@Buffalo Sabres

Rickie Fowler X Micah Morris

Rickie Fowler X Micah Morris

guys welcome back to the channel and welcome to a very special video today I have a man that needs no introduction Ricky welcome to the channel I saw have a name on the back welcome to the channel man thanks for being here first off for you guys what’s happening today basically Ricky is one of the best wedge players in the world right shots that he pulls off is absolutely insane you guys know that I’m trying to get better I’m trying to take my game to the next level and I feel like one of the big ways to do that is you know 100 yards an in right like that’s that I lose a lot of Strokes around the greens from 75 to in I hit the ball really far so I have a lot of opportunities from this distance se you got you got speed um so I have a lot of opportunities from this distance but somehow I’ll still shoot 75 so what I want to do today I want Ricky to talk to me about like his technique what he does and what he focuses on we’re going to start at like 80 yards and then we’re going to go green side and um we’re just going to kind of chat through some things and maybe Ricky can hit me watch me hit a couple balls and just see what happens but thanks for being here it’s excited for this well some fun it’s always an area that you can you can get better at I always love watching other guys or you know working on shots most of it one technique but um ball contact is is the big thing and like like low Point yeah being able to to you know control your trajectory and hit you know shots that spin shots that don’t um I’ve always love watching JT one of my my best friends he’s very good with all those so um yeah it really comes from just messing around hitting shots having fun with it it’s like what from like this is an 82 yard shot it’s little into the wind probably plays 8 I don’t know 80 87 maybe M are you thinking low high like what what are you thinking on a shot like this it’s pretty it looks like a pretty standard shot yeah I mean it’s it’s fun like especially this kind of number when you’re back into the wind pin can vary but I like being able to go 60 56 52 you know hitting different shots whether it’s cutting drawing um you know if it was 80 at a back pin what you do there versus a front pin um so yeah 100 yards an in especially once you start getting closer there’s so many options um I need those option but I’ll hit a couple first and then you can kind of kind of assess it you can hit a couple and show me kind of what you do but I’m hitting the tp5x what do you hit I’m in the 5x now 5x yeah all right so 82 yards what do you think this is playing probably five 8 mph wind yeah I mean you hit it hit it with a strong flight I mean really a lot of times unless it’s blowing hard which we can get down here in South Florida you hit something with good flight and solid it it won’t affect yardage a whole lot but yeah somewhere you know give it a few yards of hurt and okay so I’m going to think 85 I got a little 50 I I play a lot of 54° around this yardage yeah um but open to any any opinion lot of hype little short all right we’ll see another one it’s tough the grass is a little long yeah it is little little wet this morning morning little short again I also have fomo no I have Fogle sorry not fomo I don’t I don’t really fear missing out things but I have Fogle I’m always short fear of going long okay I wouldn’t mind you can you bring one flight down a little bit yeah I’ll try so but my thing is I don’t think I quite fully understand the like cuz when I bring the flight down I get really steep okay for some reason cuz I go ball back yeah when I think flight down I go ball back and I get Steep and my like it just gets weird but I’ll see if I can bring one down here yeah I mean ball backs fine whether sometimes like I’ll think of like that left hand whether it’s like a bow or kind of helping turn down that face okay but I mean the biggest thing with with all those whether it’s flight or taking speed off is making sure that that chest keeps turning okay does that make sense yeah like kind of the big muscles cuz I do feel like I get a little armsy and handsy sometimes but I I kind of like the feeling of closing it down a little bit like this this feeling right here yeah but yeah the big thing with that just keep turning through it okay there you go a lot of it is literally coming out and just hitting different shots and you know trying to like mess with yourself like all right I’m going to cut it to this I’m going to draw it you know hit one a little high or hit one down um yeah that’s I mean not very often you get to just set up like this though I mean there’s there’s ways to to make it happen so like cuz one I feel like I really strugg especially like I don’t these are