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The Rod Pedersen Show LIVE! | June 3, 2024

The Rod Pedersen Show LIVE! | June 3, 2024

behind that can somebody uh get on it yeah it’s a it’s a YouTube Problem apparently it’s YouTube’s fault so yeah hang on now we’re live okay I can only sit here and talk everybody I can’t do we’re live we’re good we’re good here from the golden ticket year six starting out in fine style listen we got all week to get to the permutations the analytics I talked about it in my commentary today um I’m not making a prediction yet but I will tell you that I am cheering for the Florida Panthers and for those that have been writing into our Facebook and my social media and saying what kind of Canadian are you you need to stop it right now because for all the people that aren’t cheering for the Eon orders doesn’t make you anti-canadian I can’t see Flames fans cheering for them darn sure can’t see KX fans cheering for them so stop it and I’ll tell you what I’m cheering for the Florida Panthers for a MRI reasons that I don’t need to get into today but Chief among them my dear Panthers friends Bill Lindsay and Randy Muller the broadcasters the color commentators I want a Stanley kep ring for them they’ve been there pretty much day one guys okay for Florida for 30 years they’ve been through a lot of Heartache for them I want them to win I also host a Panthers podcast and lightning as well would make things go a lot easier so for me it’s Florida Darren do you have a we’re not getting get to predictions today but do you have a rooting interest today in this series I think it’s going to be Edmonton I think that’s where my heart pulls me but it pulls me to people I want to see Paul Maurice win a Stanley Cup because I just like the man that he is and the way he conducts himself but I also you know when I think about that the the Stanley Cup commercials I can see Paul Maurice and the things he says being a part of those Stanley Cup commercials and finally lifting the cup and I can see McDavid being a part of those so I really pull for McDavid but I also pull for Maurice I think at the end I get tugged towards McDavid a little bit more so probably Editon for me a chair for whoever the hell you want it’s a free country I’m going to say it again if people are going to get triggered which some are writing into our social media by who I cheer for you got to check yourself you got to really look in the mirror okay John M says I’m perplexed I want a Canadian team to win the Stanley Cup but I want Pomo Paul marce to win too well the way you would look at that John is you’re happy either way North Side writes in and says what kind of Canadian is this guy again you need to stop it and I’m also by the way as we get ready to move on a permanent resident of the United States of America and by the way who it’s none of your business any of that or who I cheer for literally sitting and questioning somebody’s passport or like get a frakin life bomber boy writes in and says Jets fans are not cheering for the Eon ERS oh well you’re anti-canadian it didn’t take long Darren I had not even fallen asleep last night and I was getting that message from people so don’t put me in a bad mood Ron du by the way who a must follow on Twitter I love the way he tweets he has his own distinct style he was like panthers in six possibly five and then he goes on to list all the reasons why we haven’t even gone back and talked about them knocking out the New York Rangers Saturday night we don’t have time because we’re all looking ahead but I’ll say this Paul Maurice out coach Peter lavet it should have at least gone seven and the Rangers should have probably have won just had a better statistical series than Bob don’t even get me going two Power Play Goals last night for the orders won them the game at a 2-1 game so don’t talk to me about analytics don’t talk to me about five on five we’ve gone about this enough Travis writes in and says I look at it this way whoever wins deserves it now there’s that too I hope you’re entertained everybody today because that’s what we’re here for Darren you’re going to get to get a bang out of this point two Josh Bloom scored with 22 seconds left in the third period to snap a 3-3 tie and the host sagonos Spirit upset the ol Ontario Hockey League champion London nights 43 Sunday to win the 2024 Memorial Cup in sagada Michigan the kns erased a three- nothing deficit in the third period and then Bloom Josh Bloom scored with 22 seconds to go to snap London’s come back and and their cup hopes so listen Darren the biggest challenge in my life right now from God is this bite your lip Rod bite your Li bite your lip bite your lip bite it last night I was at the meet the Millers event come on down and meet the Moosejaw Millers baseball team I’m their broadcaster that’s why I’m here here in Moose as you can see I’m having a blast so the ball teams hey we walked into the crush can nightclub we’ve been we’ve been there together have we not you and I I walked in there with Jo I was like I’m like I haven’t been in a nightclub in a long time and Joe’s like oh I’m sorry is that is that I said no it’s fine I’m just that smell I know it trouble so we had our Caesar and ribs and we hung out with the Moose John Miller baseball players and there was a muckety muck business guy from Moosejaw you have to understand everybody across North America Moosejaw Sask bread basket of the Junior Hockey World right they know their stuff so I’m sitting there biting my lip not saying a damn word and this guy was going on and on and on about how he doesn’t like the Memorial Cup uh format and it’s a joke that the host would win or even have a chance to win keeping in mind their Warriors lost out to the host spirit in a semi-final Friday right Darren right he’s going on and on and on about how bad this format is so probably about 10 minutes in I’m like okay I can’t they’ve had this format for 50 years nobody’s been able to come up with a better format than this if you can come up with a better format then tell me about it otherwise this is what it is and the Sagen Spirit deserves to win the Memorial Cup just as much as the other three teams that were there stop it I can’t I just couldn’t I tried for 10 minutes I tried you you get it Darren what do you think about the form of the memor and another another host team winning eventually you just can’t sit back and listen when you know and you have something to contribute I get it it’s really difficult you know it happened at the golf tournament different story but um yeah I mean the only thing I would like to see at the tournament is it’s long it’s long and I know it’s tough because you’re trying to find competitive balance and they just played long playoffs to get there I would like to see it condense two two games a day which means you’re going to see a lot more backto backs instead of just the one backto back for each team during the round robin that’s the only thing I would change you have to have a host team there otherwise you’re not going to sell tickets and you can’t have a highest seed host because you need more than a week or or a month to plan a Memorial Cup to have sponsors and have activations and festivals and all the rest that goes with it no you you need more than that um it’s a tournament that’s why it’s separate from The League championships sure and by the way later on as we are assembling for a team photo of the Moose Miller’s baseball team minor league baseball team that same guy came back and he’s like I got it I got the format each team plays each other two times I’m like y guy we’re getting a pick here at number one don’t tell me call the CHL if you want to but I like I literally don’t care and I talked to the commissioner former commissioner of the dub about this Ron Robinson your two game A Day idea which I fully endorse too and he goes hey we talked about it decided to keep it the way that it is okay well if you talked about it fine all I can do is give my opinion we love the Memorial Cup we’re going to watch no matter what and I don’t about the format by the way um yeah the Miss John mil well here’s the other thing I did bite my lip in this instance I had a guy come up to me in church not joking you know this waved his finger in my face he was a Rough Rider Hall of Famer and he says you should be in Florida you should be in Florida with the Panthers and I just bit my lip Darren CU what I thought was I’ve committed to the MOJ Millers they’ve committed to me so I’m committing to them and again as it turns out I think I’m going to be able to get up the games in Edmonton so how about you just worry about yourself but in this case I did not snap on the guy oh you can be happy about that uh or anybody I know you don’t really care uh Darren has a wonderful RBC Canadian open story that we’ll get to after the break but the news coming out of it is Robert McIntyre with father douge at his side as his caddy held on to when the RBC Canadian open on Sunday for first PGA Tour title four strokes ahead entering the final round that Hamilton Golf and Country Club McIntyre shot at 268 to beat playing partner Ben Griffin by a stroke so those are some of the top stories coming out of the weekend we got a hell of a lot more we got news big news coming out of the Canadian Football League a couple of items we got blue jays we got wcbl CBL a lot of stuff we’ll be right back we’re halfway through the warmup broadcasting live from the golden ticket Athletic Club in MO jaw saskatch and here on Game Plus television WQ radio Apple podcast