@Buffalo Sabres

Bills News Update

Bills News Update

I want it so tell me you’re a joking do those things to [Music] me me you’re Jing me me me nobody’s perfect Jesus Christ no here tell me you’re joking say that you love me tell me it’s not [Music] true you I could you not you it’s a long way back from here it’s a long way back from here such a long way back from here so far back from here tell me you’re choking you do those things to me tell me you well tell me tell me kill me nobody’s perfect Jesus CH no not here tell me you’re joking just say love me tell me it’s [Music] not way back from so far back from here finish me finish me finish me we are live with another edition of The Rockpile report on YouTube technical difficulties guys we gota we got to iron some things out over here there was at one point there was seven of you waiting for this thing to go live and then we took it down and redid it and took it down and redid it and now I’m pretty sure I’m talking to nobody but that’s okay we’ll figure it out right yeah well it says we’re live allegedly allegedly let me see here do I see it I still don’t see myself it says I’m still waiting I see you on the screen of course you do uh guys it’s it’s always fun it’s always fun doing these things and trying to get why don’t we start with so I can [ __ ] wail on you how about that how about about no let me I still don’t see any video everything’s still coming up I’m looking at the streen no we’re we’re live we’re live on YouTube right now we have two videos listed as upcoming all right I have both of them were scheduled as of 66 there’s nothing live wail on you for a minute here so Sunday night I’m up we’re still not live we are live I have a live video in front of me Sunday night I took some time out of my evening to spend some time with uh I wanted to put together a good reel to put out Monday on our Instagram account I put out pictures of bucknasty you’re show yeah you’re showing me your YouTube all right I put out pictures of bucknasty silky Johnson who else is in there IC tea IC tea I make this nice reel and I put it up on our uh Instagram account if you want to follow us on Instagram at The Rockpile report is our handle yeah let’s uh mute that there guy put it up I get to work at uh I don’t know 11 11 you know I’m starting to work and uh I’m like let me see how this this is doing I want it to do well I put effort into making this real and I open our notifications on Instagram and I see that the video is liked by Milla gorillo 98420 24 it’s because that’s my throwaway email address that’s tied to my Facebook account because here’s the thing Instagram no longer allows you to just have like hey I don’t have an Instagram account but I can watch videos that people will put in like a like a messenger chat or if someone texts you a link to an Instagram video Instagram now no longer let you just go look at it as a web page so I was like fine Facebook you win I want to see this funny thing my friend sent me so it create it said it created one and tethered it to my Facebook profile so whatever you saw is just an extension off whatever horseshit email I made up to open Facebook I was real mad Milla gorilla 192 20204 ju you just like yeah let’s get on Instagram and make it look like I’m a [ __ ] bot how how old like first of all how many how many old people do you think have numbers in their name like whatever user name they make they can’t just make one it has to be like something some word they know and then a number that’s familiar to them yeah but when you make an Instagram handle you don’t do whatever words you’re going to use followed up by your birthday your wedding date your address the day your mom died the day your dad died the day you lost the sibling all these [ __ ] numbers you look like a [ __ ] bot when I clicked on it it made me it made me why don’t you just now that you’ve ruined the algorithm by dousing this thing in profanity right out of the gate producer like this is what I love about Chris he can sit here with a straight face and give me all these producer notes about how you should do YouTube and then he comes on here and just absolutely by himself destroys the entire Pro like destroys the entire thing from top to bottom guys we have what I think will be a fun show tonight you tell me this is what’s fun about live commentary we’re here tonight with this week’s Bills news update I’m not even ready of course you’re not see guys look I’m he’s bad luck slepr Rock what am I doing here I have to scroll through all of our uh yeah CU I asked him I guys it we were supposed to be live at 7 o’clock we fight like the fights that he and I have here when the microphones are off are hilarious like I wish people could be here to see him it’d be like Kevin spacy and his wife in uh what is that uh what’s that movie that he made where he gets killed at the end of it that one American Beauty you and I fight like the husband and wife and American Beauty and you know who I want to fight the way Kevin spy wanted to fight his wife Bobby babage no I didn’t think that I’d be starting my week off with the Buffalo Bills catching Strays during NHL press conferences that wasn’t on my bingo card this week but here we are Edmonton’s gonna play Florida for the Stanley Cup Florida was in the Stanley Cup last season and during a press conference new Edmonton Oilers head coach Chris noblock gets asked if he thinks experience is going to be an advantage for the Florida Panthers you having been in the cup and lost his quote was well you can ask the Buffalo Bills how important Super Bowl experience is I love when I can give Chris notes and he asks for him and I give him to him and then he misses the drop so that’s cold as ice like that that’s abusive I don’t need that as a Buffalo Bills fan and it’s tough because I wanted to like this guy right like I want to root for Edmonton Chris can we at least agree based on everything else that’s gone wrong here tonight can we at least agree on the idea that we do not want the Florida Panthers winning Stanley Cup this year I want Edmonton to win when I heard noblock say that seal the deal I want Edmonton because of what noblock said yeah ask the bills how experience is go Edmonton it’s [ __ ] those idiots in Florida it’s it’s one of these things Florida has all of these former sabes players on it for those of you who don’t know it’s hard to reconcile how much of