@Detroit Red Wings

With 50% retained I don’t hate this

If we shipped some package of holl/fabbri & and a pick or prospect for Trouba (50% retained) or 25% retained and get a third team to cover the other half this seems like a good get considering his contract will expire the same year Sandin-pellika is ready to go

by Hylyx_


  1. schmaleo505

    Hard pass on Mr. Elbows. He would make us physically tougher, but we need pure defense IMO.

  2. Fresh-Reaction151

    Dude.. did you watch the Rangers this post-season?

    Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell no

  3. Prize_Efficiency_869

    Hard pass on this dirty thug who can’t do anything else except be a headhunting cunt.

  4. Why would the rangers want to take on Holl and Fabri?

    If Holl couldn’t cut it on our blue line, there’s no way the Rags would want him on theirs.

    Also, Trouba is downright dirty with intention to inure, he’s not a rat who gets under people’s skin, he’s a guy who takes penalties.

  5. Gurth-Brooks

    I’m not going to do it, but if I were to look at your post history and see even one comment where you were bitching about Veteran players taking the spots rookies should be in I would simply turn into the Joker.

  6. cheezturds

    Absolutely not. This team has enough bad defensemen on terrible contracts

  7. Lost2nite389

    No lmao just watch rangers game threads, I would read them while watching the game they hated him more the wings fans hated petry (not me but most) they absolutely despise that guy and blame him solely as to why they lost

  8. CheefBeefQueef

    I mean for terms you outlined, it’s a good deal. I know he throws dirty hits but he also eats pucks and is a mother fucker to play against. The bar for improving our d is pretty low and at 4 mil I think that would represent really good value for him.

    However, I don’t see the rangers trading their captain for a couple throwaway contracts and a pick much less eating cap along the way.

    I think developing from within and accepting that our d is going to take longer than our scoring is the way to go imo

  9. BiggestYzerfan

    Send Copp back to New York for Trouba and I’ll happily take Mr. Elbows. Really just depends on the details.

  10. Okay just want to clarify this isn’t a move I’m saying they should do or would be my first choice to fill the right side on the second pair but if free agency doesn’t go their way he at the very least provides more than Petry would in that spot no?

  11. jfstompers

    50 retained absolutely, if you got his number down to 6 I’d take him. He’s a pain in the ass to play against which we need more of.

  12. bforce1313

    Didn’t he strong arm a trade to NYR? What makes you think he’d move, pretty sure he went there to be with his gf.

  13. dickmarchinko

    Bro, fucking no. He’s dirty as shit and was a liability in playoffs.

  14. Hotel_Putingrad

    The Rangers need to get younger and quicker. Holl and Fabbri don’t really help in that regard.

  15. RedditIsPropaganda2

    We don’t need a dirtier Ben Chariot

  16. Vast_Sandwich_5245

    Enough with the Trouba shit already. Dude is garbage.

  17. The_ManWithNoName

    Why does he keep getting brought up? 35% is not good.

  18. DarkRitNighthawk

    With the officiating we get, he might as well not even play lmao

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