YouTube live and [Music] [Music] Spotify the live Sports Experience is changing teams and Facilities are under pressure to provide online and in venue entertainment IKS live has the right team to deliver we provide service across North America and produce the best Fan Experience in the seats or streaming to you I live continues to bring you the best seat in the house we’re all capable of doing more more speed more reps more commitment to getting every detail perfect and that’s why it’s important we never miss a donation appointment blood and plasma donors are needed every day in Canada to support thousands of patients that rely on Canada’s lifel we’re asking you to join the hockey gives blood Partners For Life team join today by downloading the give blood app or book online at HGB [Music] [Music] [Music] did you know that you can help save life and you can start right now stem cells from male donors increase chances of positive outcomes for patients yet they only make up 40% of our registry today there are hundreds of people in Canada searching for their lifesaving match you can be a patient’s best hope be a hero by registering with Canadian Blood Services stem cell registry now does this look familiar your fans deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility ddg always delivering the best Fan Experience [Music] 92518 303 92518 33 up that’s [Music] p218 here’s how your business can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show all you have to do is contact us and we will tell you all about the dynamic and exciting marketing opportunities we have utilizing a fully integrated 360° multiplatform imagine your business seen and heard across Canada on Game Plus TV and around the world on the rod Peterson digital Network you will use one of the most overused expressions in sports you got to be kidding me get your business involved contact the Roy Peterson show today hey honey can you get one of the kids to show me how this Twitter thing works honey I need to get on Instagram time for more of the rod Peterson show we’re back at it and by the way everybody here is your uh daily reminder to reward your love for movies sign up for landmark extras like moose and I both did and get more of what you want like free movies free concession items invites to exclusive screening special events and more all you got to do is go to Landmark for details and you sign up for free by choosing one of three programs that fits your life the best please bring the Moose back in before we move on to the other topics our poll question today is simply this who will win the Stanley Cup and 60% of respondents are saying the Edmund oers I think a lot of people do Cloud their fandom versus that but there’s a lot of people in Canada and our viewers that don’t like the Edmonton orders so maybe they actually think the orders will win but we got all week to talk about this series so I’m not sitting here making a prediction today I’m not even going to tell you who I voted for but Moose is cheering for the orders which I get and I’m cheering for the Florida Panthers we’ve got that out of the way um baseball as we continue our quick six show topics right e Kevin Gman will be looking for his fifth win of the season with the Toronto Blue Jays open a four game series tonight against a visiting Baltimore Orioles the Jays won two of three weekend games against a visiting Pittsburgh Pirates Western Canadian baseball league on Sunday here in musja the Millers lost 106 to the wer beavers the Regina Red Sox beat Swift Current 109 leth bridge over the Saskatoon berries 31 and the berries are here tomorrow night Fort McMurray at medicon hat Fort Mac 11 165 Brooks over Edmonton 153 and okok over silven Lake 107 before I get to a whole bunch of football news do you have anything on the baseball or the blue jay since you’re sitting there in Toronto anything you’d like to get off your chest actually no you should tell your Jim N story that’s what you should do before we move into the football cuz Darren met is he your idol Jim Nance CBS Television PGA announcer voice of the Super Bowl is he your idol he’s defin he’s definitely up there as one of them and it’s a very select group and and he’s maybe the leader of that group um yeah somebody I have an immense amount of respect for and all the rest and you know it was funny going around Leanne’s working the tournament I don’t have have a lot of asks and I don’t have a lot of you know things that I I just mind my own business and I go watch the tournament but they know what I do for a living and where I’m at kind of in my career and all the rest and and Jim N was there with CBS covering the the Canadian open and so uh they knew he was going to be around they were finding out what time I was going to be on site and little did I know that they were working behind the scenes to create an opportunity for me to meet Jim and so I give a lot of thanks to Leanne for kind of making them aware but for to Ryan Paul and to Brian Newton at golf Canada who knew what I do and made it happen so got to see him a little private 10-minute um encounter just before he went on the air right by the broadcast trailer at the green of 18 up on the scaffolding and uh he couldn’t have been more gracious more kind with his time the way he is on television is the way he is in person you know he comes out of the trailer so I hear you’re a broadcaster you know tell me what you’re doing tell me where you’ve been what have you been up to have you been down to the States yet and I’m asking you know and I and I didn’t want the meeting for that I wanted to say hi and get a photo because I’m horrible at that I have photos with nobody throughout my career you know something I’m trying to be better at but he wanted to know about me and gave me some tips and things to do and wants to stay in touch of all things um it was a really impactful day yesterday meeting Jim N for sure uh did you did you give the boys a photo of it we have it can we show it to our audience Jim Nance the former voice of the Masters right until this year the guy that says hello friends yeah right it’s up on my social if the boys want to pull it off of uh off of Twitter they can pull it up off Twitter quick and we can show it before we end the segment doesn’t surprise me that he’s a great guy I’ll tell you this the jerks don’t last long I that’s been my experience jerks don’t last long in this business and it says speaks to everybody’s great there Jim N Ian Baker Finch got to meet him as he came into the trailer and yeah it was just everybody’s everybody’s good people so we’ve covered this Oilers Panthers and the Stanley Cup Final the Memorial Cup format if anybody wants to chime in on that literally if you can come up with a better format the chl’s all years all years nobody’s been able to in 50 years uh Canadian open we covered Blue Jays and baseball so we got a couple the really big news out of the Canadian football league and we have a ton of CFL fan viewers tuned in Daily here on Game Plus actually before we stop uh sorry we should stop before we continue on that Clark’s got the photo here’s moose and Jim Nance there you go Hello friends as genuine and gracious as you would expect a wonderful Sunday at the RBC Canadian open about as tall as I thought uh there you go and Jim N you guys might you guys would see I die me and Jim did not he’s a tall guy huh I gotcha yeah okay well I’m glad you had I’m glad you had such a great time it’s all part of the magic Darren it’s all part of the magic and um so we move on great cup halftime act announced today 20 million albums 26 Billboard Hot 100 hits three consecutive number one debuts on the billboard 200 and two Grammy nominations the Jonas brothers are headed to Canada’s biggest game headlining the great cup halftime show at the 111th great cup at be place in Vancouver on Sunday November 17th you heard it right Jonas Brothers playing the halftime show at gray Cup in November so I mean that could be a poll question but it came in late it was just announced this morning how are we on this big name I can tell you on my mother’s grave I couldn’t name one of their songs but you know what they’re not going after 51-year-old white guys so I get it um it is what it is right I was yeah Bravo CFL not my choice I don’t I’m not a Jonas Brothers fan but I can appreciate that a lot of people are so how do you feel about the announcement today the Jonas Brothers for great C halftime I love it it’s not like there’s others I wouldn’t have taken ahead of the Jonas Brothers but what they’re doing in BC and the great cup committee and everything I give them full marks here because a when I mean when the last time we had a great cup halftime announced act announced before the season started that’s pretty rare I think you know never we’re sitting here usually at Labor Day being like where’s the announcement where’s the halftime where’s the halftime this is June 3r and we got a great cup halftime act the other side of it is realizing where the league falls in the professional North American Sports landscape but also going A-list I would consider them I mean maybe not top of mine today but in the same realm as 50 Cent you know 50 is an a-lister who’s maybe not at the top of the game right now but he still has all that cach a the Jonas Brothers have all that Hollywood A-list cache from music and then movies so they bring a little bit of as you say the hoods Spa to gray cup so forget about it if they don’t have new songs but they have a new album and a tour and stuff coming I think it’s great um so