@Boston Bruins

Fred Toucher SLAMS ESPN’s coverage of Bruins vs. Panthers Game 5

Fred Toucher SLAMS ESPN’s coverage of Bruins vs. Panthers Game 5

uh you know who else didn’t have a definitive answer hey uh obviously the what turned out to be the gamewinner which just shows you how important that goal in game four was like it’s easy just to go all right they just they they counted the goal like you know go back and win it yes it just tied it Go in it but I mean this was the difference in the game so I mean and that was the difference in that game so uh you know by now makavo gamewinner uh babowski they said they counted the goal then Florida went to uh review it uh we heard Ray Croft saying that he thought it was interference I heard Canadian guys so I know they’re legit saying that it was a 50/50 call so Toronto you know didn’t want the heat so they just decided toci side with the Bruins regardless it would have been Anarchy but Browski B BR dropped his stick on purpose and I guess that’s what genders do he dropped his stick to emphasize like look I’ve been interfered with but John you made the point it probably wasn’t uh geeky or who was the who was Oliver emman Larson no no but who was the bruan the Bruin That was supposed to have interfered with barosi oh that was uh uh God Heinen hin thank you so thank you Danny uh so Heinen But but so bosi thought that heinan had touched him but it actually wasn’t Heinen Heinen though did touch his skate with his left skate I mean it was so minor compared to the Cross Che of coil yeah into to swayman that it was ridiculous so we’re all watching this on television again this whole NHL operation is a JV situation it used to be good and as much as I make fun of mcdna how much he sucked on uh on Monday Night Football he’s good at hockey like he doesn’t bother me these guys all bother me so I think I can just let this play we all saw it this is last night these idiots at ESPN I mean it’s infu it’s infuriating so here it is Fredick to Coy a one touch further right downway maoy in transition beautifully done by the brins and they’ve got the lead back Paul Maurice just signal to the officials this might be a Florida challenge hiding in front of the net looks like he comes in contact with rosi’s stick knocking it out of his hand now before this I thought the challenge was going to be of course too many men on on the ice because when they show the long shot from behind the goal you see makoy come off and makoy joins the play and you count one oh there’s 1 2 3 four five six but it doesn’t give you the real time feel of what it was like they were actually in a change and that change while it was it wasn’t even really borderline and and again I I heard um I I heard Jeffy talking a little bit about this on the on the Brew on the sneak preview he’s like okay that you know that type of change is is fine it looks like too many men for his second but only in a still frame it wasn’t so that was not the challenge immediately the challenge was about this tiing in front of the net looks like he comes in contact with rosi’s stick knocking it out of his hand me down got a great look at it from the overhead here so already’s wrong cuz he didn’t touch boki’s stick so already the guy’s wrong but it gets much much much worse but as you’re watching it and you’re relying on them and you trust them to know what’s going on and know what they’re talking about that’s what I just took to be the case and I’m not I’m not investigating it in that instant to see if he is right or wrong if you know who actually touched the stick or if he just dropped the stick I’m like oh yeah I guess I’m ready I’m ready to start lighting fires at this point like if if they so already you know they’re wrong no no I’m p no I don’t know they’re wrong I’m pissed that if they if they allow this goal I’m going to go I’m going to if they allowed that goal I’m I’m coming in here the next day and I’m saying all right something’s going on this is crazy because the way they stopped play not to stop the audio but the way they stopped play I didn’t even know they could do it the pucks like at one of the dots and they stop play to see if Bros is okay they’re like all right everyone’s cool out he looks like he’s winded I didn’t even know you could do that I don’t think any of us knew that you could do that they just stop play to see if the goal tender okay again I saw live Campbell on a penalty kill play a minute with a broken leg and no one stopped it like if you’re standing they don’t stop play for you and the goal tender is the least likely guy to exasperate an injury because he’s not going to get touched unless he’s swinging well Dave Jackson this is not the first time we’ve had a challenge for gender interference and this is another big call in this series your all right so they go to a obenson that’s probably a too big a word for me but they go to a rules expert so this is an X NHL official his only job he refed over 50 playoff games this guy they had the graphic on the screen underneath him as he was speaking he was supposed to well he must have sucked he was supposed to have expert knowledge of this subject matter well they’re paying the guy this is why I’m paying you cuz you are going to come in listen to this idiot first of all he looks like he’s about to crap his pants he looks like he doesn’t want to be on TV his eyes are as big as saucers he really legitimately nervous and all he has to do is just go just say words it’s not a big deal dummy like you’re not making a speech 20 just go Babble about your garbage we’re not we’re not asking you to solve math equations this is something that you have knowledge of that you’ve EXP experienced in your life that you can draw on you know what I don’t think he was watching the game tell me listen to this and tell me if you’re positive he was watching the game cuz he’s not with them mind you he’s not in the arena but where what else would he be doing I don’t know masturbating I don’t know what else he was doing I’m serious like I don’t know there no game running concurrently to this looking at his phone I don’t know John not paying attention Okay like he took his eyes off the game for five minutes and then went to take a Le I don’t know okay W it is and I don’t want to seem like I’m hedging I say it again I don’t want to seem like I’m hedging well how about don’t hedge it’s the only reason they’re going to you don’t hedge what is your rule what is your ruling if you’re the official I don’t mean to hedge he’s buying time Jonathan yes he’s buying time he is he didn’t watch it while it is and I don’t want to say Hing I say it again this is a judgment call but as I’ve always said the grease is three-dimensional It Go goes up uh up to the top of the crossbar go tender his feet he’s breaking the plane with his stick his if you watch the overhead view his stick I believe his stick to be outside the crease if you take that line of the crease it’s up the stick is in the white paint right now when contact is made so that’s the only thing I can say that this goal is going to stand because that stick is outside the crease the player doesn’t go in the crease to make contact with it now ja as we’re looking at now ja as we’re looking at this we can that overhead again Heyman stick actually comes in contact with bok’s right PAD as he comes in here it’s going to push out mosi’s right pad right there and that causes him to lose balance there and that right foot being in the crease as we as you just explained at the time of contact I wonder if that’s enough to overturn it I stand correct you kie all right so what is I I heard that and I immediately texted everyone I go grab this audio who’s this prick I stand corrected by the way none of that happened the thing the guy just said H didn’t what touched his pad and knocked him off balance their skates clicked he didn’t touch his Pad he didn’t touch his pad and you know you watch this several times not only in