@Buffalo Sabres

Pub Talk – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Sporting Director Stephen Hogan

Pub Talk – Season 2 – Episode 3 – Sporting Director Stephen Hogan

[Music] welcome to pob talk stop looking all right cheating all the time God seriously switchbacks pop talk epics and he Disturbed me already I can’t believe it guys take two switch backs episode three of Pub talk uh if you do want subtitles on this episode you can press on your remote control 911 Channel 911 uh you can get them in Irish you can get them in British you can get them in Yorkshire you can get them in Scottish they’re going to be there available out the chaps the subtitles are there just click your remote control go Rex them go they did all right they did all right yeah back up again they did all right anyway would you like a chip uh yeah this is what we call them isn’t it I i’ put this actually it’s the first time we’ve actually had snacks on Pub talk we have to say pretty sauce the way I say Cur sauce it just tastes like H I won’t call it a chip though I’d call it a wedge yeah this is a wedge a wedge curry sauce for all our American de what we would say at home which is a chip yeah chip chippy we got a chippy that’s that SAU is from that’s really nice is it very good Mr Steven Hogan how are you I’m all right the last time we chat and hung out which haven’t been very often really since you diverted to the director Board of switchb actually no but of director of football yeah and and it’s uh you’re the only one who’s called that since I got promoted I was because well no because the reason being is it’s it’s a model that happens across Seas where you and I are from and it’s something that’s do you know what pretty popular MH it is pretty popular my team just got one Bradford City just got a director of football now and and it’s one of them things where it is would you say it’s something new over here or not uh yes and no when I arrived in Philadelphia with Brendan years ago uh there was one there already there was one joining as I was uh joining too he he arrived like a month later um there was one there was a um a CEO who was president of football before him before I arrived so yes and no in terms of being new over here but for USL it’s it’s now becoming common I think and it’s I I believe because I’m in the position that it’s obviously needed to help the staff to help the technical okay let’s just be blunt with that why why is it what what’s what’s your and we’ll break your dayto day down as well apart from being in Jack Quinn’s but but like what was late too so that’s why that looks a little bit less than his but in all seriousness what is the significant significant of a of a director of football yeah so like with it our staff it’s a little bit different because we’ve had a real relationship for years so and normally that’s not the case but the the the direct idea of the position is to connect front office to staff to technical staff and players the idea the role is to build everything underneath the technical staff as well as building a proper scouting department to get our profile in every year so just think of this position as you’re a year in advance you have to be a year out and that’s my main job Academy first team what it needs first team 2025 what we’re doing for 2026 so it’s a complete plan and you’re always in in talks um with the president and talks with ownership group and you’re back and forth about literally everything and is it not just what’s on the field off the field like you mentioned building switchbacks as a brand as his business as his Community Development as Academy as well which we’re going to touch on as well later on I mean it’s vely important isn’t it to I I think it helps and you know obviously we haven’t had going back and forth here we haven’t had a great start and obviously we’ll talk about that too probably but the idea of taking I had to do and and even before me Brendan had to do not so much because we didn’t have an academy but a lot of the business side of it as well you know and that’s where certain people three or four people of mine over the last 10 years that’s where I learned it and that’s where I grew to love it so it takes all that away from James it takes all that away from Allan and they can just literally concentrate on x’s and I’s how we’re going to get the best chance of winning every weekend would you you say you’re learning this role every single week every single day Etc and even you’re probably correcting stuff as you go along as well which is a good thing yeah it is I think in any any walk in life I think you’re always learning yeah like even now we’re learning we’re figuring stuff out in terms of like how involved am I in the community how involved am I going to be in the day-to-day of the academy how involved am I going to be yes the technical site for sure I’m big part of the first team big part of the which way we’re going to go but um connecting with people in the community is a big part of it you know and and discussing their