a little further on that last year was uh Green Day who I am a fan of who who isn’t and then you mentioned 50 cents going to play the home opener for the BC Lions and 45,000 tickets are sold so again who the hell am I some guy wrote in multiple times multiple people what kind of Canadian are you right because I’m going to cheer for the floor Panthers in the St cup I’m the guy that thinks the halftime acted gr cup should be Canadian oops silly me Jonas’s brothers are from New Jersey shut up Rod they don’t have to be Canadian [Music] what you you see where I’m going like you walk down this pack whack walk other whack literally whatever dude whatever you do you I have had a lot of Canadian acts come up to me and say Rod thank you for waving our flag thank you for promoting us for halftime a great cup and uh nobody cares of my opinion Carlos in Indianapolis writes it and says that’s an early great cup halftime announcement Patrol man Pete and Winnipeg says they need George Straight for guys like us Rod haha maybe next year Randy and Winnipeg says guess I’ll be switching the channel at half time I mean you’re going to have to put up with pro and con man you got to put up with both with announcements like this Nelson rvps SM event says Shania Twain was the earliest at 100 days prior to the great Cup this is the earliest ever at 167 days before the game I I literally look around and say is there nobody Canadian good enough and by the way we I’ve been in very heated conversations with CFL marketing people over this and they’re like Rod you just don’t get it we want to be big time you know this is back I guess week the weekend isn’t big time he’s only good enough for the Super Bowl but not um John um um says Justin Bieber’s Canadian is he still a thing Google it John John schmeiser in Kansas City says whacka on Rod today whack whack whack you have to cheer for a Canadian team but we don’t have a Canadian act for halftime how dare you say that so that’s the announcement Bravo good I’m hoping to be a great cup I’m not sure I think that’s the plan that we will be there and uh yeah I’m not anti-American obviously I’ve been at those acts at gray cup with Lenny Kravitz black eyed piece whatever dude this is not a hill that I’m willing to die on now moving on it is week one in the Canadian football league and let’s skip ahead just quickly to Saturday because we have a large amount of Edmonton viewers in saskatch and obviously a ton I think it’s official now the CFL has moved the start time from commonwell Stadium 5:00 P PM Saturday saskat Ru Riders at Edmonton Elks to 2 p.m. to therefore avoid game one of the Stanley Cup Final that suits me fine too cuz I’m pretty sure we got a baseball game Saturday night here for the Millers so week one Thursday Montreal at wieg Great cup rematch we’re not doing our picks today moose Friday Night Football Hamilton at Calgary bivi Mitchell’s return have we heard a lot of hype about that I have not but that’s probably a me problem B Levi returns to Calgary Friday night the the world should be coming off the hinges in Calgary I’m not sure that it is Sask at Edmonton Saturday as we mentioned and then the bray bold on Sunday BC at Toronto if you don’t know what that the significance of that term brille Bowl then you never will get it so um hey Bravo to the CFL that was a great move of of changing the start time probably not that hard to do I wouldn’t think for them is it I don’t know I’ve never organized an event like that yeah I’m sure there’s some that go into it you know obviously people have schedules it’s a weekend you make plans all the rest but they’re doing it well in advance like we’re talking about it’s Monday here they they’re announcing it today you know they got all the way till Saturday I think you know what you except you’re going to inconvenience people but we’re giving you six days of notice so or five whatever it is five six days of notice you’re fine um great move great move to understand the city and what what’s going on yeah Bravo CFL Edmonton Elks I did make a couple phone calls this morning just to get the Vibe a guy that would intimately know Sask and Edmonton the Riders and Alex but doesn’t work for either team you got to love those guys he like literally knows both teams real well but doesn’t care who went perfect then you don’t get the biased Intel and he told me who’s going to win he told me that as you know I suck at PR at predictions so uh yeah a little later on we’ll do the picks John in Edmonton I like this he goes now there will be less Saskatchewan Ru Riders fans in Edmonton thank you CFL I think he’s serious about that I think he’s he’s happy I have no idea why he would think there would be less Rider fans at the game and Evon but he’s thanking the CFL for that okay you do you Ali and tex Arana writes in Texas she says Hey RP and Squad can’t stick around I got work training today congrats to the order fans horrible lending for my star I don’t know what happened but those last three games that wasn’t my team Stars blew a 2-1 series lead New York Rangers blew a 21 series lead we’re going to talk about that all with Allan May next moose I’ll see you an hour or two you bet see you then we’re broadcasting live from the golden ticket Athletic Club and we’ll be right back here on the game plus television network WQ radio Apple podcast Spotify and YouTube live [Music] [Music] [Music] ik game day wishes to congratulate the city of asan and Affinity place on their brand new center ice display this state-of-the-art score clock features five LED faces with full Motion Graphics scoring integration and our new Halo mounting system [Music] if it’s time for an upgrade let us show you how to deliver the best Fan Experience you can find us at ikam now the r and here comes pride in the back celebrate 40 Years of Sawyer [Music] Brown with Shannon DOA chur plus special guest George Fox Saturday October 26th Mo Event Center tickets are on sale now at the Moose Event Center box office or online at Sask Sawyer Brown and Shannon DOA live [Music] [Music] [Music] the live Sports Experience is changing teams and facilities are under pressure to provide online and in venue entertainment ikas live has the right team to deliver we provide service across North America and produce the best Fan Experience in the SE e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e in the [Music] house 692 51833 902 51833 pick up your phone and [Music] tt23 business owners and marketers okay we know you think we’re pretty cool that’s why we want you to share in the coolness Factor partner with the rod Peterson show and Market your business every weekday to sports lovers just like yourself take advantage of our many cost effective of commercial and promotional opportunities tell the world about your business yes the world thanks to game plus TV and the rod Peterson digital Network contact us today and find out how you can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show the rod Peterson show and last night my buddy vaugh he texted me and he said how many blizzards have you had now that you’re away from serenic just one but then I got into in my mind now I now I want a blizzard so I said to my I Joe you know Joe Joe 747 gunis our CEO I said you want to go get a blizzard in the intermission he’s like yes I do so that’s all it took now I got two blizzards I’ve had and it was peanut butter cookie dough by the way this is the rod Peterson show hey everybody Welcome to hour two of the RP show very special day on the RP show that’s that’s a two gonger it’s our 5-year birthday today starts Spreading the News the sixth season starts today with episode number 1,257 I am at the golden ticket Athletic Club in beautiful moose Jo skatan moose is in the Toronto Studio let’s bring him in now if we can and uh moose this is what I love about this program is our to the old days when we used to listen to Sports Talk Radio the hosts or even open Line news talk when they went open phones now cuz you knew it was going to be a stage five Gong Show from their on in man you never knew what was going to be people were going to call in with and that’s what we do here with our two we’ve covered for those that have just tuned in an Oilers Panthers Stanley Cup Final we’re going to have fun with that for the next two weeks I hope I’m trying some people are getting bent out of shape already to the Memorial Cup Final and we had comments on that from the viewers here Sagen the host team posted a last second victory over the London Knights 4-3 in sagon win the mem but was the guy’s name on the RBC gourd McIntyre Doug McIntyre Robert Canadian Rob yeah Robert McIntyre not a golf guy not a golf guy hey it’s his first time we never heard of him until he came to the final round of the Canadian open okay thank thanks for bailing me out the highlight of Sunday was Darren meeting Jim Nance we covered that all last week and there are photos to prove it wcbl we talked about the weekend results there which I have a few more stories on that cuz that’s always fun and we’ve got breaking news out of the Canadian Football League Jonas Brothers will be the halftime show at the great Cup this year in Vancouver the 101th great Cup in Vancouver we’ll have more fun with that I would say we had a lot of fun with it last hour I’m not the uh old man yells at Cloud’s guy enough to say that I don’t like this halftime act I couldn’t name one of their songs but that’s not to say I’m in the right wait to go CFL and getting it out in a record time prior to kickoffs the earliest that’s ever been announced and then