not too steep but I get really steep a lot of times with wedges and is that a lot of that coming from just lack of rotation or like what a lot of yeah a lot of times rotation is what’s helping you shallow out um honestly I’m probably I mean I know a little bit when it comes to golf swing I’m not like a field based player yeah I mean I I’ve I’ve done a lot of stuff growing up I had a old school coach I mean really never saw swing video um I mean you may have seen my swing early on there was a little bit of movement but it was more just way back here hit and shots um and kind of figuring out you know how to do stuff it’s not all about like how the swing looks it helps but you know can you ST stand up and hit a 10 yard draw and then hit a 10 yard cut yeah um if you can do that I mean it doesn’t matter what your swing looks like you know how to produce it yeah you want to hit a couple for us I just want to see like all right and if you like even just like hitting a couple different flights and just I want to kind of see what that looks like what what club you got here I got 56 56 yeah if there was no wind it’d be a great 60 yardage but um I like having that control yeah oh my gosh see that’s my dream right there that was a little short yeah yeah but that flight is so I feel like for me a lot of it is kind of like where my right hand is MHM and like being able to cuz I mean at the end of the day your right hand is kind of the face angle um but using it to control um and mess around and hit shots MH I like I said JT is probably one of the best at it that I’ve seen so we’ll go I’ll go little draw oh my gosh that was cool that’s so perfect but one thing has the spin but it’s not it’s kind of going to one hop and may come back a bit you know the higher one then it’s obviously going to spin back but mean these shots gripping yeah you want the ones that like it’s going to one hop and and stop so you have control you’re not playing for oh I’m going to rip it back 8 yards people like to see that but you lose notice there is like your your path on both of those like even when you hit a draw was still like really neutral when I when I start thinking about hitting a draw my path gets really like inside gotcha yeah it’s uh I would say for me it’s much more just face angle I feel like when I if I get in out I start hanging the ball mhm yeah I do that a lot yeah like I’ll leave it I’ll leave it right because I’ll get here and the face is not closing y so yeah that’s that’s I mean that flight is just absolutely incredible so you’re just you’re just feeling like you’re turning it down yeah there’s so I mean there’s so many different right ways um it’s really like going through different feels like for me like I said I I feel like I have the feeling in my right hand yeah some people like it with left hand but that’s basically doing the same as yeah so um it’s kind of just whatever works you know like I mean there’s plenty of golf coaches out there that are trying to tell you the same thing mhm uh one feel or one thought may work better for you versus the other and they’re literally trying to get you to get it in the same spot mhm um so yeah I think a lot of it is literally just hitting balls messing around and I think like it sounds like a lot of it is just understanding face awareness yeah and that’s where like I was talking earlier was like the contact yeah um you know you start getting like the first few you hit a little high like I said it’s not like we’re hitting off of a right nice tight L they still had the launch angle was really high yeah being able to get that driving flight gives you a lot more control do you feel like you’re aiming right when you’re trying to hit that little draw or you just like uh I mean I might have been aimed just right like that yeah but that feeling of like rotating and closing the face down is like difficult for me cuz I’ve always been a really like kind of a little bit flippy gotcha and so I mean learning how to rotate is I definitely have like the ability to do it it’s just kind of a a struggle with it that’s that that feels like like a really inside path gotcha and then just no control but see how you can for rotation you can try and like like whether it feels shorter or if someone like stood there but on those I felt like my hands were never getting above my shoulder oh okay yeah so you’re just like literally right here obviously it it runs on more than that but as my feel is that it stays in front and never yeah so then from basically shoulder height it’s just go with the body that was nice yeah that was much better way better contact birdie yeah that’s a that’s like I love that that that path is or the just contact you can feel it probably it’s one it’s getting through faster and quicker but you can feel