ideas and what a professional soccer organization in Colorado Springs looks like is important because that obviously helps front office maybe bring in more sponsorship maybe bring in different ideas maybe helps us build different foundations for the academy or for player needs or for staff needs what does chimber need what does hen need what does Cali need what do these guys need all the time and sometimes people’s opinions outside the outside the stadium matter a lot and that’s part of the job on the on the community side and there’s only one way it goes yeah for sure yeah you have to keep if you do grow it at a steady Pace there’s no other way it will go would it up speaking of growing as well you and I being from across the pond okay we played footy from I don’t know AG you with three okay very inexpensive game yeah and I’m being transparent here yeah what shocks me the most coming over to America and I’ve coached over only nothing major but I’ve coached and and the I call them Subs yeah how much it pays I pay two a week exactly two a week which is equival how much is that in pounds and dollars what we’re talking $4 yeah $4 $4 for a season to play something you love Grassroots I call it Grassroots football you know I mean as do you think it’ll ever happen like that over here or or something that is comparable to back home to to give give kids a chance opportunity yeah yeah and it’s something I really want to push myself I think it’s big part of the discussion that we have with myself and you know the ownership group is eventually how do we make it zero doar MH I think at a Professional Organization you have to build towards that when can you do that I have no idea you know I have to figure out the foundation first then build up the teams how many can how many are we going to have because ultimately the selfish reason for an Academy is in any professional organization is to have players develop for the first team and then they’re becoming assets are we moving those players on after three years or are they playing in USL for switchbacks for 15 years career nothing wrong with that either you know that’s what they’re there for that all said it all starts with a foundation of how much are they paying and how much are we going to charge them now compared to where we’re going to be in three to five years and that’s a big discussion right now it is and I think home has it right where you know you’re playing the game you love and you’re developing in allow everyone can play over here it’s just not the way right now and I think the only way you do it is you get off the ground with certain expenses and then you’re trying to build it the right way where if my if I get this kid if my kid is good enough he has to work hard to get into a switchbacks organization will then not that most most parents in in America not everyone but most parents in America could afford x amount of dollars to play a a sport that their kid loves you know so but can we and me particularly build something over three to five years and going this is no cost to you at all and he’s at the vision for you absolutely for sure 100% everyone knows that too bringing that European model across in such a young starting way which then again introduces I think after the World Cup as well I think there’s going to be such more uh hunger for kids to to want to play football there just is and is it one of the things where within our area now in Colorado Springs do we start I know you youve got that wonderful connection with pride yeah which a great organization oh for sure yeah Bren were connected there as well is it something where I I say we cuz I feel part of the switch backs anyway but like where we do I know well I am I’m family I’m family but like where we do kind of spread mustach is everywhere I know it’s all over the stadium you would look great in a mustache I think it would but don’t you think it’s like we do spread like say we go up to Monument and you go out to Canyon City and you have these Scouts eventually you have these Scouts going oh my gosh Orie should these see these kids well the idea of that is like again to interrupt you sorry the idea of that is that you know we signed Marco in the offseason you know he’s 18 he’s 19 at the end of the year we we did that for what he did over a 12-month period I remember me and Brendan talking two years ago and he was nowhere near it and then he had a growth spur then he had a development spur and we brought him in kept bringing him in and then last offseason we gave him a contract he deserved it and it’s a decent Academy contract to see where he can develop he needs to play games so what does that mean he has to probably go somewhere and play games or he has to train at the next level to get into chains 18 and then into an 11 that’s just the process happens everywhere but he’s from Pueblo so we want to connect peblo all the way to let’s say cck and go because you know you get the Denver and you get the Rapids and all that sort of stuff you know we have a great relationship