@Buffalo Sabres

Midlengthing with Mr. Devon Howard

Midlengthing with Mr. Devon Howard

Give Devon Howard a midlength twin fin, pair of trunks and a rolling right point break, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for goodness.

Grab a coffee or a cold one and enjoy 4+ minutes
of Devon doing what he does best.

Video & Edit by Jason Baffa.
Music by Todd Hannigan.

#devonhoward #midlength #twinfin


  1. Hope y'all braved the barbed wire to give the cantina some business! Nice surfing as always Mr. Howard

  2. Saw him lose hold one of those cherry prototypes at low tide at the ‘Bu… Some Good Samaritan got bloody running through the rocks to save it from getting dinged. “Shit it’s Devon’s! Grab it grab it!” At least 2/3 of this story is true.

  3. This is the way surfing should be done!! Back in the day we surfed to commune with the natural
    beauty of the waves. Surfing today has become ugly and disjointed and the object seems to be
    to slash and destroy the wave and appear to have some kind of control over it…..when the truth is
    the waves will always have the upper hand and what's not to like about going with the flow of
    nature. I'm 70 now and can no longer get out in the water due to physical limitations. Started in
    the late 1950's from Point Loma to Oceanside. I miss it.

  4. Mr. Howard surfs about as smooth and flawless as anyone can frontside. Does this man ever get filmed going left?😂 Great edit by the way!🤙

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