@Boston Bruins

Bruins Looking to Trade Linus Ullmark Soon?

Bruins Looking to Trade Linus Ullmark Soon?

they’ve got two good guys obviously but they can’t pay them both Swan’s up he’s going to get paid and it’s useless having two guys making the money they’re making now never mind it’s about to get doubled on Swan’s end like forget about it so something’s got to give it’s Lena alar that’s got to give except he’s got a no trade clause that includes half the league they tried to trade him last deadline reportedly to the Kings and he turned it down and uh it’s his right and these are rights that the players have negotiated and collectively bargained and earned over time so I don’t want to like I’m all for player rights player empowerment but this one just kind of bugs me like his mindset I think is a is is an insight into it and it’s you know why is he staying because it’s his best chance to win a Stanley Cup or because it’s where he gets to you know feature his craft more than any else or is it because he’s comfortable here and he likes the soccer coach and his kids are in preschool you know he he was this was yesterday their their getaway day he was asked a follow-up question on this uh Jimmy it’s uh number three his desire to stay more on the personal side I would say it’s more on the personal side that we felt that ever since we came to Boston we’ve been embraced by not only the city and you know but the team and the people that works throughout the organization like everybody has been so nice and very so you know uh caring you know lovable and we felt that ever since our day one and that makes you feel at home that makes you want to stay there and when you have that good thing behind you you don’t want to move just because you have to move or something you want to stay and that’s just how it comes down too uh it doesn’t really matter how it goes on the ice if you’re feeling that you’re um that your life is taken care of off the side and that your family’s wall and they’re thriving and enjoying their time in school and with their friends and whatever you don’t want you know uproot and just because like you know I don’t think that goes to anyone that has kids and families that doesn’t matter what kind of a job you have if you feel that you know what I’m very comfortable I like here you don’t really want to move at that point okay it’s like this just sort of bothers me a little bit I understand it’s like dude you’re a professional athlete you it comes with the territory I don’t know what it’s like in Sweden I mean maybe in the Swedish Elite League guys don’t get traded is there free agency in in Sweden a draft I don’t know I don’t I don’t know the thing about it is the country so compact that you can live in the same city and play wherever like I don’t know I don’t get it I don’t know very big country but for Pete’s sake maybe that’s it maybe the sweds just aren’t used to moving but you know here if you’re a professional athlete or coach or Scout or involved with any of this world your ass is on the Move constantly it comes with the territory your kids odds are are not going to be able to go k through 12 lenus it just doesn’t exist and it’s like but that’s why he wants to stay because the team is nice they’re caring family school friends that’s all settled anyone who has a family can get yeah yeah yeah anyone who has a family gets that but did I mention you a pro athlete it’s just not the way that that works and not many pro athletes I mean I don’t know the I I I’m an a-hole I I admit it I’m a bad person but I want my pro athlete wired thusly they don’t think I’m any good they don’t want me f you kids pack your bags you’ll be just fine in La let’s go I want to shove it up their ass that’s what I want from my athlet course we’ll figure it out guys we’ll be fine we’ve got a good life there’s good schools all take care of you but these guys don’t want me and I’m about to turn around and shove it shove it right down there throats so lenus the team doesn’t want you you’re not playing but you want to stay because of your kids friends in preschool and you’re not playing but you’re going to stay because of the preschool all right that’s okay like I just can’t comp I don’t think that the the elite elite guys are wired that way because they’re not and and the other thing is when you talk about the whole thing like if I were the Bruins this is how I would sort of approach it with him dude you’re leaving Boston next year whether you like it or not you only have a year exactly you’re going to be saying goodbye to all the friends coming up soon anyway correct correct so like to me like what do you think like that’s like how does is it just I mean I’m sorry like if if he were better or had won cups I’d give him a little more difference on that the dude hasn’t won a round and the kids friends like oh my God they’re twool they’re kids like they’ll be fine they’ll live not the awkward Years yet oh I Su you was like I mean wa I was moved when I was 16 like try that yeah but look what happened to you I cautionary tale Lena keep them in school don’t move them it’s true fair point but it’s like every kid gets move not every kid but like in that world you just don’t have that luxury but fine if you collectively bargain it and it’s your right and you’ve earned that right I understand po to the people man screw the man I get it I get it but now I’m just talking about as a competitor you’re not playing they don’t want you la was a playoff team right they needed you they wanted you you could have been there that could have been your team but you didn’t do it cuz you didn’t want to take the kids out of third grade or what like I just like the guys that are wired and competitive say pack your bags we’re going because Dad’s got to go win a cup somewhere