great soccer relationship with them but they’re MLS so kids are still going to want to go there in around that area so can we take anything that really wants to develop the right way at the right age at the right time depending on education and all that sort of stuff from that from peblo to say Castle Rock and he’s like an education though isn’t it as well for sure yeah for everyone it’s it’s interesting now we’ve we’ve signed some four or five Academy player since I’ve been here you know and meeting the parents and talking about one thing in particular and they’re quite happy and quite I think it calms them down is me talking about education how we’re going to help the development on the field the development off the field and in the classroom you know we have one or two Avenues with BW and all that with the college system where we can put players in there and Marco’s on that he has to start in August it’s like a full circle really isn’t it yeah now we just need an official Foundation underneath where it’s like I’m watching training nearly every day with Allen and chain bone gone for three weeks he’s done X he’s training with you tomorrow whatever whatever way it works since stepping back into this this new rule are you still getting a bit of itchy feet kind of sideline stuff are you I know you and I see each other at games and you’re still very very focused on the game yeah is it more kind of I’m standing back a little bit J loads of trust there obviously mentioned training coming in on there and yeah having your input yeah like the doors always open like what we’ve always had as a staff or like even coaches the doors always open for players doors always open for players and staff now if a player walks into my office it’s 50/50 it could be about life but also football you know because maybe I can help out in some regard I don’t go seeking a player like I did last year yeah get in my office yeah chambo has all that that’s him that’s his role he’s the head coach he decides everything with his staff what he wants to do on a Saturday night the other side of it is if I’m watching training and watching games and I do like to watch the games like intently and on my own because if I do go downstairs or I do talk to them after training there has to be a real honest blunt opinion of what I see from a little bit higher of elevation and that’s that’s all it is that’s all it is they can take it and run with it or they can take half of it and dice it up and figure something else out and there’s respect yeah huge respect yeah the two coaches that we have are one on the field unbelievable they’re two of the best in the country of what they see and the detail that we’ve all had honestly since I started in the pros the level of where I got it from is every coach that I’ve seen the majority coaches I’ve seen in the professional level where I’ve work are so detailed it’s like you take a step back and go I got to add that I got to add that it’s not oh I wouldn’t do that it’s like I want to add that you know to what I want to do on the field and now I’m doing sort of similar things in terms of in the office and off the field it’s exciting absolutely do I miss it absolutely not hon H honestly yeah no I said it in me first you were there I said it and someone asked me I don’t know who asked me and I just said no and um Barcelona Academy director Jed Quinn he’s great friend of mine and he was just like himself laughing yeah yeah like you’re the only guy on the planet who just straight up say but is that because of what is it pressure pressure from the above what what what is it what is it is it something a totally absolutely the it’s the it’s the um you know people are like jambo’s passionate about the field like he he’s not a head coach where he just stand off right he’s a head coach where he’ll be two or three every day at a week two or three days even when the days where he doesn’t have to coach and watch he’ll be there he’ll be in it and Allan is simp similar in that regard Alan has little tweaks and all that my whole itch thing is building itand quality and the community and everything which is excit and and the the academy part is the first part of it and we we s and the organization have given ourself a let’s say a 12 Monon window okay you know what I mean because I’m I’ve set out to certain things me and me and Nick Reagan have had fantastic talks and chats about this and that which way we’re going to do and budgets and how are we getting the profile of a Swit player into chaino lineup eventually to then move him on for a he’s an asset for a profit yeah it’s business but that part really excites me all of it not just the academy all of it really excites me well let’s get on the field okay not the best start of the season and I’m I’m saying it I’m a fan I’m going to be honest there’s other people in the room and I’m honest when it comes to that um thanks what from our perspective oh cheers that was all right e you left me again he was late so by two minutes it’s still late let’s talk about the