this I can take Ryan O’Reilly leaves the Buffalo Sabres wins a Stanley Cup Jack eel leaves the Buffalo Sabers wins a Stanley Cup within his first two years of the team he went to now you have six former Buffalo Sabers all on the prohibitive cup favorite I’m not doing this I do not want it and so at the same time I will begrudgingly root for Edmonton but at the same time here’s what I’ll say to that coach first of all Chris you think you think you’re funny first of all your name starts with a k a KR which means it’s a soft you’re the softest Chris on Earth softer than this guy you are softer than my Chris which is hilarious Canada hasn’t want a Stanley Cup in 30 years and you invented the damn game also the Baltimore stallion yes I want you to hear that the Baltimore stallion which means a team based in the United States has won the cfl’s gray cup more recently than any one of the seven Canadian franchises could win a Stanley Cup I will see them in hell all right them and that comment can all go to hell I was trying to find out I can’t find it I don’t know if uh KN Block’s middle name also begins with a K you’re an idiot backto back weeks with that joke baby I just wonder when our listeners are just going to fire bomb your house it’d be funny to me to be honest they don’t know where I live half of them is shipped things here the good ones now if we’re talking about people getting hate I had this interesting thought and I’ve been trying to do research on it but I it all started from something I heard will listening to the rich eyes show mlbb’s Angel Hernandez retired from the game of baseball and no one will miss him right Chris no you’re more the baseball guy than me what is your relationship or at least what do you know of Angel Hernandez All I know is that this guy makes [ __ ] calls all of the time like egregious calls calls that aren’t even close whole call a strike that’s a foot and a half out inside the Zone it’s mind botom it’s it is kind of funny right like when you think about like the impact an official can have on a game and how hated one man can be now here’s what’s funny we tweeted out a little while ago over at our Twitter handle Rock rockpa report on Twitter somebody made a thread this was my first thing they were like oh Angel Hernandez retired today which means I get to post a thread of all of his failures is an NFL an MLB official and I figured like okay it’s going to be like a five slide thing no this went this was like when you talk about a thread Chris 17 tweets how does one official get that many cracks at this while also screwing up games that badly I mean he is in a union so uh it was hard it’s hard for uh baseball to go to tell the umpires Union hey we need to what can we do to get this man out of baseball so it took a while and you don’t know the there has to be other incentives that he received for him to just flat out retire because that is a cush job so I was listening to the rich eyes and show and I heard this and it got me think trust me there’s a bill skew here and I I follow me but I heard this audio from Jeff passen over at the Rich Eisen show I think sometimes we take for granted what social media actually does and how it brings out the absolute worst in a lot of us and and I think the the easiest way to do this and and the easiest standard by which any of us frankly should live is would I say the man’s face any of the stuff we say on social media about Angel Hernandez if you were confronted with Angel Hernandez would you say it to his face would you call him the names that you call him online would you tell him how terrible he is you know a lot of that stuff frankly led to him going away um he got tired of it he got tired of the social media Firestorm that exists and that frankly I I will this is understandable because there were parts of his job where he was genuinely bad here you go Jeff passon baseball writer on the Rich Eisen show I think Rich Eisen show’s on the Roku channel so you hear this and like this is Jeff passon trying to explain to everybody that he feels bad for the way this guy was treated and how he feels that so social media bullying played a role in him leaving the sport and also that we should say we should be nice to each other on social media and say the things we would only say in public Chris you have borne witness to me telling someone that I’ll murder their family yeah full stride not a break I don’t I don’t know whether it’s true or not in the moment it came out of my mouth in the moment I felt it not everybody feels restricted kind of a thing I mean I remember Azie Gan in the Angel Hernandez aftermath talking about how he remembers going to the plate having a spat with with Hernandez over a call and asking him if he was drunk like are you drunk right now which is in and of itself hilarious because that guy didn’t give a damn he just said it I think you’re intoxicated and you suck at your job and I think that it’s how you should handle those things it got me thinking if there was one NFL official that you could as a billsman bully out of their job who would it be and why is the answer Shan hoaky why is Shan hakul the NFL’s Angel Hernandez and why are we as Bills fans constantly getting the short end the stick because of it I would have gone a different way cuz in what pass and said about like you know everything that we write on the internet would you say it to the person’s face for me it’s not as much as an NFL official would you say it to their face I would like you to to say the things you’ve said in the past to Richie incognito’s face my god listen my favorite thing is that he’s one of the few people who have well I’m sure there’s a lot of people who have blocked and muted us on social media but he’s the the first one who I’m like wait a minute I don’t even talk to you what’s your beef guy you’re a psychopath and somehow I’m too much for you what did I do to possibly offend that guy it’s wild to me although yes I think if I did Chris if I were to say the things that I say have said about the Bills offensive line in general over the years in front of Richie Incognito there I would probably end up folded up into a Hot Pocket like that’s conceivable right he might even find a microwave that would fit me Laur Lauren in the comments Drew needs a sensor like they have on refrigerators to remind him to replace his [Music] [Laughter] filter that is true I’ve I’ve said and