@Boston Bruins

Bruins’ Linus Ullmark Talks Mid-Season Trade Rumors, Rollercoaster Playoff Run

Bruins’ Linus Ullmark Talks Mid-Season Trade Rumors, Rollercoaster Playoff Run

so this is the thing about playing professional sports is the one of the hardest things is to be off the side uh because you want the team to succeed but you want it to succeed with you as well so it’s definitely one of the hardest things um but I wasn’t alone in it obviously there’s other guys that wanted to play as well but I thought that having the support system that I had also have the conversation that I had with people around it um I felt that I did what I could I did what uh needed to be done I tried to car myself very professionally uh and support every single one of my fellow teammates throughout this uh this stretch was it particularly difficult hold up sorry are my future here I got one more year I’m very excited about what’s to come uh it’s going to be I’m going to SPO the heck of a summer I’m I’m very uh motivated uh mixed in with some Revenge obviously some inspiration as well but most of all excitement of what’s to come so yeah I I felt that obviously everybody thinks about you know for me personally that was a year that I wasn’t as good as I was Prior and for me though it’s all about personal growth and I learned a lot about myself in different aspects of the game and also how I am as a human being was it was it particularly difficult because you rotated all season and then when the postseason came that rotation was going no I wouldn’t say so um it’s it it wouldn’t have mattered I think it would have been tougher if I would have played most of the games leading up to the playoff and then be set aside uh in that sense of way because then you might feel entitled to play more games but at this point we had the rotation and I had a good conversations with with OB as well uh leading into playoffs and doing the playoffs as swall in the beginning there were um if someone get you know upper hand or get you want to roll the hot guy obviously I wanted to do the same thing if I was playing out of my mind and doing everything that I could to stop Haw and I was getting rewarded for it you know I want I don’t want to be side of the side obviously so u in that sense would say yeah we have both yes or no so it’s it’s a tricky question but you just I apologize it’s an AIC topic but there’s I always talk about because you guys have two two really good goalies and that there are a lot of teams out there that that watching the playoffs that could use a really good goalie that the trade topic comes up with you a lot is that something how much do you pay attention to it like how much do you kind of strategize into who’s on your no trade list is that is that a difficult thing for you to to kind of navigate oh you want the juicy stuff we all do oh yeah I know yeah you got to catch me a little bit later uh do an exclusive if you want to get to part of that but so it’s it’s hard to not um hear it you can’t be isolate yourself because then you would live in a shed in the woods and you show up here for bright sometimes but I mean I have you guys you’re always going to ask questions you want to know what’s happening and you’re going to ask questions obviously to get to the ansers that you might want but I’m not going to give you any good answers other than that so for that matter uh that’s also one of the things that was new for me this year never been a part of any trade talks before so that was a new experience uh was it hard yeah it was hard because you you’re very comfortable where you are you don’t want to move when you feel like you’re playing well and you have the team you have the bon in the teammates um so with that popping out now I’m not the only one that has been trade talks obviously you know there was other goenda as well that there was a lot of rumors with that they made get bus and there might not be any opportunities for any of them uh you know and for me it’s above my pay grade as well really and I I don’t have the luxury to choose that if I could I’m probably going to say the same thing as everybody else would on I want to stay and I’m going to stay but we live in a world where professional sports is you you know you got to deal with the hand you’ve been dealt with and like I said I have one more year I wouldn’t want anything else than to come back here uh get a little bit of a re revenge tour you know like I’m very excited motivated for what to come especially now to be the father you know at first that’s what my goal is to you know catch up on what the kiddos are doing and attend soccer practices and um enjoy life a little bit with with them uh because it’s very it’s very hectic during the uh the playoffs and they get they get lost a little bit obviously during that time the desire to stay because of that is greater I would say it’s more on the personal side that we felt that ever since we came to Boston we’ve been embraced by not only the city and you know but the team and the people that works throughout the organization like everybody has been so nice and very so you know uh caring no lovable and we’ve felt that ever since our day one and that makes you feel at home that makes you want to stay there and when you have that good thing behind you you don’t want to move just because you have to move or something you want to stay and that’s just how it comes down to uh it doesn’t really matter how it goes on the ice if you’re feeling that you’re um that your life is taking care of off the side and that your family’s well and they’re thriving and they’re enjoying their time in school and with their friends and whatever you don’t want to you know uproot them just because like you know I don’t think that goes to anyone that has kids and families that doesn’t matter what kind of a job you have if you feel that you know what I’m very comfortable I like hear you don’t really want to move at that point is that something people don’t understand when they when this these conversations happen people outside but it’s more than a where you’re playing goalie question yeah people just think that it’s just about know playing goal and it’s that it should be easy and move and get a contract somewhere else or whatever it’s not easy you know we play every single year and trying to prove ourself and trying to get that contract and it’s it’s you can’t take anything for granted in this league it goes really quick I mean I mean playoffs is just an example of it one day you feel like king of the world and you might be up 31 or 3 nothing and then all of a sudden it’s 33 new game seven at your hands so it it go goes around quick you have to enjoy it um but and I wish that a lot of more people would see beyond you know just the professional side of it and see you know that we have our we have our family to take care of as well of the side and have to think about the decisions that we make with them as well I don’t want to put words in it sounds like would you exercise your TR protection once again this summer because you like your her so much I mean I have my list and my list is there we’ve worked very hard for it there’s a reason for why it’s there and that’s something that you know they the players before me work really hard to get to a point like we have that luxury and there’s a reason why it’s there and there’s a reason why certain teams are on there and there might be personal things but that’s up to each and every player to have and what it comes from my personal things that’s something for me my family and you know my agent to deal with and take care of and I don’t have any obligations to share the reasonings or the reasons that I have certain teams on that list um it’s hard in the way of that you have to think about the greater good so like it’s it’s very tough in the sense the way that you want your like I said before you want your team to succeed you want to be successful because and you want the other guys to play well because that means you’re winning games and I’ve said this many times before when it comes to these sort of things when it comes to me and sway that we’re always going to have each other’s backs and support each other because that means if he’s playing well the team’s playing well we you have a good opportunity to win you want to win the last game of the season every day every year not going to be able to do it obviously but and to balance that also with personal feelings you kind of have to deal with those off the eyes uh and that’s what it means being a professional that once we actually step into the ring uh would it be on our way game or at home games or whatever you have to stay professional you have to put your pride aside and think about what’s better for the team at now and for me that was to push uh during practices be verbally there you know talk to people give each other uh some you know heads UPS or push them to become better and maybe catch them when they’re falling down or anything like that uh and I’m hoping that once you know this season has really you know been put in the oh I’m sorry uh put in the back of our minds that people feel that yeah he did whatever he could from the position that he was uh putting thanks L last one compartmental of you that are competitive support yeah because it’s very different once you actually like when you have a very clear role that you’re the backup or you’re the starter you play that role to your you know as best as you can but you know once we’re going through playing 5050 games and you don’t really have like a clear one starter and then you go from that to at stter then it’s like okay what’s happening and it takes a while for you to realize what’s going on and then you’re still thinking that I’m going to get the next one and then because it’s just been up deeply in grade throughout the season that I’m going to get the next next the next one and it doesn’t matter if it’s a win or loss like I was always trying to feel like I’m going to get the next one and for me that have been a two-edged sword so I was thinking I’m going to get the next one and I didn’t now I was all the way up here being really excited about going on and play Detroit or Toronto and I’m not and then I go down and be pissed off or sad like I’m about to swear again but I’m not going to do that but bummed out yeah then you go up and down and up and down and up and down and then you have the logical side of the brain where it feels like oh well there’s a reason for why he’s playing and the reasoning was that he’s playing really good hockey I really want swear again feel like I’m in a roll here uh I can do it yeah yeah yeah keep no you don’t need to ble it up because I’m not going to do it but no but sway was playing tremendous hockey that’s what he was doing and I have to think about myself that the one of the reasons why I was not playing was because he was playing so good and not take anything away from my own know personal well or um Pride or confidence in myself and instead of it would have been worse probably if he was just okay and I still wasn’t playing then probably I would felt like I was you know a really shitty goenda a performance and that was the only reasoning you know basically why I wasn’t playing any more games because you know he was probably the best golender in these uh standing Club playoffs and yeah no and yeah we had the conversation throughout the whole thing and that’s one of the things that I really appreciate whenever we have the um time or feel like we have an opportunity to talk to our coaches we can because it’s a very high ceiling and we have that camaraderie and to trust in each other