start of the Season okay not the best start is it no absolutely not what are we now four five games in we’re six games in six games in one point out of six yeah so where where are we at where are we at yeah like the idea of Miami to let’s say Detroit especially when we went down 10 man Detroit still creating chances Phoenix different setup you know probably should have got out there a point but it was a different setup in terms of which way they went they go it’s it’s similar to the way I went in Phoenix last year and we got a one-1 draw um now where are we to answer your question and to get after it is we could talk about last season with me and the chances created the chances missed we were two games away from being 18 18 wins in a home playoff because of chances missed he’s just had that period at the beginning of the year right okay that’s the only thing that we’re talking about I was with them all day today I was with them all morning this morning and again to be taking a step back I don’t normally watch film session and I was in there from 9:15 until they finished training and the conversation and the ideas and the the the the discussion to get out of it and keep to our principles is fascinating was fascinating this morning and then the the intensity of training and the funny thing with training is that we’ve been laughing as a staff it was like every training since preseason has ended 95% of training sessions have been really good really intense and then it’s a Saturday so there’s a lot of what is going on on a Saturday you know what I mean so do we take a step back a little bit do we just go make sure we have a terrible session you know but like the two guys the guys can’t work like that everything has to be on point everything has to be intense in certain in certain days today was one of them and the idea of how we’re training just hasn’t really really fundamentally come to us yet in front of goal okay okay I would say you’re going to concede goals in USL every team will concede goals you know yeah but we’re trying to build profiles on Defenders for the future of less goals conceded and we tried that last year we knocked off 11 from 2022 you know that’s another goal of the organization because I think in USL because of how physical and fast it is if you can keep knocking that down every year it gets better and better in front of goal but still I had problems in front of go last year where we were destroying teams to that point it just wasn’t hitting an air that final third that’s what it is I think the thing is the players are actually like even thinking year night we have a great start two minutes three minutes in Yos delivers the ball for Ronaldo Ronaldo scores a Ronaldo D goal off balance head our back post like those crappy goals is Ronaldo’s four five goal USL he has done that he doesn’t need to prove himself as a goal scorer that’s what he’s done for three four seasons here the one that falls to Malik when we’re crossing the ball like part of what we’re trying to do is can we get as many numbers in the Box as quickly as possible now a a different day that’s half a yard below the below the bar and it’s flying in the top top of the net but is it confidence what do you think it is with Malik no right you know Malik has his Malik and and the players they have their own individual mindsets which is part of that like if you think about the discussion this morning there’s two or three of the players this morning who I didn’t didn’t really hear speak are speaking a lot okay you know so in terms of Engagement in terms of involvement like you could walk in there 06 and one and go or 05 and one and go they just don’t even want to bother with what’s going on but chambo most of the times today he’s they’re involved Allan’s involved in every clip obviously they’re the the staff members and then the discussions in the player yeah you know what I mean and then they’re answering questions as they go fantastic it was it’s so it’s it’s it’s just really strange that it’s happened now so as we keep going and as we keep building and this Foundation is built the minute it clicks and the profile of player starts to click in what that room is because we have a lot of variety in attacking options he can do a lot of things with that and that was part of the reason why we did this is that once something like that starts to click momentum in our league takes over I think the biggest frustration to to see in the last couple of weeks and you know I’m social media all the time and it’s hard to see the messages from fans and listen it’s understandable for them to get frustrated what I don’t know I don’t get on well I know you you do you’re always following me everywhere too she always lead me dodging messages on social media I have LinkedIn dropp you are LinkedIn no you’re good on LinkedIn I did I liked it yeah professional I like this guy he’s always late there’s always that kind of frustration with fans and it’s everywhere isn’t it oh yeah if you have a a patchy start you’re going to get that but