with week one kicking off this week the game Saturday at Commonwealth Stadium at Edmonton Saskatchewan at Edmonton uh has been moved from 5:00 p.m. local to 2 p.m. local so as to avoid game one of the Stanley Cup and by the way do not Darren discount this okay and anybody on our crew that today is our 5year anniversary because I was going back looking at all photos in my phone you say you say nobody takes more photos than me I think you’ve been around me long enough to realize why I do that I’m trying to find Commonwealth Stadium photos and there’s a photo of you and me and Victor que the president of the Elks at that home opener in Edmonton how long did he last five minutes so to hit our 5-year birthday today is not a small thing in this volatile business of sports media so I wanted to point that out what do you think Deal or No Deal yeah I remember that photo in that day very very well you know as we were driving up to the stadium Mike Richards was echoing in my head uh some time with the commissioner there the folks at the Elks I still have actually in the Next Room I still have the uh the little media pass and on the back they uh wrote me a little special note if you remember that um we had a great time at the Elks game in the alumni and everywhere else but you’re right it really puts it into perspective you know five years like we I grew up in an era and you two were where our parents and family 35 years you get a you know 25 years 40 years 45 years at one place very common longevity something to be celebrated five years is longevity in today’s world it really is um it means a lot because uh change is so fast it’s like 25 years in back in the day so it’s dog ears now so anyways I’m I’m looking at the comments here everybody you’re welcome to come on in with whatever you’d like to talk about I it’s just so darn much fun doing this I before I do theirs can I tell a quick story like the viewer comments here I told you that I have a new favorite there’s always a favorite on any team and for me you know my favorites Mike Johnson on TSN and with the Moose J Millers it’s this guy Bobby Bobby biceps Bobby biceps PNE uh Slugger who knocked home the winning run an Extra Inning Saturday night this is the team for which I broadcast baseball everybody so I was like last night we had the meet the Miller night Darren you got he’s got long hair his nickname’s Bobby by cep so what do you think he’s built like and he’s from Margate Florida which is the neighboring Community from Boer Raton like we’re literally neighbors so we go to meet the Millers last night at The Crush can nightclub I told you how that all started I was like I remember this smell I’ll guarantee this night isn’t going to end up like they used to Bobby’s not there and I’m sitting with some of the staff some of the young girls that work for the team it’s minor league obviously summertime baseball man it’s so awesome like for instance yesterday’s game one of the players was late lining up for the anthem because he was giving his girlfriend a kiss in the stand I’m like this I’m here for this all of it you know what I mean it’s so great but I said to the young kids that I was sitting beside that work for the Millers I’m like where’s Bobby I’m only here for Bobby I want to I want I’d never met him before and uh they said he’s F fashionably late he’s that guy he’s the wrong duay of minor league baseball you know what I’m saying so he shows up and the production team that brought that that did the game Saturday night within five minutes it’s again 2024 right within less than five minutes at the end of the game my call was cut post to social media of I’m like Bobby biceps knocks on the W walks to the winning run blah blah so when he did come in I he was like loved your call man loved your call he’s is so cool right and I’m like I could you out cuz you were the huh what no goad see it well just all I can see is that movie uh what the summer baseball movie Freddy Prince Jr Jessica Beal you know um such a great show from back in the day yeah summer baseball yeah and I was yeah and I was like you’re the I could tell you’re the only guy here from Florida because you’re the only guy wearing white shorts and he was like he didn’t even know it’s just a thing right just the way he pounded his he’s got the long hair parted down the Bobby biceps loved your call right and now we’re going to hook up when we uh get back to Florida man I’m just can you tell how much fun I’m having broadcasting baseball the only problem is well number One i’ never called baseball before these guys that have been calling baseball for years DED have been stealing money I’m sitting there like checking my pulse to make sure I still have one like things don’t get real exciting you know in a baseball game until the end of the game you hope right and uh and then two people are starting to come up and crowd the front of the Press Box to listen and you know I’m a little self-conscious when it comes to that number one I don’t want anybody listening to me live there number two all those incidents I got in calling games over the years where fans told me that you’re too loud you’re too this I’m like I don’t want this to happen all over again but we’ll see what happen anyways regarding the final of the memorial cup Sunday night and go back and watch last hour where I talked about getting in a discussion not an argument a discussion about the format of the Memorial Cup because it comes up every year especially when a host team wins the Memorial Cup that the format’s wrong the host team shouldn’t win and I said to the guy that said that last night I said if you can come up with a better format submit it to the CHL cuz nobody’s been able to come up with a better format in 50 years so host Sagen got up three nothing on London the favorite team Paul and humble writes in it he says we watched the Memorial Cup Final Sunday my wife says the rank staff will have to go repaint the visitors dressing room after Dale Hunter’s second intermission speech they made a game of it in the third yeah they came back and tied at 3-3 but lost to the host team with 22 seconds to go and um the junior hockey season is over what do we got here Jim writes in he says congratulations those five years went fast especially when you’re having fun go Panthers and Riders Aron Bruce III writes in he says congratulations RP on taking the Florida Panthers to the Stanley Cup well deserved bro your show is lit family uh that’s from Marlon Bruce III I will just say this by the way um when I did start covering the Florida Panthers three seasons ago Joel quinnville was the coach the rink was empty so I’ve had a front row seat for the rise watching from the outside and I’ve said from day one because you were there Darren it’s the culture of the team it’s the culture and Paul Maurice by God he’s a genius but he has said he goes I’m not responsible for any of this this was it be this was the way it was before I got here I just didn’t screw it up and let’s be honest he’s added to it and here they are in the Stanley Cup Nelson RVP ass Sim events writes in he says the w CBL has a real shoresy Letterkenny vibe to it doesn’t it it absolutely does that was a scene from shy last night in the nightclub loved your call Rod you’re my guy Bobby biceps you couldn’t if you put this in a show you wouldn’t believe it nobody would believe it oh you got a picture Clark’s got a picture let’s throw it up here hey is from Margate Florida there you look nickname Bobby biceps follow him on Twitter at for Bobby of course and his Instagram is Bobby pooke because of course it is do you have a photo from my Instagram by chance because there’s a photo on there at Rod Peterson there’s there he’s flexing dude literally shoresy um yeah from cubish right s say 100% Bill Zito and Vinnie doing great work oh the Panthers fans have showed up today he’s talking about Vincent Viola the owner of the Panthers and quite frankly I hope that these stories come out over the Stanley Cup Final the the really good stories Ryan R Radio chiming in from Atlanta he runs 99.1 FM WQ which we’re on the air every day happy anniversary RP show and it’s 1111 Mountain 111 Eastern I’m going squirrel for a second so I do Darren again Darren’s been around me now going into season six consciously keep my distance from the teams and going to the meet the Millers night last night was just for fun and I had a great time and I’m glad to meet the team for which I broadcast but I’m not the broadcaster for the Florida Panthers and don’t ever plan to be I don’t I’m not trying to be buddy buddy with the players like I watch the the Panthers give me their video after the news conferences after every game in morning skates and I’m sitting there watching the questions going are list you know the reporters like hey Barky um you uh were scored two five on five hey Rhino uh I’m like I don’t like that I don’t like that and I don’t think you see that in the with the Oilers Media or Canadian media I don’t want to be that you know what I mean like that’s not a Canadian thing is it not that you sit in a lot of news conferences but you do watch the clip yeah not not really I mean you build you absolutely build a relationship and if you’re a good reporter you’ll build a bit of a friendship at times if you’re covering the team that closely but yeah there’s a difference because you’re not in the locker room so the locker room you know relationship slang all the rest that doesn’t there’s a barrier there between media and player in that situation but yeah and that’s the point is I’m trying