Boston Bruins goaltender Linus Ullmark reiterated his love for Boston and fellow goaltender Jeremy Swayman as he answered questions from the media during the Bruins locker cleanout.


  1. A real pro! Who wouldn't want to play every game, and I am glad he is competitive. I for one would love to see him around for another season and beyond. But, I know we live in a salary cap world.

  2. This is the type of guy you need .. What a poop situation this will end up being.. I hope His family is respected in this off season.. Class Act ❤

  3. I wouldn't trade Ullmark. But I also would have kept the alternating goalie system in the playoffs that worked so well during the past two regular seasons ~ and was promptly abandoned in both playoffs. I say ya dance with the gal ya brung. Monty obviously disagrees.

  4. I hate it for him because he is a fan favorite. Great goalkeeper no doubt. But the Bruins can use some help and he is worth a lot. Fortunately and unfortunately.🫤

  5. One thing I’ve noticed about the Bruins players is they’re very selective on how they answer questions with the media. Are all NHL players trained to be that way with the media?

  6. .. I will miss yourself Ullmark, please enjoy your summer with you and your family.. I hope to see you next season. Stay safe and be well.

  7. Local media didn't give Ullmark credit for his share of the season's record. He was also a top 10 goalie in the NHL for 2024. They give Swayman credit for the playoff wins, but not for the playoff losses…At the end of the day, his record is 6W and 6L We don't know that Swayman is a top 10 goalie, if he has to play 75% or more of the 2024 games. The fact that the Bruins need to get better on offense and defense is not on Ullmark.

  8. Bruins needs really outweigh their ability to keep both goalies. The key is keeping whoever and Swayman fresh, and maintaining the rotation. I maintain that they should have maintained the rotation in the playoffs. LA, Colorado and (less likely, in division) Toronto seem like natural (not necessarily the best) landing spots. Need scoring (center, preferably) and/or stand-up D to replace Gryz, who is done. Ully has been NOTHING BUT CLASS. Include him in the process, respect what he has done since coming from Buffalo.

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