
Hey guys, I’ve been workshopping some of my dream lines. What do ya’ll think?

Hey guys, I’ve been workshopping some of my dream lines. What do ya’ll think?

by tegsfan


  1. MarvelousOxman

    The disrespect to the human beyblade Conor Garland.

    Or is that just because he only has 1 ‘N’?

  2. Sea-Community-4325

    The last one is genius – fucking Armia lmao

  3. Sarcastic__

    This is actually really fucking good. Take a bow my man.

  4. That last one… fuck. It took me a minute to fully receive your genius.

  5. EridemicLHS

    lmao the animals killed me. rat and the nate dawg

  6. bokchoykn

    Allowing Conor would give you Sheary Garland Timmins.

    O’Connor would give you Logan and Drew.

  7. various_cans

    I legit cackled at the last one. Good job making these progressively better

  8. various_cans

    Calling a leg a “Walker” is just pure inspired genius

  9. Throwawayaccount0689

    Left out Crosby under animals , a goat

  10. Dcore looks a little weak, not gonna lie.

    Edit: Just saw the last slide, good job OP

  11. EsotericParrot

    Pickles under snacks! (Marc Eduard Vlasic)


    Bahl and Johnson got me to smile, Toews made me laugh 

  13. Letsbeguin

    You have Connor Brown over Conor Garland. That, is heresy my friend.

  14. Imagine picking BHagel over Bread for the Snack Line. Deranged.

  15. Wonderful_Grade_5476

    I would replace Kyle Connor’s with either Vilardi or Vladdy because Connor’s style doesn’t mesh well with Bedards or Mcdavid style which is fast and frantic while Connor’s more slow and accurate

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