the moment which oh yeah he dropped a stick watching it again and if these guys are supposed to know they’re watching the first time he drops his stick because he drops his stick it’s a completely intentional act which is what goalies do when they’re trying to sell some type of interference they dropped the stick he didn’t T he does nothing hen does nothing to make him lose the stick nothing this should be a teaching moment you know what they should have done is they should have gone you know what guys let’s watch it instead of just talking while they watch it in real time they would they should have said let’s take a look at it cuz we’re all seeing it right and showed a couple replays this is what good broadcasters would have done they would have show show it looked at it live cuz they can’t catch up they’ve been watching the game just like us so watch a couple of the replays it’s only like 30 seconds and then start talking instead of just talking live you dumb Dum what do you think if even if he said hey guys would you mind replaying it a couple time like I I’ve only seen one replay like I’m going to watch it along with you okay good or just go don’t go I stand corrected well then you’re useless to everyone how did you miss it I mean no but your job just don’t say I stand corrected your job is not to be swayed by the color analyst your job is to have an opinion say nothing or stand by what you said stupid I stand correct yeah we thought you would be good at this job I stand correct you call that’s really good I didn’t pick that up but I was watching because baski stick one of his hand that’s a great pick up uh I think you’re right that’s contact in the blue paint he pushes B’s pad so the whole thing about this stick was nonsense being out of the crease because barosi dropped his stick and so now he it takes the color analyst to tell this rules guy this while they just they’re yammering and by the way as a Bruins fan you’re saying you you you do you’re really invested in this in these it so it makes it a thousand times worse that they’re just babbling nonsense there’s a good chance this is going to come back almost a chain reaction right jack contact in the blue paint causes bosski to be off balance he’s never off balance it’s such a lie it’s so s they’re just they’re just like spewing nonsense now he’s not off balance yeah there’s there’s a little bit of contact but whether or not Heinen is forced into the contact by the defensive player his ability to play his position it didn’t not at all how about played two minutes of this and they’ve their story three times like it’s the sticks out of the crease no he hit his Pad now you’ll see that he knocked them out like they’re changing the story just shut up just shut up shut up and let me watch it then let me watch it just let the T let the visuals do the talking yeah you guys are going to change your mind three times and and and change your mind about what we should be looking at then it’s too much and they’re going to have this thing decided before you guys get done figuring out and changing your minds even though you’re supp to be the expert oh that’s a good point I didn’t see that part of maybe why he loses control of his stick when he’s checked by H and again that’s absolutely right that’s absolutely right and this comes down to a judgment but I like what CI says there and by the way Ray Croft was just definitive like if like Andrew rayra if he was doing nesson would have said yeah he dropped a stick like he was definitive about it like anyone who knew anything apparently about go ending would have said yeah you just dropped his stick that’s what you do in that situation you drop your stick but these three scientists don’t know that the it’s their job to know that not my job but Browski appears to like change the angle of his head by like an inch or two and by the time the shot is released there’s no one in the crease including Bovi he’s come out of the crease to cut down the angle Heinen’s gone at that point there’s nobody in there regardless if it was go tender inference or not and it depends who you ask it doesn’t matter they they had they couldn’t have done that to the Bruins but but my point is that these guys don’t know their head from a hole in the ground yeah we look at where does a contact occur and as I said I focus on the stick but you do see it push on the pad you see his leg go down we’ll see if Toronto agrees yeah cuz you see a stick come out so automatically you’re looking at the sticks see how that came out and now he’s justifying his stupidity now he’s he’s justifying how the stick came out he dropped it no but he’s justifying why he said what he said so now he’s just backpedaling and justifying his dumb take that got the first 30 or 45 seconds of what you said was utterly useless proven to be wrong in about a 5-second span so now you have to go back and say well I said all these things because I was ignorant in the first place instead of just shutting up to me it doesn’t look like Ean LaRon pushes him in there Heyman goes in on his own here we go here for the call after review there’s no goal tender inference we have a goal so unsuccessful as it turns out he was right in his ignorance in the first 30 seconds got backed off of it got swayed to the wrong point of you and now is really in trouble or otherwise known as you’re never going on this show again you’re a disaster my God gender cuz it’s okay to be wrong it’s not okay to be both so goenda thinking turnabout’s fair play as a goal allowed to stand for the Bruins Panther F not happy and on top of that it’ll be a Bruins power play that’s not what we’re thinking at all we’re thinking we’re never going to get the last three minutes of our life back that’s listening to you guys well the analysis the Bruins fans are happy and the Florida fans aren’t happy that’s the yeah St coron I got that one wrong but as Jack said it’s a judgment call and they determined that there was no contact there andraski was able to make a save and just because they came to a different decision than you would have doesn’t mean that they’re right you’re wrong oh oh my God shut up God I hate them just because now don’t feel bad about yourself little guy you’re got you’re you’re okay just cuz they said it doesn’t mean you were wrong well it does mean you’re wrong you’re wrong you’re wrong and not only are you wrong the guy you hired to be the rules analysis was right and then got tricked by your dumbass and now he’s even dumber than you oh I hope they get to call the game on Friday night that’ll be fun it’s just a a a parade of like broadcasting students and the league office is horrible everyone’s horrible it’s just a inferior product they came to a different decision than you would have doesn’t mean that they’re right you’re I don’t think that’s the first time that’s happened with gold tender interference I don’t get that either I don’t get the joke I don’t get any of it it’s just really bad I hate them I hate them I’m picking up on that yeah I don’t like them yeah but I don’t there’s not one Bruins fan listening that didn’t hate that there’s not one I I’m often not confident in myself I’m confident in saying it’s frustrating as hell to watch that everyone watching that game was like shut up everyone watching the game and invested in the game was like oh my God shut up just shut up shut up cuz then when the ref came on and said there’s no I thought oh he’s going to say there’s no goal that’s what I thought too but he said you know there’s no interference just shut up just shut up the whole time during that time I would text Hardy Mike and Nick during that I never do that yeah dur normally you don’t have time but I was so infuriated that I I was just like oh my God this is I because I was by myself I’m like everyone’s got to be feeling this way if you like that clip check out more videos from toucher and Hardy here for more Bruins analysis and opinion hit this playlist