done a lot of inappropriate things in public of which I’m blessed to have my wife because her attitude is constantly no matter what you do or say I’m not the one who looks like an idiot and I don’t wear it that on you do you want to derail the show for a second not really Jessica in the comments wants to know if you paid off that bet to Greg thomet for a steak dinner steak dinner bet not yet yeah we went to the the uh well no no we did yeah we went to we went to the Western door and then we went to the Flyers Sabers game that is the game that uh Dylan cousins got his face annihilated by um Garnet ha away and promptly nose dive Dylan cousin’s season as a whole because he was playing scared well I’m not going to lie to you there there was a funnier part about that which he will like Greg can tell you about we at that game and the guy in front of us turns around as soon as the first period ends not only Jessica look what you did now you derail the show we’re at the Sabers game Greg’s here I’m here the I had made a comment earlier in the offseason about how there was a player on the Sabers they all get to pick their own goal song they scored a goal and I there’s a guy Yoki Haru on the team who’s a defenseman who’s never going to score in a million years but he picked Iron Maiden The Trooper as his goal song and I was like this is amazing I’ll never get to hear it but I love the fact that a goal like someone picked that to play in a building when they score a goal he scored the Savers only goal that night and I’m up playing air guitar just W we’re losing 4-1 it doesn’t matter that might have been the highlight of my night but the second one was the fact that Greg Thompson with his giant following and everything that he has going on for him had kind of put out there into The Ether of like hey I’m going to be at the Sabers game people stop by say hi so as soon as the first period ends the gentleman in front of us who’s about he’s probably in his mid to late 40s turns around and goes hey I just want to tell like I recognized your voice like this whatever like it’s it’s so cool to meet you in person but he’s talking about me not Greg to see Greg’s face I was like oh yeah that’s a thing that just happened to you well you went to the team store too at the intermission so at intermission my wife wants to go buy my kids some things so we go down to the team store and we walk in and this the these two kids are probably in their early 20s are walking by and they go yo that’s that dude we saw on YouTube and again I got to watch the face of somebody go obviously they’re talking about me and they come over and they’re like yo you were drunk as hell and they’re talking to me and I was like oh sorry yes yes I was and my wife’s just embarrassed but not really she’s like whatever you’re an idiot I’m I’m I’m gonna go over here you fought a guy a homeless guy on the subway that did happen years ago Doug rosi I did that did happen but so then the the key was the the the the cherry on top was we’re at the odd Club at the intermission for the second period we go out we’re going to get drinks and this couple who we know I know them through Ean tailgating cookouts at eon’s house but they know me in real life not podcas thing but they come up and they’re just like Drew what are you doing and Greg goes for the love of God it was just the funniest thing to watch Happ it’s like oh yeah buddy for some re see like you’re the smart guy I’m I stand out in a crowd and people remember this face like this face you can pick out in a crowd so back to Sean hoaky if there was one official who you think that we could pile on just pile on to and get to quit his job it almost has to be Shan hoaky isn’t it a part of me wishes that they would forecast who they schedule like who like the Chris the the way that we have the bill schedule I wish we had the NFL officials schedule because here’s what I can tell you for the years that Shan hoaky has been a referee right so you got to go all the way back he was a back judge 2018 he becomes a full-time referee his first game first game Buffalo Bills Baltimore Ravens 2018 how did that game go for the Buffalo Bills I don’t remember which was was there a significant game Nathan Peterman started that game and got hooked at half time that was Sean haku’s first game all right that was Josh Allen’s first game I almost feel like something weird happened and we got tied at the hip like some did Josh Allen like have an interaction with him at some point in that game that just set us off on this skewed kind of you would almost feel like the way he’s officiated Buffalo Bills games that there is some kind of Vendetta there and it’s interesting that his first game as an official comes in Josh Allen’s first game fast forward to this past season and even the season before it you talk about our game against the Patriots he officiated that game there were some calls right not as many but there were some calls what I love is the bill Eagles game this year Sean hocky one of the poorest off if you Google Shan hocky worst officiating that bills Eagles game is the first Google result that comes up horse collar to Josh Allen missed horse and this is where I go did something happen all those years ago back in 2018 that you just hate our quarterback like what happened here how did this guy become so because you can’t but like when’s the last time they were saying there was no Flags against the Eagles like until late in the game yeah yeah how often does that happen not often when he when he officiates the games about the Kansas City Chiefs in the playoffs it’s like oh no obviously we drew this guy oh wait there’s no there’s no meaningful Flags thrown against the uh Kansas City Chiefs no none and then our only sack of the game gets taken away on a flag guys if there is one official that I think we need to combine our social media powers like we’ve it’s proven it works Angel hernandz is proof that it works and I think we need to focus our energy on just bullying Shan hoaky in every way we can I don’t think social media is enough I think that if people know where he lives knows where he lives we should rent planes and just have them flying over his home with offensive things written on banners I think we should be paying for mail like mailer camp CS to just come in with the rest of his mail it’s an envelope it looks like junk mail you you open it and go ah what is