that yeah it just feels like a little click versus like kind of chunky that’s really cool so I think that yeah just the idea of face awareness and I think I mean like you said there’s technique to it but it’s a lot of just like understanding what works best for you yeah I mean it’s especially when you get round the greens and stuff I mean technique is is a big part of it um but you you kind of just have to get out and and put the Reps in and and figure out your own feels and and develop in a way your own technique with the kind of the right guidance or few tips here and there but it’s not like all of a sudden someone’s going to tell you how to do it and you’re just going to become a great chipper or wedge you have to go do it yeah you feel like there’s like any combin ities when it comes to great players that everybody has their own way of doing things but is there like one thing or two things that common really good players have that they all do it’s down here really it’s that it’s basically through impact I think I haven’t seen all the say videos or pictures but you look at a lot of really good ball Strikers or or wedge players there’s a lot of similarities here I mean you look at someone like furck you know got some stuff going on very good and simple through impact um and he obviously was just able to repeat and do that um you know you look at someone like Deval who had you know had his head basically facing the targeted impact but very good yeah there’s a lot of similarities down around impact and when people do very different things to get there yeah the one thing that I want to focus on is like like right around the green we’re talking like you know five 10 feet off the green and there’s a lot of different shots we can hit here so we’ll do that for a second all right so guys now after 80 yards I feel like some really some really really good information in there rotation face control is the is the biggest thing so um we’re going to go up to the green we’re going to hit some greenside chips and then we’re going to go play a hole together to finish this video out so hope you guys have enjoyed this shout out to Ricky for coming out here it’s just super cool to be doing this learning from the best in the world it’s my dream so what do you think about Wesley he’s a character yeah you think he has a chance H that’s that’s Up For Debate no they’re they’re good people they’re good family seriously Wesley and George are awesome um all right so green side this is like you wouldn’t believe how many times I’ll like I’ll have this distance and I’ll have a 15-footer yeah like a little bit I’m not going to say I’m not going to say yippy but I’m a little bit yippy around the greens and I think it so my problem is I’m always like I’m real stabby okay I I try to use the bounce but I don’t know like how to effectively use the bounce yeah I mean there’s maybe I don’t even need to be focusing on that you don’t necessarily have to I mean you look at someone I wouldn’t necessarily call him stabby but he’s one of the best at hitting like backf footed wedges and messing around is Jordan Jordan Speed yeah and it’s not like he’s sitting there like exposing the bounce a bunch he’s good at ball contact and whether it’s into the grain you know kind of bounce it into a slope he’s hitting 60 and it’s backf footed he doesn’t care if it’s steep or whatever yeah it’s just that contact so yes you know having a good bottom and and using bounce can make things a little bit more you know consistent or easier at times but if that’s not your way like now you’re having to change like your whole kind of chipping mechanics um so so I I think there’s ways to kind of have both yeah but this is a really really standard um Chip Shot and I would probably I would probably be looking to land it three three feet on maybe so I’m just going to hit a couple and see what happens here I mean that’s not terrible but this grass is kind of is pretty forgiving that’s into the grain that’s yeah you say it wasn’t great contact but yeah like I got away with it but just the contact was pretty like pretty low quality yeah once again like I get away with it but it’s I think you could simplify it um I mean it’s it’s you know it’s a little handsy and you get a little bit of the lag and the timing comes into play um there’s one something I like doing every once in a while I mean what’s your putter grip uh it’s left and low okay well I mean we can go that way but so pretty standard normal putter grip is like pointer finger over to I will hit chips like that sometimes because as soon as you kind of go in that you’ll you feel it obviously it’s easier to set your wrist uh overlap or cross hand but trying to keep for something that’s super simple a basic pitch but you’ll feel kind of that