@Calgary Flames

Milan Lucic Boards Jaroslav Spacek Apr 26, 2011 – CBC feed

Milan Lucic boards Jaroslav Spacek from the Boston Bruins at Montreal Canadiens game on Apr 26, 2011 – CBC feed.


  1. @EdRacer71 ROFL you cant look at slo-mo for this a second in slow-mo is about 5 in real life, but that being said the hit wasn't really "DIRTY" as in malicious intent, BUT it was boarding and he got what the rules say should be done in that situation…

  2. @gunownersacl it has happend 2 times in the last 20 years…i hope that fly cheap shots the hell outa all of yall

  3. @BosBruins46 oh and btw have you seen your playoff record against the habs…u now have a mean 9 wins in over 30 games

  4. @TheeUrbanGentleman Nope not a habs fan a Boston Hater…Im from fking Texas…And All the ignorant ass holes like you that claim to be hockey fans are a joke…you suit up and take that hit

  5. @MrWarren1991 Wait a minute….did you just say ONE second of slow motion is FIVE seconds in real life??? Holy shit are you dumb,,,,

  6. @MrWarren1991 I've taken worse, buddy. Did Spacek get a concussion? No. I've got 2 of them. I'm more of a hockey fan you'll ever be, since i'm Canadian.

  7. Ok, Lucic wasn´t able to stop that hit (no time), but you can´t say it wasn´t a liquidating hit from the back. Yeah, it would be ok if Spacek was ready, but when you don´t expect a hit to the board… And it´s disappointing that you can see this sort of hit almost in every game. (Perhaps when Jagr was checked by the board and thrown towards it right by his head when Czech republic played against Sweden 24 April, 2011. Fortunately he is ok)

  8. @Mallet224

    The puck was nowhere near Ference when Halpern INITIATED contact himself. Try again.

  9. Why those asses beat our czech players in few last days ? This isn't first dirty land. Are they worried about failed in this world cup or what ! Use brain, skills and HEART !

  10. @Fikuzak Ono je to fuk, nominace už stejně proběhla. Ale je to hnusný, to co se děje v poslední době. Začínají se mi ty rány u mantinelů hnusit.

  11. @twostepstrummer1 ROFL…my team is junk? Put them in the east and i can garuntee they would get 100+ points every year…the east is a joke the east is junk…none of your teams could compete in the west

  12. @twostepstrummer1 ??? that made no sense at all…btw you relize this isnt a formal site so spelling/punctuation/grammer are irrelivent idk why you keep bringing it up

  13. @EdRacer71 no im not…work with that on a daily basis…and you can make it as long as you want…my point was more slow-mo is irrelivent in this sitiuation…he could see his numbers it was boarding, doesn't matter where the puck is

  14. @BosBruins46 ARE YOU A DUMB FUCK? apperently so….every other "fan" in the Bruins nation has relized that im a stars fan cause they actually read what i say when i reply back

  15. @Jiltedin2007 ROFL there was no decision…*cough*Campbell*cough* a little bit of a conflict of intreset aswell

  16. @MrWarren1991 Is that so? Well it was completely Jaroslav Spacek's fault for getting boarded on that hit. He didn't keep his head up throughout the check. And he actually walked into Milan Lucic.

  17. @Jiltedin2007 Hey, guy, have you got eyes? Do ya think he didn´t keep his head up? Then you should visit optic, ´cause he HAD his head up and Lucic is an idiot. He was aiming for him and it WAS a liquidating hit, you can´t say it wasn´t. And if you do, then rly go and see optic.

  18. @MrWarren1991 fractions of a second in real time become multiple seconds in slowmo. Don't know who taught you math, but you aren't good at it. My point being, as Spacek was dumping the puck, Lucic already had him lined up, meaning, he turned to face the boards just before Lucic initiated contact. Lucic had no chance to pull off after Spacek changed position. Contact was incidental at best should have been worth a 2 minute boarding call the worst. 5 and a misconduct? BULL SHIT!

  19. @EdRacer71 The rules stated what happens in that situation…if you dont like it oh well…not to mention just because his HEAD was turned toward the ice doesnt mean that the rest of his body was…his numbers where still clearly facing out…AND and btw I realised i typeo'd in the first post 5 secs of slow-mo is about 1 sec in real life…come on give me a break you can't deny that you didnt realize this

  20. @ku2busch Are you fucking blind or just biased? Halpern wasn't even looking and was skating away when Ference leaned in a tad to catch his head. You dumb shit.

  21. @EdRacer71 Hey, guy, are you sure you want to continue in this debate? Because that what you´re saying is somenthing like "Hey, look at me, I´m an idiot!". Go back to school, learn to count and don´t cry there, ok? And btw. I agree with you, MrWarren.

  22. @Imposful hey stupid, I'm not the one that said one second in slow mo is like 5 in real life….how is that a typo?

  23. @BosBruins46 ROFL dude ur like 2 days late….what ever…u have commented on many of my replies that say im a Stars fan aswell, but i just like hockey in general….i have watched 90% of this years playoff games…and nah im only on youtube for about 30 mins a day, mainly watching the new vids from the channels i subscribe to…so you gonna bash me some more?

  24. he fucking turns his back to him, its his own fault take it on the shoulder and he would be fine, its one of the first things you learn going into contact hockey….

  25. @wassupMannn acually its Jaroslav fault because he turned his back to him he saw him coming thats why he got rid of the puck so fast watch it again and look for it. Plus we still won anyways GO BRUINS!!!!! oh and if you wanna know how we are doing we are leading 2-0 over flyers

  26. @DJpadlo he played literally 2 minutes later. it wasnt even a bad or illegal hit. it was shoulder to shoulder happens 10 times a game that exact play but lucic was so much stronger spaceks shoulders cant handle it and he gets crushed. then he acts like all montreal players do and disgraces the game of hockey. he makes the toughest sport with the strongest players looks like soccer or basketball pussies. thanks montreal i never thought 1 of the original 6 would cheapen the game like this

  27. clean hit spaceks just a bitch and he turned his shoulders in because the mighty legal hit of lucic was too powerful for his tiny girly shoulders

  28. @Cascarino33 hey man i use to a boston fans but boston is always stronger and better then montreal they just cant handle it

  29. @robmegg There's a huge difference between diving and milking a penalty. The hit itself was absolutely boarding. Spacek didn't dive. Lucic is a known dirty player especially with boarding. Spacek may have laid on the ice longer than he had to, but it was still yet another dirty hit by lucic regardless……also, the bruins dove a shit load in the playoff last year. Just type in "Another dive by brad marchand" (huge diver). You will get like7 other vids. So u shouldn't mention teams diving…

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