this local car dealership trying to give me something no with the Bill’s logo on it it’s all of the fan signatures of people who literally want him to throw himself into the Great Valley Ravine we could pull a beef cake what’s that where we send him Anthrax in the mail like brood is The Barber of Beefcake we’re not doing that Chris I I think what you just advocated for might be a felony so hey nobody out there do that uh Lauren in the comments seeing Drew is like seeing harambe you can’t miss him you do know that’s when the world went to [ __ ] right when we lost harambe yeah we do have uh uh inter chat discussion or at least Terry White is trying to bait lascil into talking about uh NFL Europe division because he’s got to drink so many seags for someone’s coming drew the doxer yes we need to dox dox Sean hoaky but only for the purposes of being petty right I don’t want any vandalism I don’t want anything I just want people because again I think we can erode the man’s confidence in himself over a long enough timeline Angel Hernandez is proof we I thought he was bulletproof now changing gears otaa notes and I want to talk about Gable Stevenson a little bit and I want to preface this all by saying I despise otaa talk it’s nonsense and I get it the guys who work for the radio station have to do it you have to pretend like this matters it largely doesn’t there’s no contact so line play which is the backbone of the entire sport is Holy relevant I have been tricked too many times into believing that there’s this guy who’s just standing out and he looks so sharp and oh man it’s it’s gonna be great because this guy is really coming on and what about his chances and it starts all these narratives that the local journalist can run with and write about and that’s great but that’s how you find yourself in a place like we do this week where everyone’s talking about oh you know who’s standing out is Chase Claypool God stop it stop it let’s not talk ourselves into the chase clay poool experiment he better get cut look he should look like the most polished person on the field if you factor in how long he’s been in the NFL how many different buildings he’s had to walk into and like oh I gotta I gotta prove myself and I got to apply myself and I got to learn how to say all the right things he should look and sound like a gem especially because he’s a big dude with a big catch radius who in uncontested space can do all kinds of great things for you that’s the reason he was drafted in the second round of course he’s going to look great don’t come to me with articles about how his career could be on the rebound and everything else he is still the same guy who Chris how many years give it a goog how many years into his NFL career was he last year I can’t remember the year he was drafted if you know in the chat let me know you’ve been in the league for how long and you still can’t figure out the proper depth you need to run a route that your quarterback is absolutely going to throw to you on no matter where you are 2020 draft okay so you’ve been around for four years you’ve been around for four years now here’s what happened he got rothberger at the end of rothberger career then he got shipped to Chicago and then he turned into the attitude of Randy Moss in Oakland where he just had to complain because he had nobody to [ __ ] throw to him then he went to Miami you got a offensive head coach you got Tua who I believe I’m going to say I think is working because of the head coach The head coach knows to get the most out of Tua in tua’s talents and Claypool couldn’t do dick and now he’s this is your last chance I’m supposed to believe that with a firsttime offensive coordinator you’re coming into our building after having been in the the most high-profile offense the AFC has seen in a while when’s the last time an AFC or at least AFC East team when’s the last time an AFC East team scored 70 points in a game that’s techmobile you played for that football team and you made not only did you make zero impact you were a detriment like actively every time you were on the field so if you can’t do it there I have no delusions of grandeur about this guy and yet we’re sitting here talking about how well this guy looks good and this is going to be great like or it’s a Redemption story and let’s talk all about it I I couldn’t care any less you want to go to a stat I’m pulling up a stat line sure from from the 70 to 20 game where do we have uh clay was he even on the team I don’t see him listed in uh oh no no no because he’s not because he’s not listed as a roster player you got to go all the way down yeah to find his stats you have to really work for it I meant specifically out of that game oh out of that game no I don’t think he had any statistics except for the fact he was targeted on the game ceiling interception because they were like well we’ve we’ve tried everything else screw it we’re going to throw a Claypool wrong wrong you’re talking about Chase Claypool I love this like and and this isn’t to disparage the reporters who go out there and do the job and try to make their bones covering the team because obviously fans are hungry for Content we there’s a reason you’re all here listening to me being an idiot behind a microphone with a drink in each hand we’re hungry for Content we want conversation we want to feel something correlated to our favorite sport our favorite team you talking about Coleman and clay po making highlight plays in OTAs does absolutely nothing emotionally for me and I think more fans need to join me in that here here’s what I find interesting Matt Milano is on track but he’s not practicing yet now he’s not he doesn’t even have a uniform he’s in street clothes it’s going to be a while and that’s so when he broke his leg back in week five last year you think about the recovery timeline for that you go okay he should be back by about ota’s training camp right now I’m willing to just hey this is precautionary and they’re I like that they’re taking a slow approach because if there’s anybody who TR trust me if there’s anybody who doesn’t need conditioning it’s Matt Milano have you seen that guy like Matt Milano is a hunk that dude is a stud physically I don’t know like he’s going to need time right to ramp up but if they want to have him just working off to the working behind the scenes come out here to practice you’ve got the whole summer Chris do