@Vancouver Canucks

Moving forward links to articles from CanucksArmy will be filtered out. More details inside.

We have noticed a lack of journalism by their staff that does not bode well for their readers nor the users of this sub.

The main issue is that their writers are grabbing their sources from second-hand twitter accounts.

Examples here:

We're not opposed to reinabling their articles if we're given notice they'll discontinue this practice in future.

by OrlandKurtenbot


  1. stickinrink

    Directly above the Taj tweet is the direct quote from the podcast episode referenced in the tweet?

  2. jewmpaloompa

    This is silly. Most of their articles are pretty good

  3. SuperbConfection8321

    Mods banning articles like Florida banning books

  4. SuperbConfection8321

    Nothing like stamping out boots-on-the-ground, local journalism…

  5. HanSolo5643

    But why? This feels like as per usual mods on reddit with too much time on their hands.

  6. TheSimonToUrGarfunkl

    Do Seravalli speculation tweets next

  7. Mysterious-Drummer74

    Let’s not pretend sports journalism needs the same standards as war reporting. Nobody is winning a Pulitzer here (actual exception is say Strang & Westhead but they are doing actual reporting it just happens to be around hockey), it’s a bunch of guys who are either farming for clicks or being the PR channel for teams and/or agents. Who cares if attribution is correct.

  8. veni_vidi_vici47

    Should probably cut them a break since most of their writers aren’t real journalists and no one gets paid for what they produce.

    I have my problems with them, but banning them is silly. If the articles are trending in a low-effort direction, let the comments speak to that.

  9. This is a joke, right? As if half of the stuff put out by sports journalist and insiders don’t actually end up panning out. It’s really silly to punish Canucksarmy, and the writers who work for them, for this.

  10. wanked_in_space

    This decision is worse than any Canucks Army article.

  11. DisplacedNovaScotian

    Why not ban the articles that get sources from second-hand Twitter accounts? I fear this policy may be a bit too blunt.


    Despite the rain this morning, the sun shined through and it was a wonderful day to get outside!

  13. Tiger23sun

    Once again the Mods are simply removing content because they disagree with what’s said on Canuck’s Twitter (i.e Specifically Taj).

    A little while ago the Mods made post saying that Taj and Buckfoston’s tweets are not allowed here any more…

    I challenged them on that topic and they didn’t respond.

    Seems like a big overreach by the Mods and some pretty big abuse of Censorship.

    Once again Mods, hope you respond and give us an answer.


  14. nodarknesswillendure

    So Taj succinctly writes out what Friedge said on 32TP, CA uses that tweet in their article to show what Friedge said, and now CA articles are banned from this sub? What? Lol. Taj is a dumbass but this particular tweet is literally just him transcribing what Friedge said. This is kinda ridiculous

  15. SnailRace2000

    Censorship is never the answer in a public forum. Oh wait I forgot what site I was on lolllll.

  16. MrLogicWins

    That taj guy is a worthless Twitter “insider” wannabe.. he said demko tore his ACL during playoffs. Should not be used as source by any legitimate reporter

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