left hand um and just kind of staying strong with that and not having as much wrist I I notice a lot that I have just like this it breaks and then I’m trying to I’m struggling to get it back to where you started yeah so maybe try one yeah just like I’m going to go kind of traditional putter old school putter grip and it’s going to be very much a lot more chest than you know Jason day Steve Stricker okay just figure out the bottom little skinny so weit will let stay left the whole time left okay that was better just a just a hair heavy but the that was good yeah that was a lot better but again it’s like you just have to go through it you know try some different stuff that other guys do yeah you know like I me like Jason day is someone who’s very good at short game in general all of it but I’ve always l loved how him and strick very little hands a lot of just big muscles upper body and he kind of he he keeps the same CU I’ve watched a lot of his just short game but he like does the same motion even if he’s hitting like a high shot or like a low shot right and so it’s not something I’d ever I can’t operate that way I have hands but I I like to be able to have some of the similar feels that they do or what they look like to help me limit the amount of hands yeah um you want to hit a cou one just kind of sure I just want to see what that looks like do you ever try to hit like like low Spinners like something that’s like from here like you needed to have a ton of spin on it would you ever is that a shot that you have yes so I basic was kind of that back um I hit that a little soft yeah did have ton of check on it though for the low one I go more to the front I don’t know if I’ll be able to pull it off or not but it’s almost kind of like I try and get the ball to stick stick on the face that stuck a little bit um trying to get it stay on the face as long as possible yeah it’s just a feeling yeah um you was a little steep there but at the end of the day like steep or shallow it’s like it all comes down to good contact I mean the shallow helps with it gives your a range of of Miss a little further talking about Good contact is that like a consistent low Point are you talking about like the the ball the same place on the face every time or that same both yeah if you have if your low Point’s the same every time yeah set up you’re going to be in the middle how do you feel like you control your low point is that something that’s um I head staying in a good spot okay um I think some people when you start going to people that might get into higher handicaps not you yeah I mean people will get back around the green am you know they’ll try and help it in the air as soon as you do that it moves low point moving back yeah so sometimes if anything it feels like you’d almost be going forward if anything which people get scared of because they think they’re going to get steep blade it um so that’s almost that one where it’s that’s amazing content yeah that that had that had bite on it I love that I feel like that I don’t know if this is true but I feel like I have similar tendencies in my full swing that I have in my chipping in my full swing I I do like my when I’m not swinging while I’m going back and I do the same thing in chipping so it’s like that makes a lot of sense of I’m I’m falling behind it and then I’m trying to find the low point with just my hands yeah which is very difficult I’m going to try to I’m going to feel that just really moving forward and it’s not like like you showed there like it’s very subtle it’s not like a yeah you’re not that was aggressive stepping through no no you did a great job there it was just very subtle but there’s people you know a lot of times start chipping and they’re gone yeah like that um which does not help it’s like I feel like that makes a lot of sense just that subtle movement forward to make sure it helps that yeah that that chest continue to turn that’s a big thing and whether it’s the 80 yard shot up here 50 um your one being set up in a good spot but that rotation whether you’re going off speed or full um I think especially when you go off speed full shots you don’t have to think a whole lot yeah you start going off speed the big thing is is that rotation uh to help you know you said whether it’s getting a little handsy you you get handsy and don’t rotate it’s just up and left um so yeah that’s that’s a big thing for kind of getting that consistent contact yeah I love that dude thank you guys there’s a ton of just incredible information in there you guys can take it and apply it to your game however you want to I know for me this is a part of my game where I’ve been spending a lot more time and I I know it’s going to help me lower my scores and and ultimately be able to get you know just way more