you think there’s a world where the bills have to start the preseason without M Milano uh I don’t think so but if you want to talk about OT gems in the one segment I heard either on Tuesday or Wednesday morning Sal capacho on the radio was like I saw Gable Ste Stevenson standing next to other defensive tackles dude’s [ __ ] small yes all right let’s talk about Gable Stevenson for the probably first and last time on this podcast ever Gable Stevenson is not a is not an NFL football player he’s the he’s your uh for OT Darlings or otaa Darlings and preseason Darlings he’ll probably be right up there with Brandon Riley here’s here’s the most notable thing he’s done since winning a gold medal he was a failed jobber imagine being a failed version of the Brooklyn Brawler in wrestling like you’re going to go into the WWE and you can’t even find a way to be the guy who gets his ass kicked every week for a paycheck I’m gonna cut you off right there because Scott Mason will get mad at me if I don’t cut in they he got signed to the WWE because they thought he could be and I’m only using this in the terms of where they came from the next Brock Lesnar because Brock Lesnar got signed to the WWE like right after Co his college wrestling career Gable Ste Stevenson signed right after his Collegiate wrestling career and they wanted to get him in and they thought he had the potential to be the next Brock Lesnar at 5 yes at 5’11 he’s going to be that Brock Lesnar was good in the WWE I I who hates wrestling knows that Brock Lesnar was the biggest most physically imposing man to set foot in a in a wrestling ring since either the Big Show Diesel Hulk Hogan like it’s Scott so what is that uh Scott Hall not Scott Hall what’s his face Scott Mason no Scott Mason who played who who was the actor who played diesel Kevin Nash Kevin Nash so Kevin Nash uh the Big Show who may maybe who who was the guy Sexual Chocolate Mark Henry Mark Henry so you had these guys as like the most physically imposing people to ever get in the wrestling ring The Undertaker I’ll give him that too well you’d have you’d have to go down a 511 guy you would have to go down the that’s my height I’m 5’1 you’d have to go down the list of Olympic SL Collegiate wrestlers so your Brock Lesnar’s your Kurt Angles uh Chad Chad Gable is an Olympic wrestler the the fact that you put Gable Stevenson in the same category well not it’s not Gable see the fact that you just listed Kevin Nash in with Olympic and high profiled Collegiate wrestlers makes me want to rip off one of these monitors off my desk and smash you in the face in it now here’s who that you want to talk about being angry you know who should be angry like look Gable Stevenson great story he’s a wrestler here’s what I don’t like I don’t like reading that the bills previously had interest they were like hey don’t sign with the WWF sign with us the bills tried to sign him last year or two years ago whatever the hell it was 2021 the bills were like don’t go to the WWE come try out for our team why why are we doing this what because he can wrestle like Sean MC like people are like oh well you know it’s not funny to make fun of that Trope it’s a Trope at this point you just said it Shawn McDermot wrestling you know the connection he’s literally on the phone going come on Gable come on now you want to come here and play what an idiot you’re going to try to recruit this guy what because he wrestled once do you know who that’s an insult to here you are you’re talking about who should be insulted how about every single how about every single D tackle currently on the roster every D tackle who’s not a like hey I’m a deao starter if you look at the depth chart the depth guys should feel insulted by this right if you look at the guys like uh like what lanu with real NFL experience there you go thanks for putting that out there DeShawn Williams Branson Dean you’re like they’re looking at this guy going I have to share a locker room with this dude he doesn’t even know what he’s doing he doesn’t have any blocking technique I he doesn’t have any technique whatsoever I have to share a locker room with him like he’s On My Level I’ll take it a step further how about every single D tackle who’s out there with experience on the market right now looking at it going I’d kill for a roster spot in Buffalo you mean to tell me that they’re going to bring in that guy instead of giving me an opportunity and for everybody who’s like well they’re all old and expensive there’s a guy out there who was a defensive tackle for two years for the Atlanta Falcons named Elbert Huggins if you called el Huggins right now and said hey do you want to come be on the bills 90 man squad going into training camp versus I don’t know sitting on your couch he would jump at the opportunity and this is a guy with NFL experience no no no no no no no let’s bring in a wrestler but I hate it but true I hate it Gable Stevenson said he’s going to be in the Hip Pocket of Von Miller it’s not even the position what are we doing I it infuriates me it’s a it’s it’s Chris you know what it is this feels up there with Rex Ryan eating dog biscuits and riding a [ __ ] tandem bike this is a clown show I’ve had dog biscuits before unfortunately so have I hey hold on hold on Cheers did did you like do it for money or was was there a uh a thing involved no I was I was you just did it freely it’s funny you say it I was like eight or nine years old and we were watching WWF superstars on a Saturday at my Uncle Paul’s house and he brought out a bag of these things called pepperonis and I like I didn’t question it he’s an adult well I’m not and he brought out a bag of snacks and we started eating them and I remember thinking like they’re a little dry but they actually taste pretty good and then my aunt came home and just started freaking out that she’s like you’re eating the dog treats he’s like what are you talking about she goes there’s a dog on the bag he goes I don’t know you put them in the chip cover that’s insane I I free I uh I was in high school I freely ate uh a couple of dog B I think I ate wet dog food and my friend said that oh if you eat this dog food I’ll buy you like three hockey sticks and I was like done and done well yeah hockey sticks done and done yeah done and done so I got turns out I got um three hockey sticks and he’s currently in jail serving 25 years oh is that the guy yeah guys so one day