@Calgary Flames

Gotta See It: Kadri rips out handful of Thornton’s beard

Watch as a fight between Nazem Kadri and Joe Thornton results in the Maple Leafs’ pest ripping an actual handful of the Sharks forward’s beard out and leaving it on the ice.


  1. Kadri bitching out like always. Such a chump. Good thing the new rules tailor to soft little wads like him.

  2. Here is the bottom line… To all the fools that think Kadri would purposely pull the guy's beard on national television in front of millions of viewers (a reality he's been aware of, plus prepped for during his life long career in hockey), adding the fact, he's a man in a man's sport not opened to the weak… is a perfect example of the children, and or ignorant folk that can not see beyond their pitiful intelligence that comment in these open forums. Nazem is a true soldier and phenomenal talent to the game, especially how the industry has treated him with a subconscious plus conscious level of racism in the world's most racist or one of the most racist sports known to man. Tie that in with the racist's current perception of the brown coloured man, and this guy is a lot stronger than many of you could fathom. Now if you want to play rewind a bit on this situation, look what started it (not including Thornton's past at the face-off circle)… If you're going to grow a beard like a caveman and act like one, you should be recognized for the thug you are. Should be the RHL, especially reflecting the views of many of the Canadian's in this sport, undercover bigots.

  3. Kadri didn't rip his beard idiots.
    It was obviously cut by an extremely focused punch that's invisible to the naked eye. Thorton's lucky it only hit his beard.

  4. The barber kadri least jumbo Joe got a free beard expenses paid….and by the way..this ain't no beauty show..or a fashion show to grow beards.. This is hockey… NHL hockey

  5. …Am I the only one who half-expected the clump of removed beard hair to spontaneously sprout tiny hair-limbs and scuttle away?

  6. Does anyone remember a movie (late 70s early 80s). Two Mexican guys are face to face and one grabs the others moustache and rips it off. Then they start fighting

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