I think they just I think it’s just cuz I don’t know the early Panic for what they’re seeing and and they just it’s just reassurance do you know what I mean I they just need that reassurance yeah like we talk about it internally everyone talks about it it’s not as if it’s yeah you know not talked about you know that’s the honest truth about it like we have won a game yeah so let’s talked about people have the right to say whatever they want do we no offense do we pay attention to it not really I got a job to do trying to build a club I’m trying to build the soccer part of a club chamber’s trying to win and the staff are trying to back that up and they’re doing that every day and not three the prep hasn’t changed the ideas haven’t changed the breaking down of opponents haven’t changed the detail is outrageous it’s that last piece and that three points when it comes which I know it’s going to come yeah I think it’d be a a relieve off the should off the shoulders you know I mean like you know shoulders the second one might be just as important yeah go back to back because then that’s a momentum that’s a rhythm Builder that’s a momentum Builder so like the idea of all right you go be Oakland let’s say we go beat Oakland this weekend and then we’re home to El Paso Oakland ourselves and El Paso are all struggling yeah you know so are Phoenix back to backs and then if you you know it can go either way USL is there’s no obviously magic ball in any professional sports but it can go either way we obviously they’re competing as much as us but if you can get some sort of rhythm going in in in those games then that momentum I’m talking about fact I love it I love I love catching up with you it’s like just having a it’s good to see you buddy no it’s nice always nice to see you I’m we’re going to have a chat about a few more things but oh this the phone P but no no nearly nearly we’re getting them I’m just breaking one in a half like that cuz I’m I don’t want to put one all one all in the mouth it’s what did you figure this yeah this is like a cross between see our viewers were ever heard of Sal cream oh yeah yeah yeah do you like Sal cream what is it called over here thousand island dressing there you go that’s it that’s pretty cool yeah thank you look at here how you very wavy you and I got some exim as well we live in America do we really no we do we do but from over the seas no over the seas we come across when did you come over here 20 years ago yeah mine was 2004 2004 so mine was I’m I was a bit later 2012 with the band T xwi you’re fake in then five years of been in Colorado how you how have you find it kind of being over here full time well it’s it’s actually very funny I always break it up into two it’s quite simple I I my childhood was in home cuz I was 18 and a half 19 when I moved here and my adulthood my professional life has been in America I learned how to drive over here and all that sort of stuff round couldn’t get couldn’t get insurance on your mom’s car before I left she told me to go get you know so um yeah it was yeah so I break it up like that t been pretty much my whole adult life give or take a year yeah you learn how to drive over here mad yeah no the roundabouts the struggle with roundabouts over here you do they do you can shake your heads behind camera it’s true rotaries oh my God I’ve seen cars go right over roundabout they didn’t know what to do so you go round the clu in the title stop when they’re in it they stopped because this one’s coming yeah I’m like wow I could write a book I really could yeah but no that’s cool right I’m going to finish on some quick 5 10 we’ve done this before I think we did it when your first wait we’re finishing up no I’ve got still got listen this goes up trust me this goes on for another 10 minutes his section I tell you okay yeah um a couple of quick fires couple of quick fires are you ready yes always you never know what you’re going to say I know I know cuz you’re in full control of this I have no say in this well apart from when you can’t looking at me I’m not looking at your say that right why are you in a r you need to go somewhere no no no only got you for a few going what you miss at home while you right cool that’s easy enough yeah absolutely no brainer family everyone’s over there I got Liv in Florida you know but everyone’s at home that’s lovely yeah and and and geography talk to me you got du nor Dublin nor are you still on the coast yeah on I’m right under water oh my God yeah it’s beautiful how about that wonderful was it when you were young oh yeah yeah yeah yeah walked everywhere on the bike everywhere’s house right no he South he he’s South he Posh call me Posh too actually to be honest but yeah know is alen and Chan by same kind of by me and chamber are closer I think yeah he’s b o so he’s about 20 minutes max I might be a little further cuz he’s closer to the city how often do you try get home then how often do I go home how often would you like to try and get home oh you’d love to go home once a year but it’s