to keep that barrier as the media again I get it if the Panthers broadcasters or the ERS broadcasters or whatever want to use nicknames hey dry hey whatever they call McDavid I get that but with the rest of the media no I have a problem with that but the cool stories the guy mentioned Vinnie and what he’s done the owner of the Panthers when I am walking to a mar Bank Arena if I have friends with me that have never been there I point out the helicopter pad beside the rink I’m like this is what Vinnie Viola comes in on and lands his and by the way way to say helicopter it’s not a Magnum PI little black one with the red and yellow stripe on it it’s like a spaceship and I don’t know if he comes all the way from New York or if he comes from his place in uh South Florida I don’t know but I’m like he comes in we park our cars there he Parks his helicopter there n it’s not that that’s really out of line Jerry Jones does the exact same thing with the Dallas Cowboys but it is literally just a different world and um you don’t see a lot of coverage though on the owners do you which to be honest I think the owners wish that there would be I mean I’ve had a two of Rogers Place in Edmonton Daryl Kates has a bunker he has got an enclosed bunker up there I’ve been in it uh because it was part of the tour that we had it’s would you like to know the cool stories about the owners or do you think they should be seen and not heard from I mean it’s to me it’s about the players the managers the coaches that type of thing um I’m a business I have a I have a passion for business uh on that side so I do I am interested in the owners but I I say that from where I’m sitting not from a casual fan I think most fans don’t really care about the owners yeah no they don’t but they should because without the owners we’d have no Sports um Nelson of VPS SM event says that’s how you know the saying we’re all in the same boat was never real we park our cars He Parks his helicopter well what do you say we’re all in the same this is a Darren thing we’re all in the same storm but we’re not in the same boat I was listening to you Darren we’re over here in our little dingy and Darren dreer’s up there in his uh cruise ship we’re all in the same store just not in the same boat yeah uh we’re all doing the same thing John M om says I love owner stories well dude I have a million so I’ve been around all those guys uh from cubish he says it starts at the top that’s the exact thing but you know I said that I um we got a break here right away but I said I want a Stanley kep ring from my two guys Bill Lindsay the radio color guy for the Panthers and Randy mhler the TV color guy for the Panthers above all of them I want a ring for all of them but especially those two guys cuz they’ve been around for so long and they told me what happened with Viola the owner this four or five years ago he sat down and goes I’m tired of this rank being empty I’m tired of missing the playoffs and I don’t know who specifically he sat down but I think Randy mhler was one of them and some of his other key guys and said what do I need to do and they said spend money on players it’s that simple and that’s why you’re seeing 8 million for kachuck 8 million for barov 10 million for Bob right it’s you got to spend you got to spend money to make money and the Arizona guy never ever did figure that out and Vinnie finally just said I’m done losing what do we need to do and you got to respect that don’t you we got to take a time out we’ll be right back we’re live on the game plus television network WQ radio Apple podcasts YouTube live and Spotify [Music] [Music] [Applause] we’re all capable of doing more more speed more reps more commitment to getting every detail perfect and that’s why it’s important we never miss a donation appointment blood and plasma donors are needed every day in Canada to support thousands of patients that rely on Canada’s Lifeline we’re asking you to join the hockey gives blood Partners For Life team join today by downloading the give blood app or book online at HGB does this look familiar your fans deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics re the new opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility ddg always delivering the best Fan Experience ik game day wishes to congratulate the city of estan and Affinity place on their brand new Cent ice display this state-of-the-art score clock features five LED faces with full Motion Graphics scoring integration and our new Halo mounting [Music] system if it’s time for an upgrade let us show you how to deliver the best Fan Experience you can find us at ik gam the live Sports Experience is changing teams and facilities are under pressure to provide online and in venue entertainment ikas live has the right team to deliver we provide service across North America in the [Music] house 92518 303 902 5183 3 pick up your phone and text R that’s Peterson [Music] 62183 business owners and marketers okay we know you think we’re pretty cool that’s why we want you to share in the coolness Factor partner with the rod Peterson show and Market your business every weekday to sports lovers just like yourself take advantage of our many cost effective commercial and promotional opportunities tell the world about your business yes the world thanks to game plus TV and the rod Peterson digital Network contact us today and find out how you can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show the rod Peterson show send us your opinions now we won’t victimize you unless you really deserve it now back to your host Rod Peterson hey everybody we are broadcasting live as always now for the next foreseeable future from the golden ticket Athletic Club moja Saskatchewan it’s just uh awesome isn’t it I love it I’m not interested in leaving Moses in Toronto let’s bring him in here I want to remind you that uh I don’t have the liner in front of me it’s my bad but the Canadian Elite basketball League’s 2024 season is underway we are partners with the CBL and the Saskatchewan Rattlers get your Rattlers tickets from their website or Ticket Master and we’ll see you at sasel Center this summer as they go after their second champion chip the Saskatchewan Rattlers no games in the CBL tonight as a matter of fact pretty late night in sports baseball Blue Jays home to Baltimore and only one game in the wcbl bye-bye moose Fort McMurray at medicon hat so the big story however is the Stanley Cup playoffs and opening open line here trying to get to as many comments from our viewers as we can today it’s always a lot of fun when we do that at least I enjoy it Tony and Cochran Alberta writes in hey welcome back moose Tony and Cochran writes in and says happy birthday Rod Squad it’s our five-year birthday today I feel like I’m going to celebrate with a blizzard you’re right rod as a Flames fan and loyal member of ab anybody but Edmonton I am rooting for your Panthers and former Flames kachuck Bennett and Son of Paul Reinhardt Sam I hope they get their first cup go Panthers Darcy in Grand Prairie Alber writes in he says I bet on the orders to win the cup at the beginning of the year 8 to one odds I never win in seven also the Jays need to sign Trevor Bower uh well I did I talked to a panther’s person this morning and they said it’s us against Canada and I again bit my lip Darren that’s my Challenge from God right now bite your lip Rod I’m not totally sure I’m going to be successful all the time but I bit my lip for now because I don’t feel like it’s the Panthers against all of Canada but maybe it’s good for them to believe that maybe that’s the chip on the shoulder they need I don’t know how do you look at that yeah I mean you can definitely look at it as it’s a USA versus Canada Stanley Cup Final because it is it’s an American team versus a Canadian team and I’m I’m in favor of whatever draw this storyline that’s going to get you interested in the game um to that effect I was going to say I I really really hate the anybody but Edmonton anybody but Toronto anybody but Vancouver you know because all you’re doing is rooting for teams to lose and that’s not a fun way to enjoy sports but take my own advice whatever draws you into the game and gets you interested and gives you a reason to watch and enjoy it hey that works right if Florida winning is going to make you happy and then great so so enjoy the games however you want to enjoy the games not to go all philosophical here but let me go philosophical cheering for someone else’s success doesn’t diminish your own and cheering for somebody else to lose might bring that back on you I’m just putting it out there uh with the CFL news today two huge items breaking news today Jonas Brothers being named the halftime act for great Cup in Vancouver in November and Saturday’s game Sask at Edmonton has been officially moved from 5:00 p.m. local to 2 PM so as to avoid game one of the Stanley Cup Final and I will be perfectly honest in this some will get offended I don’t care that’s their problem we talked about the Ryder cult the green goggles all of that it is a thing whether you want to believe it or not it is and you and I know that and I think the people that are in it most actually know that but they’re okay with being in it and it’s fine F I just don’t belong to it anymore but when I when I was in Saskatchewan forever I often thought why are we moving this season to avoid the Stanley Cup why would we move games to avoid it didn’t you get outside and realize oh oh there’s a big old world outside this Forest that I’m in this green forest that I don’t see