@Minnesota Wild

RIP 13 years ago on the 13th day of May.

RIP 13 years ago on the 13th day of May.

by ShortnPortly


  1. NotTheNoogie

    And today, people celebrate Matt Rempe without even thinking about it.

    RIP Boogeyman.

  2. DwarfFlyingSquirrel

    Honestly, the NHL, especially Bettman failed Boogaard. How the hell he got addicted, much less getting drugs from an unaffiliated doctor, who’s had his license suspended is mind-boggling. And then none of the doctors were found at fault. Just failure everywhere.

  3. ShortnPortly

    To all who want to talk shit about enforcers and why celebrate them and say that there “wasn’t much” to this man? There would be absolutely no Wayne Gretzky without a Marty McSorley. They were the back bones to the greatest of all times. They went out there, gave up everything to make sure their guys were safe. At the end of the day, most guys leave the league with ailments and injuries that do not limit them. Enforcers leave the league (if they get the opportunity to) with CTE. Boogey will stand with the greats like Probert, Nilan, McSorley and many more.

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