consistent but hope you guys enjoyed that um shout out to Ricky but we’re going to go play a hole to wrap up this video we got a par five over here um and then we’ll just you know take some full swings and and see what happens but good stuff dude sounds good really good all right so to wrap up this video we’re going to do a little play a hole we got a par 4 it’s 394 or it’s two 300 yards but it’s straight into the wind um Rick’s just going to show us show us what it’s all about talk to him a little about technique what I mean 294 yards would you always hit driver here uh not always I I feel like today we first time playing it yeah you got to send it and figure it out from there well why don’t you lead us off let’s see how it’s done all right hopefully it comes out of the middle and hopefully it goes straight oh my gosh he might have just made it he actually might have just made it it’s a good toe ball I like it that was so good have you head any drivers today uh at 7 a.m. so it’s been a while I have a short te and I haven’t hit one so this is going to be a probably a low shot that goes to the right your Fairway finder still goes further than mine so yeah well maybe sometimes that’ll work little leaky low on the face wait where’ that go Fairway over there oh okay I completely lost it no you’re like you said you hadn’t hit a driver you weren’t hitting it left it was just yeah in one more just for fun ultimate little cutter that’s fine just not getting through it yet hey that’s all right we both Ricky’s probably on the green inside of 10 ft maybe in the Hole uh we’ll see if I can get up and down in time guys what a week for me and Grant um I have now done stuff with uh Roy maroy and Ricky Fowler Grant has done Grant is doing a video with Nelly Corda he did stuff with Tommy Fleetwood Colin Mo CWA um and all that’s going to be out over the next month probably and it’s just incredible incredible content and I can’t wait for you guys to see it but if you haven’t subscribed to my channel if you haven’t subscribed do that right now hit the hit the notification button so you you’re getting notified when videos are coming out um but let’s see if let’s see if Rick made it on the green and potentially made a hole in one if not chips in dude he has literally 7t for Eagle first drive he’s hit in 3 hours and he hits it to 4T 7 ft that’s absolutely nuts someone’s got I mean when they open this someone’s going to make a one to this pin oh yeah so Ricky just gave me a lesson here uh this is the distance kind of we were talking about but I’m just going to do that I I really like the feel of that putter grip keeping those hands really s really like firm and just rotating keeping the chest moving um probably want to carry this to the pin just because it like kicks forward and hopefully it has a little spin on it jot that was hit really nicely that thing it was clipped it had that little tick sound and it and it had some Ser some spin on it so maybe I can tie this hole ever since you switch to that putter you got real real good anyone that switches to this you just play good are you a pin out type of guy oh yeah always you are you aim point or you just what are you what are you working with right now I blend all kinds of stuff I’ve like I’ve always been a good putter or good green reader I had a couple years where I wasn’t making a whole lot and that was those last few years so when I was working on swing stuff and not making putts it was just like it made it exponentially bad yeah um putting was always something I could lean on like I always had but uh what’s your kind of like thought process that are you are you looking for a high point what are you I’m yeah depends on the pot I mean this is coming down I mean I’m look a lot of times I’m looking at where it’s going in the hole and then going back from there love that well let’s see make on the first or on this hole I’d be pretty hyped that is such a nice roll doesn’t go left brand new greens yeah they actually roll halfway decent for yeah all right put to tie here um we could have asked for an easier one yeah exactly yeah good thought thanks dude that was awesome Ricky thank you so much dude yeah for coming out here spending some time with me uh bestowing some knowledge on a young player trying to make it the best on YouTube um but anyway thank you man that was awesome really enjoyed hanging out with you obviously you’re one of the best in the world good luck good luck this year and forward to watching you you got it guys so go subscribe to Ricky’s Channel he’s linked in the top of the description he’s trying to start a you I’m just kidding got a following starting I got 12 so far yeah but hey good time guys shout out to just super cool dude we’ll see you guys next time peace just went to 13

