@New York Rangers


Bruising Rangers defenceman Jacob Trouba delivered yet another questionable hit on the weekend, catching Panthers forward Evan Rodrigues in head. TSN Hockey Analyst Frankie Corrado breaks down whether Trouba is a dirty player in the league or not.


  1. You need dirty players to win a cup. Every single cup that has been won has happened because when the champion needs to get dirty to make a play and settle a game down, they make that play and make it happen

  2. I understand what he was doing trying to stop the play BUT it was brush on shoulder then all headshot. Stupid play by him & great sell by E-Rod being right there after the next shift ๐Ÿ™„

  3. If you watch the video on this play, you will see Trouba does not come into contact with Rodriguesโ€™ neck, he comes into contact with his back. It was a good hit.

  4. It was high and it was an elbow but it never touched his face and Rodriguez is a bitch for laying there on the ground covering his face for like what seemed like an hour. That was like soccer level trying to sell an injury. He was right back out on the ice. He wasn't hurt at all. The point of contact for the elbow was the shoulder and then it rode up into the neck. Never once touched his face though.

  5. No one cared nearly this much about him when he was on the Winnipeg Jets. It seems like a huge part of the narrative is based on the fact that he's now the captain of a wealthy O6 team that everyone loves to hate.

  6. This guy is dirty cut and dry Rodriguez walks him, so he sticks his elbow out to make contact with his head. He has so many big clean hits but he also has so many examples of a guy avoiding contact and he extends an elbow or even worse his leg to make contact

  7. The elbow is obviously a penalty no matter what. He didn't make contact with his head, it looked like he hit his shoulder with his elbow, which may have grazed his neck and/or chin. They got the call right on the ice. Only Trouba knows what the intent was. He has not been playing very well and it looks like frustration is kicking in. He and some of the other D men seem to be chasing more times than not, and you can see why they are taking these penalties.

    Update: He has been fined by the league.

  8. If youโ€™re hating on the play of Jacob Trouba, go watch old games with Scott Stevens. A physical defenseman who sets the tone of the game is invaluable.

  9. This was the only call the Refs got right all game. The elbow hit Rodriguesโ€™s shoulder not head. If you look at Rodrigues while heโ€™s falling down heโ€™s holding his shoulder. Yes it was elbowing and yes he deserved the penalty and Iโ€™m also okay with the fine the NHL gave him but he definitely should not have gotten a major penalty. Like I said the only call the refs got right yesterday.

  10. Elbow to the shoulder. It was a 2 minute penalty. Nothing more . Rodriguez was delivering an oscar winning performance.

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