been every it’s been every other year all right lingers flying direct now Denver yeah four days a week there yeah lingers bright green playing you can’t miss it right breakfast or lunch lunch lunch don’t you do don’t you like a bit of breakfast I I like breakfast but I prefer lunch spice or no spice medium what is medium did you ask these questions to the players oh yeah off we had some bangers didn’t we I must have turned it off when I was watching Mah at this point some medium spice I don’t like spice but I could deal if I’m out with people that I have no idea thr a bit of spice on I I’ll deal with it have a bit of milk or water and risky me favorite holiday destination St John Virgin Island we didn’t take long to think about that did you if if I’m not here or in Ireland I’m there is that with the Blue Waters and stuff yeah yeah no cloes on skinny dipping with Mr H If Money Was No Object where would you like to live oh great this is a good question actually the rest have been terrible i’ve thought I’ve thought about these right uh my favorite City this is crazy my favorite not crazy it’s weird my favorite city in the world is gallway west coast of orand okay it’s Ireland traditional beautiful cliff and mo all that that’s on the west side west side yeah next up north of cork I would probably I’d buy a nice house there if I could not money object I do like all right okay my mom won’t like that cuz it’s a good three- hour drive from Dublin is it really three hours ago not that that’s big for over here but if you tell home three hours they’re like no no yeah I’m not doing it not doing it I mean tell people back home that we drive at this point it’s lazy and I get the Dead yeah but you tell people back home he driving to Kansas 9 hours ago what yeah yeah we could be in Paris from Bradford true crazy is it he had to bring up Bradford didn’t he I had to be in the league oh it could be in playoffs we could be in the playoffs you’re not getting promoted no there still are you booking your this time why don’t you tell all the people about what you did last time I didn’t book the flights I didn’t book the flights we were close we were close we just we lost in the playoffs against Carlile that’s what I know but I’m just fingers on the buzzers so it’s all right I’m going to be go we that’ be a bit fun oh that’d be fun what we doing it in two days or three days two care do can you get his VIP Royal box I’ll get Lindsay to give me usls pass all right right cool favorite film oo I’m a big film guy there’s a few go on man come on Spielberg Love The Godfather oh just brilliant Love The Godfather very nice My Wife Er still hasn’t watched I took it off watched the go I I took a bunk off watched three in a row N hours back to back Tom me mama was sick she knew I wasn’t but like your Marathon The Godfather oh amazing wow I was like 16 or something yeah are you streaming at the moment uh I like I’m watching sh going in Hulu Japanese movie Tommy is it really good I’m not movie shot it’s very good my old brother got it into me he was like you and I was like not really into all that like you got Netflix yes have you seen the gentleman yeah me and er watched that a few weeks ago I’m good that’s very good very good uh any other recommend they W they one season done I’ve heard I’ve heard I’ve heard it’s trickling back I’ve heard it’s trickling back that was very good no it’s good it’s good I’m watching show new one came out last night I can’t wait to see is it worth watching I he hasn’t watched it look at his face recomendation he’s just poting give thumbs up so well stop looking at me look at him is that the recommendation you’re giving me yeah yeah if it if it if it’s crap I’m going to come knocking on your door all right you were still late doesn’t matter what you’re thinking it really doesn’t matter how hell you thinking right know I think I know what you’re going to say about this one what you what you’re listening to at the moment music yeah uh Rolland Stones all right yeah you going back a bit you going back a bit yeah those they’re playing Denver when are you are you a fan of what you’re a former artist I don’t do all this you text me non J July August no they’re playing the stadium EMP power really we’re going mcj you go we can go if you want to go wear those pants I wear these pants we could go we could do we want to go like that we’re going to go MC Jagger oh my God hogy yeah my M Jager impression which is terrible how old is he 120 he’s doing well though is he he’s doing well he’s doing well right he’s doing all right apart from uh being a director of football but you know apart from being involved in in football what job would you like to do no idea actually no idea I’ve never done anything else and did you go to school tried to go to school you go to college College to R first year you went to college yeah yeah um what were you taking it would be in sports but like I don’t know Sports Science no PE teacher PE teacher yeah pick pick up counts whistle pick up counts for six figures that’d be great