outside of you know it’s fine some people don’t want to leave the forest or look outside the forest that’s totally fine but there is and now I know for years that conversation of we don’t want to go up against the Stanley Cup finals or in the fall we don’t want to go up against the NFL on Sundays but when you’re in Saskatchewan the Alabama of Canada football-wise you don’t see anything else you don’t see why would we want to and you still hear it all the time why are we avoiding Sundays in the fall go back to bed grasshopper on that CFL note Rob swallow writes in and writes congrat on the sober Carpenter text L 90251 8333 sober Carpenter non-alcoholic craft beers asked for them by name at your local beer wine and spirit store Rob says congrats on five years to the RP show team the BC Lions 50,000 tickets sold could soon be challenging Winnipeg for Flagship franchise status in the Canadian Football League makes a lot of dollars and cents for the Elks Rider game to be moved for both TSN and the CFL and he says the orders are in tough against the Panthers 10 shots against Dallas could we see a five shot game against Florida lunch soon brother says Rob swallow there’s a lot to unpack there number one you ain’t even in a challenge win a peg for Flagship status until you win a great cup so stop if you look at the outrights Darren for the uh the last outrights before the season kicks off at Northstar bets the Winnipeg Blue Bombers are s the odds on favorite to win the great cup just going to leave that there I get what you’re saying but I mean when a peg can’t sell more than 33,500 tickets because that’s all their Stadium hold you still got to win to be in that conversation or Flagship Deal or No Deal yeah or at least be competitive and and and be in that conversation um all the time continuously CU It’s a combination of success on the field and success off the field and they both can you know have to do with a large number of different things but success on the field is a huge part of being a flagship franchise in the in the CFL and any League uh Hey again not close-minded here believe it or not like the Dallas Cowboys we haven’t won anything in a generation and we are we’re still the flagship franchise of the NFL so I get that but I just think in the CFL it would help to win I don’t I’m not the Cowboys are always in that Super Bowl conversation right star players they’re not sitting there way out of the playoffs or you know in the basement of the league not saying that’s where other you know you got to at least be competitive be in the mix be considered as a contender for a championship and all the rest uh from Rod Monroe he writes in he’s the father of producer Clark he says good morning Rod congratulations to you and the team on five years well done my friend uh we’ll produce Clark is a massive part of what we do here a huge pillar of what we do and Rod knows that but I’m just passing it along today we’ve hit Five Years on the air with the RP show big thanks to game plus television wqbe radio as I said to Daren earlier five years now in this volatile Sports media industry is like 25 years back in the day it’s dog years with the way people are getting thrown overboard Paul and humble regarding the owners he says hm owners that set the expectations provide the resources let people do their jobs I would work for that owner too if he’s talking about um Vinnie by Viola I’m not specifically sure who he’s referring to the owner of the Florida Panthers I don’t know Jeff Gordon in Yorkton says when we talked about owners he goes except for the Dallas Cowboys owner I don’t really care for him you and me both brother and I’m a Cowboys fan um John ohes says need to write an owner stories book Rod e nah I don’t think so Karen writes in Karen you’re in California are you not she says hard to believe the 2024 is already half gone but I’ve been subscribed to your show for five years happy birthday sir we really should be passing along the kudos to the audience cuz I can guarantee they wouldn’t be here we wouldn’t be here if not for them and obviously the sponsors too Jeff the stams fans dropped in to troll poison and hate towards the saskat Ruff roders I’m not even reading it but I mean literally the iconic owners that Amazon Prime streaming documentary on the Lakers winning time which by the way I think there’s a new season out I haven’t watched it but about the Lakers Showtime Lakers in the 80s Jerry bus is that not fascinating as hell I mean not every owner trust me is as flashy and show boy as Jerry bus thank God but kind of tells you how to win doesn’t it with what he did that that was such a fantastic documentary winning time on the Lakers just to show the inner Jerry bus had his finger on everything and the thing is all owners really do they they do right yeah they need to do a net yeah go go sorry well no don’t lose that thought they need to do a Netflix doc documentary because I want to hear that but you’re right you know it may seem like they just like swoop in and out here and there but that’s just to kind of make sure everybody’s doing their thing and letting good people do their jobs and making sure that you’re controlling where you want to be and what you want to be doing and you know the good owners will do that they need have a Netflix documentary on Stan crankie the owner of the Rams the LA Rams the Colorado Avalanche Colorado Mammoth some soccer team because you know I’m not a soccer guy he’s won championships in every League like what the hell it’s hard enough some guys will never can’t figure it out how to win one he’s one1 in every League what’s he doing well you know rod that’s not a road you want to go down you and I both know that um Bob and Saskatoon writes in and he says look to the Utah hockey team for an owner that wants to make a splash young and ambitious yeah for sure and I noticed where I read up on this Ryan Smith in Utah where he made his money uh in the tech World which is fantastic seems like a great guy he hasn’t even been the owner for one game so let’s chill for a second on how great he is but it’s a very interesting lesson there too my friend Emily Kaplan from ESPN wrote an expose on the Ryan Smith story he had all the money he owns the Jazz and he owns the arena right in Salt Lake City and he met with Gary bman in January and said we’re ready to go we got the money we got the rank we’re ready to go whenever you’re ready that was in January according to Emily kaplan’s article which I believe is no reason to believe it’s not true and then when the land deal blew up the last time and they said we’re now going to go to an auction Gary’s like I’ve had enough whatever that was like the 1st of March or whatever Gary went back to Ryan Smith and called him and goes are you serious about you’re ready he’s like yes I was we’re done news conference Monday that’s what happened it’s like the dating world right is I’m around if you’re ever hey if you’re ever interested in free I’m around sometimes you got to wait a long time some and then the Call Comes be patient it’s a virtue ah okay anything else before we let you go Z fassi coming in next yeah no I think that’s it man uh we say hi to Zig because I know he’s probably logged in and you have a great rest of your day you’re going to be thinking about that aren’t you to those young to those young ball players hey guys come listen to me sometimes you just got to plant the seed I’m around you got my number that’s what Ryan Smith said to Gary bman and he ended up with an NHL team it’s a fantastic ownership story right there uh uh uh uh yeah I’ll get to the rest of these messages later thanks moose have a great Toronto day and happy birthday go celebrate it with however you do but I would suggest a blizzard you works for me okay Z frazi SiriusXM NFL radio coming in next on a special day our fifth anniversary we’re live on the game plus television network WQ radio in Atlanta home of the dirty birds # rise up YouTube live Apple podcast and Spotify [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 92 51833 [Music] 92183 Pi up phone andt R that’s [Music] Peters we’re all capable of doing more more speed more reps more commitment to getting every detail perfect and that’s why it’s important we never miss a donation appointment blood and plasma donors are needed every day in Canada to support thousands of patients that rely on Canada’s LIF we’re asking you to join the hockey gives blood Partners For Life team join today by downloading the give blood app or book online at HGB ik game day wishes to congratulate the city of estan and Affinity place on their brand new center ice display this state-of-the-art score clock features five LED faces with full Motion Graphics scoring integration and our new Halo mounting [Music] system if it’s time for an upgrade let us show you how to deliver the best Fan Experience you can find us at ikam the life Sports Experience is changing teams and facilities are under pressure to provide online and in venue entertainment ikas live has the right team to deliver we provide nestled in the scenic P Valley just 20 minutes Northwest of Regina is one of the finest golf courses in all of Saskatchewan the Deer Valley Golf Club the clubhouse has a full service restaurant and customers can enjoy a casual dining experience with spectacular views of the golf course and Valley a fully stocked Golf Shop staffed by PGA of Canada professionals is equipped to meet all of your golf apparel and equipment needs book your tea time family event or corporate tournament today at the Deer Valley Golf Club