a couple years ago Chris just starts messaging our group chat he goes hey Mark can you pull up like legal filings he goes this kid I went to high school with I think he might be in some trouble oh yeah no what was it like kidnapping with a kidnapping here’s the story what he did was he got divorced from his wife and then he came up with a fake cancer diagnosis for uh pity to try to win his ex-wife back and when that didn’t work he uh put like a I don’t he I don’t know if he bought like a voice changer thing oh no and then put a bag on his head and then uh went to his ex-wife’s house beat her up and uh then came back back later to try to be the hero like oh no I saved my ex-wife like this should get us back together and then it turns out uh he was uh when he got arraigned it what uh solidified the charge was that he denied ever knowing what zip ties were and then zip ties they found in his apartment matched the same like plastic profile from the ones around around his ex-wife’s arrests so yeah fun times way to you you you just exist to derail any sort of convers you’re like hey how can I take this and make it sad The Rockpile report we are now a murder podcast we do True Crime C can we do True Crime we we’ll get guys we’ll be moving to Sundays here shortly I did play hockey with a guy that we’ll get bombed to do True Crime well I did play hockey with the guy that killed his girlfriend in Cold Blood in front of their kids Jesus see look look at no no one can bring a room down the way Chris Krueger does you really are bad luck schlep Rock I wasn’t wrong at the top of this you can DM us for the detail I’ll give you the details if you DM us if you really want to know and that’s for maybe the two women that are watching Jessica and Lauren so there’s a writer for the athletic named Mike Jones who wrote an article about the like biggest questions facing each defensive coordinator this this season each new defensive coordinator and his was interesting because the idea was can Bobby babit help elevate a new unit despite losing pieces quote here the bills defense is consistently ranked among the NFL’s better units Under head coach sha mcder watch but it’s undergone a good deal of change this offseason following the departures of Micah Hyde Jordan puyer and travius white the bills used draft picks on a safety Cole Bishop defensive tackle Dwayne Carter linebacker Eddie Osio defensive end Javon Solomon and cornerback dayquon Hardy babit must work to integrate these prospects and he must help solve a big question at pass rusher where the Aging Von Miller went without a sack last season opposite of AJ Essa who had six and a half sacks babbit’s unit could endure some growing pains in 2024 so I don’t think he’s wrong I I actually think it’s a pretty fair assessment of what’s going on we’ve lost a lot of tenur talent you’re trying to incorporate a lot of new faces not necessarily rookies but new faces I think it helps that Taylor rap is at least here and I think the more and more we get down this road you’re looking at a training camp Battle of what Hardy and uh or uh Demar Hamlin and Mike Edwards for your free safety because I’m pretty sure it’s going to be Taylor R and Cole Bishop fighting for snaps I don’t it’s hard to say that anything is given to a second round pick because we know how this team has treated rookies unless they’ve had to I don’t know how they view safety they might look at Taylor rap and go we like you because you’re a guy we can call on as our third or fourth or fifth guy but we don’t want you being our starter which is why we were pumped visibly if you’ve watched the bills embedded series pumped to land Cole bishop and so in that way you’re going to have a lot of young Talent one way or the other and a lot of battles playing out over the course of training camp for positions and that’s got to be hard at Chris if you’re stepping in to do the job right just stepping in and saying hey I think I can call this defense and you don’t even know who you’re starting safeties are you’re still learning who you can trust I think that they’re right but if you listen to his press conference this week I did like the fact that he acknowledged that kind of dynamic that hey I’m I’m not going to be ready and that I don’t know what I’m doing until I get in there and start doing it I think that’s better than a lot of the guys who kind of carry the I don’t know what you want to call it the machismo of oh it’s going to it’s going to be fine I’m good enough to have achieved this rank I must be good so therefore it’s like the guys who try to speak positive results into existence like we’ve been hearing it all summer from players I’m gonna have my best year Minka Fitzpatrick this just the other day is talking about how man all I got to do is get back to playing Minka ball Minka ball Chris how old is Minka Fitzpatrick because at a certain point you as a safety who used to be the Swiss army knife and used to be everywhere making plays he didn’t have a single turnover last year he’s 27 he’s 27 when you look at the injuries that he’s had and some of the things he’s done he’s clearly not as athletic as he used to be which is how he was generating those turnovers maybe you’re maybe it’s a fluke or maybe this is just what time does to everybody so everybody who’s just trying to say like you’re going to see the best version of Me Cam Sutton who’s out there talking about how in his his Steelers press conference had to get clipped from the official YouTube channel of the Pittsburgh Steelers because he’s out there trying to just positive message his way over his domestic violence situation and it’s like you can talk about how things are going to be great that doesn’t make them so when the bullets start flying you’re either ready or you’re not and you’re either good at this or you’re not and this is going to go well or it won’t I like that babbit’s view of this going into it is like mine you know I’ve tried to explain this Dynamic to my co-workers I’m a nihilist I believe that I I embrace the idea we’re all going to die so are all the people who are going to might remember us and all the things we did and therefore a lot of the things that we’re going to do don’t matter because who’s going to remember them so just do them and even if it doesn’t go well it doesn’t matter shoot for positive but if it doesn’t land it’s okay his attitude is I I might be bad at this