@Vancouver Canucks

Vancouver Canucks defenceman Carson Soucy will have a phone hearing with the NHL’s department of player safety for cross-checking Connor McDavid, while Nikita Zadorov has been fined $5,000 for cross-checking the Oilers’ star centre

Vancouver Canucks defenceman Carson Soucy will have a phone hearing with the NHL’s department of player safety for cross-checking Connor McDavid, while Nikita Zadorov has been fined $5,000 for cross-checking the Oilers’ star centre

by Markiv19


  1. stilllaughing

    Fucking embarrassing compared to what’s happening in the eastern series

  2. Why am I not surprised that McDouble is getting a superstar treatment??? What a joke.

  3. AverageMaleAged18-24

    Absolute bullshit by the league. Only positive spin I can take is he’ll get a few extra days to rest his foot and ankle, and Juulsen will get a game (or 2?) and keep fresh. But holy fuck what the fuck is going on in the DOPS. 

  4. It’s pretty fair, and to be expected , I am having an issue with the inconsistencies, why would the spearing not be assessed? Or the slew foot on Hughes?

    Dirty plays are happening on both sides so I won’t expect a suspension but we’ll see how it goes down.

  5. testingbutts

    If the result is anything more than a fine…

    They let Bennett get away with an unprovoked sucker punch where there was clear intent, but retaliating to a lumberjack slash with a crosscheck that otherwise would have landed on the chest gets a hearing (and I’m assuming a suspension given the league’s track record with Vancouver)… absolute clown league.

  6. Guarantee if it happened to anyone other than McBitch, there’d be no hearing.

  7. no-cars-go

    This league is truly an embarrassment.

    Will they fine McBaby for his slash? Or suspend Kane for kicking at Z’s head with his skate?

  8. awayfromcanuck

    Let’s call a spade a spade, in a vacuum yes Soucy cross check to the face is suspension worthy and he’ll likely get 1 game instead of 2 because his intention wasn’t the face but because Zads cross checks McDavid he hits McDavid in the face.

    The amount of shit this playoffs that the DoPS hasn’t disciplined and to wake up to this just reeks of ‘it’s against McDavid so we have to do something’. And the amount of dirty shit the Oilers have gotten away with through 3 games is a fucking joke(missed double minors, multiple slew foots, a spearing, multiple dangerous boarding plays). Is Hyman getting a meeting for his cross check to our guys face during the same incident?

    Also McDavid not getting a fine for starting all of it with his 2 handedslash is a fucking joke.

  9. Slight_Afternoon8687

    I feel that everyone outside of canucks fans isn’t seeing the same video.

    Soucy is mid-check when mcdavid gets crumpled by zaddy and his head level lowers. By the time the check makes contact, mcdavids face is where his logo would have been.

    Infuriating if soucy gets suspended. 5k fine? I see it. A suspension is ridiculous when bennett’s sucker punch, ryan’s spear etc. get no further hearing.

  10. starrynova888

    I hate to say it but I think he’s getting at least a game.

    The media clowns have single handedly blown this out of proportion with their fake outrage after the game. Clowns like Craig Button demanding Soucy be suspended.

  11. So… nothing for the guy that started it all?

    Not surprised but only ’cause it’s McDavid.

  12. The thing we should all be up in arms about is Gregory Campbell being the assistant GM of the Panthers. The reason we all think this is unfair is because of everything the panthers get away with. This is blatant favoring of Colin Campbell’s son AGAIN.

  13. ContributionWeekly70

    As much as i hate rat face. Dude got pretty much knocked out by bennett and wasnt even fined. Greg Campbell works for the Florida front office. This is the type of shit has turned me off from hockey since 2011. You honestly cant say that they arent playjng favourites…

  14. No one should be surprised the league will take this opportunity to “manage” the series. I expect a one game suspension to match the Oilers being down one game.

  15. CBennett_12

    97 game suspension for Soucy and an empty net penalty shot for McDavid to start game 4, because how dare you touch our special guy

  16. smokinBatman

    Lol. Oilers sub they talking about “oh it should be zadorov getting suspended. It’s more dangerous” those bitches scared of the smoke.

  17. kballen3001

    The lesson here is he should have hit McDavid in the nuts because apparently that is a-ok with Bettman.