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  1. felt like a waste of a rickie fowler appearance, just walk to the camera and say this is rickie and hit some balls and have fun. body language was so tense and stale from micah. could have been an easy viral video.

  2. Loved this. Saw Rickie order a curry after The Open in St Andrews with his (now) wife. Waiter dropped the plate on the way to the table…. Rickie was super calm and kind to the guy. Been my favourite player ever since for his manners and humility. Great video. ❤

  3. Get some new wedges and go to a course with good fairways.. Cooch or the really tight hard turf like at st Andrews and start picking the ball clean without taking a divot more off the front, keep it shallow and shorten the follow through. Then maybe after a while to transfer it to those soft fairways, you would have to pick it off super clean 2 or three grooves and its not a thing in reality to do that cause the greens are soft and everything wet blah blah

  4. Micah you lose more off your drives then your short game. I've always thought you short game is pretty decent.

  5. Just saw Micah and Grant in the latest Taylormade commercial during the Sony Open. You boys should be very proud of your success. What a great achievement! Must feel great to have such recognition. Keep up the great work.

  6. Rickie is such a class act! 👊🏻 so awesome that we get to see him on YouTube! All the best to him this year and forward! 🏌🏻 great stuff Micah!

  7. I don't understand how you all dare to call a Master in the professional world of golf… a "dude"… or a "cool guy". Honestly, you all should show more respect. I know youtube content makes you all think they're just like us. Because they are!! But also… they are not, because they are top of the world, we are not. Therefore… show respect with your words!!

  8. i heard having a highly sought after manbun can sometimes pull your weight to the rear onto your heels, offsetting your center of balance

  9. How could you not like Rickie? Love that he’s always on YT working with other golf creators.

  10. Ricky is my favorite player and i couldn't get through more than 10 minutes of Micah's awkwardness and just weirdness lol he seems like such a fake nice guy and fills conversation with the most obvious shit like he just comes off as slow lol

  11. Cool concept for a vid vs just having a match with Rickie. If he can help with this part of your game you’ll be untouchable.

  12. Rickie's always been one of my favorite golfers, love seeing content with him. He's beyond personable and makes it as easy it can be to relate and teach

  13. Michah should imo focus more on the audience than developing his own game…Kinda boring to watch someone's golf lesson.

  14. Very cool, so happy to see Ricky win this year. and great to see him in real life just be chill. great job on this video! happy to see you winning. 😉 Keep growing!

  15. Taylormade is crushing it right now with the investment in Youtube content. Excellent decision to get tour pros involved.

  16. What YouTube golf has grown to with all these collabs with the best players in the world is nothing short of amazing🔥🔥

  17. Love Ricky, out of every single time I have seen him donate his time to help the golf community for YouTube golfers he has always made some type of a positive contribution of knowledge. I can remember when golfers were very unapproachable, and didn’t wanna share their knowledge.

    Micah I know this is your channel but if I could give you one piece of advice, it seemed like Ricky would start to say something and you didn’t let him finish It’s a fault that I have myself when you’re excited to learn, and instead of listening we interject ! I hope you take that the right way it’s not meant to be taken badly but there’s a great deal in knowledge that I think in a few sentences he could’ve projected that we could’ve picked up on but he didn’t get to finish what he was saying.

  18. Was it necessary to pick a spot to shoot shots where you cant see the hole so we cant get an idea of how close it is?

  19. Great partnership between Micah, Grant, Taylormade, and the pros (guys and girls). Very entertaining!

  20. Did every YouTube golfer go to this course on the same day? I literally see Foreplay with Nelly Korda at 4:16, and Grant Horvat played with her on this course too… Must be a grand opening of sorts?

  21. Micah, great job with this video. The technical portion of the game is sometimes lost in the glam of the YouTube golf world. Big koodos to Ricky breaking his thought processes down and you providing your insights regarding your shots. I could relate more than a dozen times throughout this video. Keep it up and great content my friend!!!

  22. Interesting for me; Micah is asking for some tips regarding getting his swing more consistent for 80 yards in to the pin. At the 5:145:30 mark, Fowler says it's about 'hitting shots and kinda figuring out'. Fowler makes almost the same reference at 6:14 and 8:03 and a couple of more times in the video.
    What I got from this: Get proper information from proper sources regarding swing concepts: Find what fits you, then practice, practice, practice, until you are consistent. Then make slight adjustments from there. And, practice practice practice those adjustments until they are part of your swing.

  23. i think the biggest issue with wedge shots is that most people don't get their shafts set up for them. They play the shafts off the shelf. It gets hard to judge your distances because you have average swing speed and too stiff a shaft. 80% of amateur golfers are hitting irons bought off the shelf with the wrong lofts, lies and shaft stiffness. It took me a long time to learn this. I became a 2 handicap once I understood "my" numbers.

  24. Honestly your interview technique with Rory and Ricky is superb. I’ve learned more watching these videos than any other YouTube teaching channel. Interview more pros!

  25. I really enjoyed the dialogue! It is great to hear pros talk through their shots/techniques. More of that please! Also course management too

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