I might be good at it I don’t know we got to get in there and figure it out I don’t expect to be good until it starts going well I like this and I ultimately think that when you hear a lot of the things that the players have to say about him I like that in and of itself although I will say Von Miller gave him a vote of confidence the other day saying that he’s been speaking in front of the defense for years and that he’s I’m familiar with him and now not only is he deserving of this position but that he thinks he’s going to do great which almost if you’ve been following Von Miller seems like the kiss of death doesn’t it yeah so he’s what Vic vanio we’re gonna fire him at the end of now that Von Miller said he likes him I digress there’s not a whole lot of OTAs that I could give a damn about one thing that did Peak my interest as we kind of wrap a lot of this conversation is if you’re a better or you’re a Gamble you’re somebody who’s involved in the action as they say bet MGM put out their over unders for the season the Buffalo Bills currently sit at 10 and a half wins for 2024 according to bmgm now I’m not overwhelmingly shocked by that right like I don’t think it’s the end now Chris can I can our viewers see that uh give me one second let’s see if this so Chris is going to do us a favor and put the schedule on the screen for you guys here in a second but there we go what I want to do is I want to talk about the concept of what 10 and a half wins like if you think about what that means it means you’re probably in the thick of the playoff race down to the end of the season whether you fall on the right side of it or not I don’t know it just depends on how bad the NFC is and whether there’s a couple divisions that really tank you know we’ve SE Chris we’ve seen that before where the AFC South is so bad that that anybody who had them on their schedule by default is in playoff contention because they scored three out of four or four out of four victories so it it all comes down to who’s what divisions are strong and weak I think if you look at it Chris the AFC South seems to have been retooling with quarterbacks the Jaguars are pretty good yes they’re not great but they’re pretty good you ask CJ Str Josh Allen is not very good we can we’ll unpack all that during another show that’s that’s a Ryan LEL in the chat’s gonna get all fired up if we start talking about the reasons he might not name Josh Allen in’s top five but when you look at it it’s like okay who do we play we play the NFC West who else obviously the AFC East the uh South AFC South the AFC South seems like a division that’s taking strides to try to get better I mean will Levis the will Levis Tennessee Titans are more threatening to me even without Derrick Henry than they were when they had there’s no Derrick Henry there Ryan tanah Hill on his own wouldn’t have moved the needle will Levis and those receivers even though I don’t think much of them I don’t know it’s still early in the season when we play them so the odds are they could still be relatively healthy but it’s a brand new coaching staff so they could be a complete flop they could be mildly competitive they could be one of the best coached teams in the division it’s a dice roll on its face the AFC South has improved the NFC West looks like like I don’t know they have the defending Super Bowl runner up and then what can I point out what I like about this what outside of playing in Buffalo Buffalo depending on that New England game to end the season there’s no there’s no weather game where they’re on the road because they have the Rams in December doesn’t do anything weatherwise in December and then the Lions playing a dome so any type of weather game is going to be here I do like that yeah yeah that’s fair but so rather than tryz I know like wgr has made its bones like picking the bills and they go through the schedule and try to figure out like well what games do we win I don’t know I’d prefer more to talk about where does B MGM see us with this six and a half games and which one is the half so if you Chris if you look at this right away where do you see six losses what’s your first one where you look at the game and you go ah that that’s probably a loss uh honestly I might go with um th this up again uh Jacksonville here really that just right now to my brain says Trap game because you’re week two is dolphins so you’re gonna want to win that game for a leg up in the East I Jaguars might be a trap game I can you can you see that for me trap game I I don’t understand Trap game they’re a team that made the playoffs a two years ago and they were in playoff contention until they had one of the the one of the the dumbest like when I say you can lose a dumb football game the Jaguars lost one of the dumbest and most hilarious to watch football games I’ve ever seen last year to miss the playoffs you lost to a lame duck quarterback who knew he was a lame duck you lost like you lost to a team that had nothing to win and yet you still lost to them the whole thing was just funny so I look at this and I I say where do where do our six and a half losses come from I’ll tell you that I would if if you’re on the road in Baltimore on Sunday Night Football that’s going to be tough and if you’re on the road October 6th against Houston that’s also going to be difficult I could give you two if you’re trying to talk about hypothetical losses those are two right there that I go yep those ones jump off the page of me as games the bills probably could and should lose given the state of each roster then where so now we’re down to four and a half we got to find take a look Chris what stands out to you anything I mean the bills are going to be one of the most well-rested teams in football so it’s not like we have short windows to contend with so what are you looking at I mean it you could be the uh what try to put yourself in their head the CH I don’t know the Chiefs could be but like I like the setup of the Chiefs game because it’s Chiefs bye ners so you’re you have a bye to get ready for the ners I think we have a better chance of winning that ners game I think we have a better chance of winning the ners game than we do the Chiefs game I think for the first time in a while the Chiefs beat us in the regular season usually we hand usually it’s we handle we handle the Chiefs in the regular season what would you call handling we don’t handle the