  18. Lancelot_Stroller

    Yet McDavid isn’t even fined for a slash to the face. Make it make sense

  19. I can see one game… I would’ve much rather Ian Cole make this play though lol fuck these whiny baby bitches!

  20. OkDuck4010

    Someone needs to make a compilation of all the dirty and dangerous plays by Edmonton this series

  21. Future-World4652

    Remember when playoff hockey was about “letting them play”? And then after the playoffs the players would reveal their insane number of battle scars and wounds?

    Now you can’t even dump a dude in his own bench for laffs

  22. AirportNearby9751

    How can no one see how protected McDoucheface is. No call on cutting Hughes face, he’s allowed to slash our players after the whistle but it’s only us. Cool.

  23. NerdPunch

    Last night showed that Vancouver has players (Aman/Karlsson) that can step into the lineup, and Noah Juulsen should be no different.

    Soucy took that shot off the heel, and missed time last night so it may not be the worst thing to give him a game to ice his foot and let Juulsen get in a game.

    I am totally fine if Soucy get’s a game (anything more seems excessive). McDavid fucked around and found out, but I also get why this is a punishable play.

  24. bitter-pickles

    Honestly I think they basically have to because it was a legit cross check to a legit face. But I think (hope) that it’ll basically be seen as “this was going to be a max fine, but suddenly a face was occupying that space because your teammate also cross checked him” and 1 game.

    It’s DOPS though so slap 1 to 5 on a wheel give it a spin and watch it twirl…

  25. waistbandtucker69

    Bennet on Marchand – crickets
    Trouba trying to decapitate Necas – crickets
    Ryan spear to Hoglanders balls – crickets
    Kane multiple slew foots on Hughes – crickets
    Ben on Toews – crickets
    Zadorov on McDavid -$5000
    Soucy on McDavid – tune in next week to find out where the wheel of justice lands!

  26. nexxlevelgames

    This is why Van rioted in 2011. The reffs allowed slashes punches and cross checks to the head by Boston players against Van players. When Van relatiated they were given penalties.

    Never think that sporting outcomes cannot be influenced.

  27. bluebird1067

    The Canucks really need to just hire Gregory Campbell. After that all your suspensions just go away.

  28. metrichustle

    23 of 24 analysts picked Oilers to win not because they’re a better team, but because they are Bettmans team.

  29. Anishinabeg

    The hearing is insanity. Zadorov being fined for a light shove is comical.

    Where’s the suspension for Nurse’s head shot on Pettersson? What about Ryan’s nut shot on Hoglander? Kane’s two slew foots? McDavid’s two-handed chop to Hughes’ face? What about a fine for McDavid’s two-handed slash on Soucy that started this whole thing?

    The DPOS is an embarrassment.

  30. Nothing for McDavid’s slash that started the whole sequence?

  31. Don’t hurt Mcbaby. I am sure Zadorov is thinking: Best 5K i ever spent

  32. kerosenehat63

    So McWhiney gets a pass for his part in this? Also, how about the spear to Hoglander or the hit from behind to Petey and the elbow to the head right after that? So the Coilers can get away with anything? If Soucy is getting suspended then so should the Coilers for those two infractions on the Canucks.

    Typical NHL garbage.

  33. ProfCharlesSexavier

    Jeff Marek questioning how the Canucks feel entitled to crosschecking McDavid like that, completely ignoring he was swinging his stick around before the play. 

    Go back to shilling Airbnb you fucking nerd.  These guys can’t deal with the fact that they were completely wrong about the Canucks. We may still lose the series but the Oilers got exposed big time.

  34. I really hope the NHL is fair in their assessment of this incident, but I’m sure they’re gonna fuck us for this with all the Oilers fans and media stomping and screaming at the top of their lungs.

    Yes, I do believe that a cross-check to the face is very dangerous and any player who does this intentionally should be suspended by the league to send a strong message. BUT — there’s a big difference between a dangerous play with intent to injure and an accident, and in this case that distinction is very important to make.

    If you watch the clip carefully, McDavid slashes Soucy in the pants, and Soucy retaliates with a chest high cross-check (the same shove you see 50x per game) at the exact same moment that Zadorov comes in and shoves him from behind. This causes Soucy’s stick, which is already in motion, to level McDavid’s face as he lurches forward.

    I understand they want to cut down on this kind of bs after the whistle, but they should just fine all 3 of them and move on. McDavid was the architect of his own destruction here and deserves a share of the blame.

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