call 306 7311 1445 here’s how your business bus can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show all you have to do is contact us and we will tell you all about the dynamic and exciting marketing opportunities we have utilizing a fully integrated 360° multiplatform imagine your business seen and heard across Canada on gamep plus TV and around the world on the rod Peterson digital Network you will use one of the most overused expressions in sports you got to be kidding me get your business involved contact the RO Peterson show today oh yeah he’s back time for more of the rod Peterson show RP show continues everybody and hey don’t forget this scatch and Rattlers pro basketball team heating up this season led by former NBA Toronto Raptor Jaylen Harris with talent and coaching staff from the LA Clippers be sure to get your tickets now and do not miss the action at sasel Center I got every game visit Ticket Master or head on down to the Rattlers front office in downtown Saskatoon let’s bring in Z frosi Now serus XM NFL radio hey Ziggy Ziggy it’s the Oilers and the Panthers in the Stanley Cup Final your thoughts sir rod great to be with you and by the way congrats on the five years it’s been a privilege to be part of the show and more importantly as your friend uh I I guess from the Florida standpoint I’m not surprised simply because I think they’re the best team in the East they showed that throughout that withering you know style that they play the the four check it’s akin to the full court press in basketball or a blitz on every down in football a lot of teams can’t handle that so they’re deserving and Edmonton you know I I think I’ve made my comments known about them being the serial Lottery abusers but hey in the end they got they got the job done uh Skinner stoen that game last night because I thought D Dallas thoroughly outplayed them but the special teams were the differ aded getting their goals that way and preventing Dallas when they had the man Advantage so I think when it’s all said and done uh it should be a pretty good Stanley Cup Final and if you got your frequent flyer miles you’re going to be getting those over the next uh two weeks largest uh distance in games you’re right in Stanley Cup playoff history two furthest apart locals however you want to say it zga I’m not sure I ever told you but we do air on the radio in Atlanta Daily WQ e99 .1 FM we’re Atlanta’s NHL show but you know it’s a tremendous NFL town and it’s not like haven’t talked about Kurt Cousins a million times in Michael penx but I want and probably you too but I haven’t talked to you about it how do you expect the falc quarterback situation to unfold and play out in 2024 well let’s hope first of all Rod that cousins is healthy I mean he is still coming back from that corn Achilles so all the indications appear that he’s going to be okay so but but let’s make it clear penx is there to push him and he’s going to be the starter at some point now one thing we got to watch for this week the ESPN report came out yesterday we were talking about this on NFL radio is that a ruling is coming probably this week potentially with tampering charges involving the Falcons and the Philadelphia Eagles in Philadelphia’s case with saquan Barkley because apparently in that instance his Barkley’s former Penn State coach Franklin had a chat with hoe Roseman the Eagles GM which is apparently against the rules because this was before free agency in Atlanta’s case uh cousins had made comments at his press conference about talking with trainers and other people before he officially signed Z Ron we could be looking at significant sanctions against the Atlanta Falcons which leads to the point that if the league winds up taking away draft picks including a first round pick maybe that makes more sense as to why they selected penck in the first round instead of going for a defensive end per se in this year’s draft are you of the mind though let’s just assume whatever draft picks is a big deal but for this year’s team do you think all they were missing was a quarterback and that this will make them part of the conversation in that division or are they nowhere in the ballpark no they’re they’re right there I I think with their skill set and you know the new coach and everything like that I think they definitely are one of the favorites in the NFC South my point is if they were going to lose say a 2025 first round pick then why not grab the quarterback now and yeah you still need defensive help but could get that which they did through the draft and let’s not forget R we’re chatting early June here you may see some further cut coming now uh from the uh teams around the National Football League so the Falcons could conceivably get a veteran should he become available that’s what I’m saying here I think that’s why they wanted to jump the gun a little bit and draft panick in the first round this year Trent in Norway says question for zigg can the Vikings spend their way to the top this year well they did today just Jefferson four-year deal $140 million I think over 110 million guaranteed which makes him I think the highest non-quarterback paid uh highest at his position so it’s clear that they think this kid is a true game breaker uh now who gets him the ball this year Rod remains to be seen because as we sit right now in early Jon June excuse me it’s Sam darnold remember the former third overall pick by the Jets although they did draft JJ McCarthy so it’s going to be interesting to see there uh they are an interesting team I’m not sure they’re at the crossroads but you got to wonder uh when the JJ McCarthy Era start to Minnesota but he’ll have a outstanding Target to work with uh with Justin Jefferson well you’re on NFL radio you’ve been around the teams the very first thing I thought when they drafted JJ McCarthy is what are they going to do with the nicknames I would think Justin Jefferson’s JJ one and the quarterback’s jj2 but I don’t know that’s the kind of confusion that goes on with a team right yeah J yeah we’ll call him JJ one and onea what do you think yeah ex exactly depends who’s playing better we know who’s being paid more um BW in Edmonton has a question that I didn’t even know this was a thing he goes Zig any real chance of the Kansas City Chiefs moving they got no money for a new stadium in KC what’s the murmur on that well there’s been some Buzz I think this uh Dallas the mayor of Dallas wanted to uh consider them how about this Rod moving back to where they were born back in 1960 because they were the Dallas Texans originally and that they apparently were trying to lure them but I they’re going to stay in Kansas City I I don’t think there’s any doubt about it now whether they wind up doing a complete uh excuse me remodel of Arrowhead state remains to be seen uh are they going to still be in tandem with the Royals like they have been with that Truman Sports Complex the last 50 years I I think there’s a lot to be done there so it’ll be interesting to see how much you know Missouri um lawmakers chip in the C Kansas City themselves how much they get in but I don’t think there’s any chance that the Chiefs ultimately move out of Kansas City they’re just too entrenched m gosh this goes so fast but I got to ask you about the Dolphins I see all the money they’re spending on offensive players Tua Tyreek wle extended I don’t see them investing a lot on defense we we were discussing this last week are they ahead of the curve um that the priority in the NFL is offense now with the restrictions put on defensive play and the tackling like how do you feel about where they’re spending their money with the fins well I think anymore Rod you’re looking at the NFL is a changing game in terms of the offense instead of it being run now uh our former Vikings GM Rick Spielman who’s a colleague of ours on NFL radio made the point the other day a lot of teams you lose using 11 personnel one back one tight end and you spread out the field with three wides hence more emphasis now is going to be put on uh the receiving game and if you’ve already got an A guy like Tyreek Hill in Miami you want to keep your one a guy hence they got Jaylen wad in on the extension which actually Rod is an extension on his current rookie deal so the big money’s not going to really kick in now for another couple of years so that’s where the emphasis is going uh defensively they had a couple big losses obviously Wilkins being the biggest uh van GLE was another one that came to mind but I think they’re going to be okay they add puyer from Buffalo who I think’s going to add some veteran Savvy to that Mick galamore late of the Cowboys is more of a of a de guy but um it’ll be interesting to see uh what ultimately happens there with the Miami Dolphins I I still think they’re maybe looking up a little bit even even though the bills have had a lot of transition Buffalo probably still the team to beat in the AFC e what an interesting interesting Division and we haven’t even talked about Aaron Rogers and we’ll save that for another day zigg I’m so glad you were part of this big show today yeah what do you got what do you got we got to remember Larry Allen bro he passed today yeah icon great AB great great Cowboys yeah the great Cowboys offensive lineman Rod apparently passed away on a family vacation in Mexico 52 years old 11 Time pro bowler six time first teamer Super Bowl champ still have that visual Rod his rookie year chasing down Darien Conor of the Saints on that Aman interception maybe the most physically dominant lineman I have ever seen so rest