping your hip depth, which makes space for your hands and arms, and you naturally shallow the club.

    Too many people try to make shallowing moves with insufficient space between their hips and the ball, recipe for getting stuck and humping the goat.

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