else like I don’t know that’s the attitude I would want to have and you would think going in again he signed a 4-year contract to come here he didn’t sign a 40y year contract to come here so I would like to think that the part of me hopes that he rejected it at the trade deadline I said hopes at he rejected at the trade deadline because it’s the middle of the year it’s a little bit more of an upheaval oh God I’m not going to yell at you but oh God but that now he would be more renable to it team wants to make me a starter I’m the guy I’m the featured guy for a Stanley Cup playoff team yeah but then I get my kids are going to be home and I what about soccer practice like what do you want like what do you really want but it’s Sweden maybe a Swedish Thing I it’s a kids today Millennials is that lindol a Swede too and it’s a swed man Sweden like don’t don’t don’t like the sweds get like don’t don’t the don’t they all get like a year off if they have a kid like that the the not just the mom but the dad and like all the extended family it would just take a year off someone had a kid I think that’s the way it works in Sweden and it’s second cousin you get the year off in Sweden it’s like Australia your your third cousin had a had a baby everyone just take off take a holiday they take like four month vacations aay but there’s no trades in the Swedish Elite League seriously I’m also interested in this revenge tour he keeps talking about like this thing like what who you taking out revenge on what uh here feelings on the future number one one Jimmy my future here I got one more year I’m very excited about what’s to come uh it’s going to be I’m going to SP the heck of a summer I’m I’m very uh motivated uh mixed in with some Revenge obviously some inspiration as well but most of all excitement of what’s to come so yeah I I felt that obviously everybody thinks about for me personally that was a year that I wasn’t as good as it was Prior and for me though it’s all about personal growth and I learned a lot about myself and different aspects of the game and also how I am as a human being okay so what’s the Revenge thing I have no idea so like you got prove people wrong like I I don’t think people were really on him he just wasn’t he was a vzna guy the year before this year he fell off a little bit I think more people look at it and say swan just emerged all Mark played the one playoff game he was good but Swan just played better you can only play one guy in the playoffs dummies and you realize that now so that’s the way that that works but what’s this Revenge so revenge against who not his buddy swayan he says he loves the team he’s talking about the Bruins the team who he talking about who are we avenging lenus it’s very UNS Swedish of him I was going to say but the guy that wants to go to soccer practice no it is a highly developed country that is sort of like preaches the team concept you know but who who we avenging what are we avenging it’s about human development he can we find so this guy would never make it and talk radio he’s got a he’s got a 15 team no movement Clause right 15 I believe so he that means he can be traded to 16 teams yeah you’re the 17th there’s 32 so can we just find one on that on that side of the aisle and enough with this he probably picked 15 teams that suck well so there’s all sorts of great ways to do it it’s like you pick a team that well you you you leave exposed a team that has a good goal like you know the the Rangers or Tampa or Tampa right you you purposely leave Tampa off of it because you know with vasileski or just shuren or a team with a good goalie they were never going to trade for me they don’t need me or going to take on my salary so I leave them exposed whether I want to go to them or not like through that like if if if you just take teams with the top 10 goalies or goalies with big contracts call it that’s sort of whether you want to go there or not wipe out half the league right out of the gate you can pretty much like I I a half League no movement Clause can pretty much cover you you know if you’re just strategic about the thing and I guess he is what’s wrong with LA nothing nothing’s wrong with LA sent to to sketch one well it’s a little farther away from Sweden and it’s soccer practice I’m stuck on that so anyway they got to figure that one out lenus it’s only a year you only got a year left with the with the kids teachers anyway and then you’re going somewhere else can you imagine IM if he like rejects him again with one year to go comes back and he doesn’t play and just sits on the bench cuz he wants to go to his kids soccer practice I mean in his defense he was just talking about the offseason now is there anything worse than little kid soccer practice no it’s the it’s the worst little kids baseball little kids sports little kids girl lacrosse try that little kids baseball’s worst running around after the ball like this with the sticks I’ve done it twice oh my God anything to get me out of the practices painful oh for Pete’s sake and he had a chance to start on a Stanley Cup team and he turned it down cuz he wanted to go to the thing something tells me he’s full of it though dundo said it he had the country club hat on the other with the little squirrel he’s who’s he kiding he’s not at girls soccer practice the real reason he doesn’t want to leave he’s on the back nine that’s right in Brookline if you like that clip check out more videos from felger and MZ here for more Bruins analysis and opinion hit this playlist and for all the latest from the sportsub download the app at 985thesportshub

Mike Felger, Tony Mazz and Mark Dondero react to Linus Ullmark trade rumors.

Thumbnail Image Courtesy of USA Today Sports (Tim Fuller)

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