in peace Larry Allen yeah that’s a really sad story and I appreciate you bringing that up amongst us Cowboys fans all right Z enjoy the sports man chat soon here’s another five years rod and save that money for my gray cup trip All Right Bingo all right my friend sounds good we we watching the Jonas Brothers at gray Cup in Van great place to go to watch a great cup we’ll be right back with overtime after this we’re live on Game Plus television from the golden ticket Sports Center and obviously on the radio WQ and apple podcast YouTube live and Spotify [Music] [Music] the live Sports Experience is changing teams and facilities are under pressure to provide online and in venue entertainment ikas live has the right team to deliver we provide service across North America and produce the best Fan Experience in the seats or streaming to you [Music] I live continues to bring you the best seat in the house 6218 303 92518 303 pick up your phone and text [Music] rp23 did you know that you can help save a life and you can start right now stem cells from male donors increase chances of positive outcomes for patients yet they only make up 40% of our registry today there are hundreds of people in Canada searching for their life-saving match you could be a patient’s best hope be here by registering with Canadian Blood Services stem cell registry now I’m Bridget lequette I’m a First Nation Olympic silver medalist and I’m proud to represent indigenous hockey players across Canada each year hundreds of Canadians need a stem cell transplant from another related donor to save their life anyone can have a hard time finding a stem cell match but for indigenous peoples it can be even more difficult because just over 1% of prospective donors on Canada’s stem cell registry are of indigenous backgrounds be a hero join me in hockey gives blood and helping to make a life-saving difference to those in need register today at hero [Music] [Music] [Music] hi my name is Logan Stan and I’m Conor bard we’re both hockey gives blood player ambassadors and proud to be blood donors there are thousands of patients each year in Canada that rely on a generous stranger to save their life please book an appointment today to donate blood at HGB [Music] business owners and marketers okay we know you think we’re pretty cool that’s why we want you to share in the coolness Factor partner with the rod Peterson show and Market your business every weekday to sports lovers just like yourself take advantage of our many cost effective commercial and promotional opportunities tell the world about your business yes the world thanks to game plus TV and the rod Peterson digital Network contact us today and find out how you can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show the rod Peterson show you got something to say you want to add to the show what are you waiting for don’t just sit there say something now back to the studio with Rod overtime is brought to you by our good friends at overtime hockey Lanes in Calgary they’ve got a lot of exciting new promos on the go and they’ve just announced and it’s time for you to check that out for your kids grandkids so forth $99 month L memberships unlimited Lane time for the summer plus summer kids camps you love hockey out there in Alberta so why not get your kids down there at overtime hockey Lanes by the way I’m an adult and I love overtime hockey Lanes so yeah check them out give us a shot 28th Street Northeast where skilled and fun Collide overtime hockey Lanes Calgary a sports update that’s what we love about daytime Sports by the way we just’s so much going on in sports now the Jonas Brothers will be the halftime entertainment at the 2024 great Cup game in Vancouver the CFL and BC Lions made the joint announcement today the pop rock band consisting of Brothers Kevin Joe and Nick Jonas will make their second appearance in Vancouver in roughly a year the brothers performed in the city November of 2023 during their tour in support of the album meanwhile the CFL has moved the Edmonton elk season opening game against the Saskatchewan Ruff Riders to an afternoon start to allow sports fans in Edmonton do also watch the Oilers in game one of the Stanley Cup the game originally was scheduled for 5:00 p.m. it’ll now kicked off at 2 p.m. local game one of the Stanley Cup Final goes 6 pm. Mountain uh in Sunrise on Saturday night as Zig frassi just mentioned Larry Allen one of the most dominant offensive linemen in the NFL during a 12year career spent mostly with the Dallas Cowboys has died he was 52 two the Cowboys say Allan died suddenly on Sunday while on vacation with his family in Mexico Allen was named an all pro six consecutive years from 1996 to 2001 and was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2013 so that’s a tough day for us Cowboys fans sports update is for Landmark Cinemas uh now playing at Landmark Cinemas the movie if from writer and director John krinski if is about a girl who discovers that she can see every one’s imaginary friends and what she does with that superpower as she embarks on a magical adventure to reconnect forgotten ifs with their kids starring Ryan Reynolds John krinski kayy Fleming Fiona Shaw and the voices of Fabe Waller Bridge Lewis Gossett Jr and Steve Carell if in Landmark Cinemas now and for our friends at common crown Brewing Company in Calgary turning your everyday common beer into a unique and exceptional experience visit common crown. tonight might be a wonderful night to go to the movies because the Blue Jays are playing but that’s about it on your television no Stanley Cup playoffs no NBA the finals begin Thursday Dallas Boston and in our league the Western Canadian baseball league Fort McMurray at Medicine Hat I loved the comment that came in from our guy Nelson earlier our vpm events that says the wcbl has a real shoresy letter c P Vibe oh brother you said it way better than I could have I’m spending the summer in that League broadcasting for these Moosejaw Miller Express and we had meet the Miller night last night come on down to the nightclub and meet the ball Club what could go wrong nothing did by the way but it was just so much fun but I felt like I was in a scene of shy and I got a favorite player Bobby biceps P Corney turns out he’s from Margate Florida which is right next door to boa Ron he knocked home the winning run in the bottom of the 11th inning the other night he was the hero Bobby PNE showed up fashionably late to beat the Millers night last night he was asked about my call of his game-winning RBI he goes love the call he’s the Joe namoth of minor league baseball Bobby biceps regarding the Memorial Cup format that came up here because we are in the heartland of junior hockey right here and these MOA warriors were just in the Memorial Cup and got bounced by the host team Friday night so clearly there’s a lot of people that have a problem with the format of the Memorial Cup and then Sagen went went on to Win It upsetting London in the final Sunday Steve from mojar writes in and he says good morning Rod congrats on five years yeah today is the fiveyear birthday of our program here he says anyone who thinks Sagen did not deserve to win as host is not in tune with Junior Hockey they finished whoops where’d it go he goes they finished two points behind London both had 50 wins in the regular season and lost in the west Final in six to the knights well deserved they beat them when it counted congrats Spirits uh spirit love the format I do too but you know Steve that’s just sour grapes and your perspective on this is rare Brian and Hudson’s Bay says I’m a Rough Rider supporter and said three days ago that if the order are playing Saturday night the game time should be changed I’m just fine with that it was the smart thing to do and I think most rider fans are okay with it too congrats on five years were they going to the game or not does that really affect your life I’m talking you know for the people going to the game that might affect things the workers and so forth let’s think of them but uh almost a week out obviously there’s more than enough lead time and hopefully everybody’s happy thanks to Alan May thanks to Zig fosi thanks to all the wellwishers on a very big day today our fiveyear birthday uh season 6 began today we’ll do it all again tomorrow on Game Plus TV and key radio right here who has more fun than us [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Applause] h [Music]

🎙️ Tune in to The Rod Pedersen Show on Monday, June 3, 2024, for an electrifying episode packed with exclusive insights and lively discussions! Joining us are two extraordinary guests: Alan May, NHL Alumni and esteemed Analyst, alongside the dynamic SiriusXM NFL Radio Host, Zig Fracassi.

🏒 With the Stanley Cup Playoffs in full swing, we’ll be diving deep into the thrilling action, dissecting the latest matchups, and offering expert predictions on who will hoist the coveted trophy this season.

🏈 Additionally, as the CFL Pre-season wraps up, we’ll be exploring the hottest storylines, player performances, and team dynamics leading up to the highly anticipated regular season.

🗣️ But that’s not all! Expect engaging banter, thought-provoking commentary, and plenty of surprises as we tackle a myriad of topics spanning the worlds of hockey, football, and beyond.

📅 Mark your calendars, set your reminders, and don’t miss out on this must-watch episode of The Rod Pedersen Show! Join us live for an unforgettable experience. Subscribe now and be part of the conversation!

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