@Washington Capitals

This is honestly so ass

On the Washington Capitals purchasing Cap Friendly.


  1. Like McDavid, the NHL hates you. ESPN and the rest of Satan's minions have clearly made it a Colosseum attraction that's more about enriching Monstars like the NBA. Bill Burr gave up on the NBA because it got so phony and fake and the refs are so obviously in the pocket of the mob. I feel the same about hockey.

  2. This is much ado about nothing. Every team should have the resources to create their own inhouse version of capfriendly and we are supposed to be mad at the Caps for using the resources available to them to gain a competitive advantage? As you said when capgeek went down we got capfriendly no doubt another person or group will create a substitute for fans and any team complaining about this is just being too cheap or too lazy to build their own version. Its not like hes buying it so he can turn make it a subscription service and turn a profit hes doing what he can to help his team win. more owners should be willing to dip into their pocketbook to help their teams win.

  3. Long-time Capitals Fan. I'm embarrassed. Was gonna buy a 5 game season ticket package for next year. Now, no way.

  4. It's not going to stop someone from making a very similar website w/ a different UI and a slightly different name.

  5. People are being over dramatic about this, again. Like when he proposed moving the team. You guys are fucking babies.

  6. perhaps they bought it so they can change the name. "CAP" Friendly might infer a reference to the capitals, and so they might just want the domain name so they can keep all "cap" related domains for their use. of course, i'm just an average joe. what do i know?

  7. I'd imagine that behind the salary cap stuff on the front end, the team might have also been collecting and categorising plenty of other metrics and statistics, and may have been looking for a buyer for a while.

  8. Washington's learning from their little politician friends. Typical DC. Meanwhile,Leonsis spends all his time crying about "big markets ruining the league",like he's NOT just another billionaire POS. These owners are all alike

  9. The folks who ran Capfriendly had to sell out for this to happen. Can't blame em. But yes as a hockey fan this is insanely dumb.

  10. This is the first I'm hearing it, and I first thought "Maybe they're just buying the URL, not the website…"

    Yeah no, they're buying it all. As a Caps fan, I offer my sincerest apologies for this stupidity. If any professional org should have bought this, it should have been the NHL, not an individual team.

  11. I’m a Caps fan, and I think this is just stupid. It’s just TED FREAKIN LEONSIS WASTING MONEY. Why don’t we spend it on arena upgrades or something better than A DANG WEBSITE. (sorry I’m just mad)

  12. as I said somewhere else: only way Caps can be more hated now is to hire Babcock so he can bench Ovi for the rest of his career 1 point shy of the record

  13. Terrible. Sorry for the caps fans as well. Must leave a really sour taste in their mouths having their org do something shitty like this.

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