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Kevin Rooney interview on Mike Tyson

Kevin Roony ex Mike Tyson’s trainer talks about Mike Tyson in one very interesting interview! Do the poll here in Honor of Tyson -


  1. Cus D'Amato disciple, Kevin Rooney…Tyson was never close to being the same boxer once Don King chicken hawked his way into Mike's circle and screwed everything up for the glorification of his own greed and financial gain. Had Rooney remained Tyson's trainer, he would have likely held onto his title well into the 1990s. Cus D'Amato was a genius! I believe if Muhammad Ali would have hired him on as HIS trainer, he would have not lost a fight until the late 1970s.

  2. Rooney left Tyson bc of King, not the other way around. Get it through your heads and stop believing the BS !!!
    Rooney never even trained another fighter b4 Tyson.
    He was young Hungry kid from the Ghetto who fucked it up in the long run.
    You give a 20 yr old kid 400 million who can’t read and u blame Rooney !

  3. Rooney paid homage to cus but Mike never pays homage to Rooney. I agree I wish Mike never left Rooney he would have been undefeated.

  4. Don King fired Rooney and brought in bums of the corner to "train" Mike Cus was like the Phil Jackson of Boxing trainers

  5. Cus then jacobs died then king got in then rooney was out then Tyson became a head hunter and lost his head movement and pin point precision

  6. “There’s a lot of things I wish I could have done differently,’’ he said.

    One of them was firing Rooney.

    Asked whether his career might have gone differently if he had kept Rooney, Tyson said, “Hell, yeah. Hell [expletive] yeah. I’d still be champion today.’’

    Recently, Tyson has reached out to old friends; a couple of years ago, after six years of radio silence, he called Lott out of the blue and hired him to manage his social media accounts.

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