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  1. Toucher stuttering and stammering when its his job to talk on the radio giving crap to ppl whos job it is to do theirs correctly is hilarious

  2. They never mentioned how it was OEL who knocked the stick from his own goalie. They were just looking at the Bruins player to come up with an excuse.

  3. So glad Fred turned this into a segment. When this prick said "I stand corrected" I fuckin lost it

  4. Friday can’t come soon enough Boston is more fit for basketball the way their ppl cry. U all got ur call back u can stop with the 😢

  5. Imagine if they called that goal back. Bobrovsky was still in position to make the save, and it beat him glove side not blocker side. The Swayam non interference call was wayy more egregious. What should really piss off Bruins fans is how this team can't consistently play like they did in game 5. Its like they choose when they want to actually make plays or just dump and chase the whole game. What's even crazier is the Panthers are actually having trouble against a Bruins team made up of 3rd and 4th liners.

  6. Ryan Callahan has a long history with the Bruins. It's no surprise he wanted McAvoy's goal disallowed. Callahan was the most overrated U.S.-born player I can ever remember. The fact that he played in two Olympics tells you why we haven't won gold in men's hockey since 1980.

  7. Yeah if they called interference the way it was then series we would be up 3 to 2. Thanks NHL. And if we had Brad for last 2 games

  8. Its like they are not taking the game seriously enough, or they want the Panthers to win. Awful coverage I agree

  9. Eddie Van Halen vs. David Lee Roth. Hulk Hogan vs. Andre The Giant. Shelly Long vs. the entire cast of Cheers. Not since 1987 have we had a feud quite like the one coming up starting Monday. #TeamFred

  10. No one likes hockey unless you're in the Northeast….ESPN lnows the ratings are down and aren't going to put top tier announcers…..simple as that…..

  11. I agree 100%. I forgot about the play being stopped by the official just to check on the goalie, which was so bizarre and a momentum squasher. You guys cracked me up😅

  12. The terrible officiating will and has had a negative effect, literally a know 5 bruins fans that have been passionate for over 20 yes, they gave away their jerseys and I actually seen full men cry.this is just a speck on a much larger ripple effect.

  13. Doubt it was as bad as TNT's.
    Can you say Ultimate Homers EVER.
    Bob got reset before the shot and his d-man knocked his stick out of his hand.
    Good call.

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