@Carolina Hurricanes

The Hurricanes Were a Letdown…Again

The Carolina Hurricanes managed to disappoint their fans (and all NHL fans hoping for a reverse sweep) yet again. Where do they go from here.

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  1. First off address him properly. His name is not, "Mother Fucking Chris Kreider".
    His name is, "Chris MOTHER FUCKING Kreider".
    It goes in the the middle. Get the mans name right.

  2. How the hell did carolina look like a wagon….they were down 3 – 0 in the series and mustered 2 wins in a row, lets get real here, its funny you hate the rangers to the point you throw logic out the window lol. They were lucky they didnt get swept and had 1 good period in game 5

  3. The Rangers are the best team in the league and you are acting like Carolina lost to bottom feeder team. Down 3-0 in the first 3 games meant you guys were pretty much done after 3 you should have been whining like this after game 3. Only 4 times in NHL history has a team come back from down 3-0, the probability is less than 2%. The first 4 games were hard fought by both teams the Ranger's didnt have any easy wins in this series. Stop bashing your team!

  4. They lost to what was the #1 team during the regular season. The ONLY reason the Rangers didn't get the nod as the cup favorite is that they're the Rangers and people love to hate em. They played them tough most of the series, except some special teams and like 1 period which happened to be the one they needed the most. Honestly I feel like Carolina outplayed the Rangers at least 90% of the time.

  5. You guys played a Great Series & have nothing to be ashamed about. I felt so bad, even given I'm A Rangers Fan, to see that poor little girl crying, when your team got beat. I think that the team has a lot of work to do to get better, such as, to make a few moves, to free up Salary Cap Space & Improve the team – I don't see getting rid of Rid Brind'Amour as the answer. I think that he's A Great Coach. I think that there has to be A Big Change in certain players on the team. Let me know what you think

  6. hahahaha hurting much? Dry yer eyes FFS Coco 🤡 Count yourself lucky de angelo never got his ass handed to him as well 😉🤣🤣🤣

  7. Kreider gave his hat trick stick to a little boy who was a Canes fan after the game, your hate is fkn ridiculous.
    Speaking of ridiculous that OBNOXIOUS fog horn!
    Eh, eh, eh, let’s go Canes…🤢

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