have you ever seen film kez no you’ve never seen kez no what’s kez it’s a 1980s film about about a young boy who had a a a bird a pet bird it’s from Bley thoughts like that but he had a PE teacher in in one of the school scenes and stuff but I can imagine you in PG goes get off that goz you have to beat that out all right yeah but I’ll send you it’s really funny it’s really funny can you cook not really but I give it a go what do you mean you give it a go everyone has to give it a go you you’re youtubing AR you you’re YouTuber rest in peace Eric is a fantastic cook what she cook everything she can cook anything do you wash up and help her yeah yeah absolutely you dishwasher yeah she’s Italian you got to do it is she is she proper what’s a made in there St Lucia Santa Luchia no yeah and in New York Santa that’s a famous song is it and in New York they changed it to St Lucia cuz they landed wow yeah that’s a true story she’s still got family in Italy uh where they’re from no don’t think so cuz our grandmother was anyway long story wow I mean I mean I mean we can have a long story if you like we’ll do it downstairs over a pound it’s a family story it’s a big long family tree all right but they’re Italian I think I’ve asked you this question before I like youve asked all these questions before no I haven’t no I haven’t I haven’t stop it now Stephen stop it right middle seat airplane it’s open just for you come on yeah who do you want to have and I remember what you said last I remember you said who was it Roy Keane no chance it was Roy ke no he’s great T yeah oh I love him he destroy you he would no don’t think he would he would you wouldn’t have I think we compare facial hair or pants pants but no honestly who would you Zan we’ve had him a few times haven’t we zidan W he’s genius I don’t think his uh English and Irish is very good that’s the thing so you’re stuck are you just play with his eyebrows his baly head you know yeah what need you glass of wine anything oh anything you want Zed in anything you want thank you yeah you’ve actually got another one because I remembered last last week in last week’s episode we’re going big plane so it’s the two and the two so you can have one more you can have more anyone um do you know who would be interested to talking to would be funny enough would be Marlin Brando oh that’s nice is it the actor yeah yeah I think are you going to make him watch uh three Godfathers well my wife still has to watch it first so she’s sitting on other side surprised she Haven watched it being it you know like you know what I mean yeah she she gets she honestly her family take take that they don’t they take that personally that’s wonderful L it’s been a pleasure to sit with you no no wait wait a minute no no no come on because here on uh Pub talk we like to sing happy birthday because it’s your birthday tomorrow oh was it I brought you a plate of wedges here you go the beer as well happy birthday to you birthday to you happy birthday Mr Hogan happy birthday to you we doing a hug and I brought you some presents okay give me a look here we go we’re the same age so we’re getting up there oh you want some chips here we go the crew wants some chips you can have some chips so here we go they when they say when we get to our age we’re halfway to bed why would you put a downer on this episode come on oh my gosh here you go happy birthday you got hold everything up to the camera hold everything up to the camera chy [Laughter] Dodgers oh yeah that’s really yeah good job fantastic effort okay look at this absolutely fantastic I want you in that do you do hold it up to the camera there you go I want you in that do you have like nonuniform day at work every day is it really all right you to wear that and I want a picture with players like you know this is more important that’s great I oh curly wh curly wh curly that yeah we could do but explain to people what curly wh is it’s just nice and chewy caramel inside it’s one of my favorites got some Jammy Dodgers as well Jammy dodg we explain can you explain what a biscuit is that’s a biscuit that’s a biscuit look biscuit with tea have it in tea you can dunk it Jammy Dodgers and and cage so I’m I’m just going to finish on this this is melted this bought this or took it from his and put it in the car maybe three days ago and it’s now ringing wet like it’s melted put your t-shirt on anyway thank you so much for watching episode three of pob talk Mr St love you love you oh tell you all right we catch us next time go switchbacks cheers switch cheers sh

Pub Talk hosted by @novameets1871 is BACK for episode 3! In this episode, we sit down with Sporting Director Hogan to talk the new position, youth development, the start of the season and much, much more!

Pub Talk is brought to you by Jack Quinn’s Irish Pub & Restaurant.

Editor’s note – This episode was filmed on April 24 2024.

#switchbacksfc #colorado #coloradosprings #cyan #uslchampionship #weidnerfield #mycitymyteam #pubtalk

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