Chiefs every single one of those games is mustat TV because it comes down to the I say handle that means the end of the game it says Bills win that’s what that means this is why these conver I I like our listeners to hear this Bills win regular season against that they can understand what I have to deal with here when I’m trying to have rational football conversation with somebody which is why I lose my [ __ ] when was the last time the Chiefs beat us in the regular season Co yes the covid year and even then it came down to a single score game because they let us come back at the end now I could see that Chiefs game or at least them counting one of them this is where I’m willing to go half right where do you find two other losses because I think they’ll win one of San Francisco or KC I just don’t know which one but I don’t think they’ll win them both now give me two more losses is it the Lions away the Lions almost beat us when we had a better team when we had Stefan Diggs making miraculous catches Lions could be a loss the Lions could absolutely be a loss away that point in the season depending on what the bills have left to play for you got to go to LA and then come back and then go to Detroit yeah it’s entirely possible that that’s a that’s also a loss so you’ve got one left that you got to find here where do you see it could be the Jets you so do you think that for another year we split with the Jets it’s it’s totally possible that happens all the time with the Jets we think we’re going to go into a jet Game beat the [ __ ] out of them and when Aaron Rogers is a ter is ailles and you go obviously this is a cakewalk now and somehow you still lose that football game like those are the kinds of things guys but 10 and a half is a still a strong number it’s crazy now here’s the question where are you going to lay your money over or under over you’re taking the over on that yeah guys what about you in the chat over under see I think the I think the uh I think the over under scenario it’s going to be under Steve Noble in the chat just hit something great he goes we’ve only lost one game by more than one score in the last three years which may or may not be factually correct but you’re close Steve there’s been a couple games that got away from us by more than that but you’re right on the bills don’t lose anything but close games and that should annoy everybody but that should also make you somewhat hesitant to double down on the idea that like oh we’re just going to run because even at full strength quote unquote even with the best roster that we could pay for and leverage our future with we still lost those close games and so the question becomes what are we going to do differently this is where the coaching staff comes in every game last year that we lost was within one score sure Chris is Chris is actively fact checking I’m fact checking you that’s what Republicans do uh two years ago also every loss by one score Steve also mentions uh that stad doesn’t have Allen in his top five but then Nick Wright says that Josh Allens is number two quarterback that is correct ultimately guys in that Indianapolis Beatdown at home was the last multiple score game that we lost okay so Steve’s Steve’s right wow look you’re wrong Steve Steve if you want to host this podcast if you live in the Buffalo area please hit me up is that how this works I I’m I’ve been proven wrong as a bloviator behind a microphone with a beer in my hand and now I have to step down and let some other ass take my seat grab this beer and man the you now man the ships sir apparently that’s how this works H here’s here’s the idea 10 and a half for a team that’s going through what we can all call a rebuild these Vegas handicappers don’t like they’re looking at things as neutrally as possible it goes back to what I said last week even though someone who was in the chat earlier called me a panderer um said I was pandering to Bills fans looking at this thing it’s like no no no the bills will be in the conversation at the end of the season whether we make the playoffs or not is a dice roll whether we win the AFC East is a dice roll but I’m willing to bet on the people who have done it and the team that has proven they can be double digit winners every year for how many consecutive years Chris how many years you you like to fact check as we close the show out how many years in a row of have the bills won double digit games uh five bang five and then four of the five resulted in AFC East division Champions so even if we don’t win the division you mean to tell me that we’re not going to be right there in the hunt at the end of the season and if everyone all all of you the boob Birds who go oh you were in the hunt again do you know where we came from if a down year while we retool the roster and free up c space to make another Super Bowl run is that we’re in the hunt you you done the job as a GM you’ve done the job as a coach you’re doing everything you can I I don’t know I got if you can’t get behind that thought I got nothing else for you and I got nothing else to say to you and so at that point Chris I think it’s time we we let the people be I know Joe Miller has gone live probably about 20 minutes ago over on his channel I’m sure you guys would love more bills conversation go check out Joe’s podcast he’s live right now with Jerry oski who I can’t wait to have on this show so I can tell him how my uncle during a game I’ll never forget it screamed at the top of his lungs is Jerry strung out because he got a holding call and I go do you have any idea how hard that job is even as a child I’m like I don’t know why you’re screaming at that guy he’s playing football you’re you’re chubby and drunk guys this has been fun thank you for joining us tonight but we got to get out of here I’m Drew gear that’s Chris Krueger this has been your Rockpile report

We discuss the latest news with the Buffalo Bills

#buffalobills #nfl #podcast


  1. Bitter, boring and childish for most of the episode lol. It's difficult to get through your shows, I'm proud I did it again

  2. 46:53 it shows confidence to believe in yourself . Babich could have said I will make sure I am as prepared as possible and give all I have to this team instead of well yeah idk we will see how it goes . So if week 1 we suck on D is he gonna say well that’s a sign I’m not ready

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