@Columbus Blue Jackets

Haven’t seen much discussion in here about this, but I predicted speculation

I can’t remember the exact words but it was right away I noticed from one of his early podcast interviews he said something along the lines of “if” we use the 4th overall pick.

Personally if we get a good enough deal, go for it. We already have enough prospects, unless Levshunov somehow falls to us, and Silayev might be a bit of a reach at 4. Also on the topic of our current core, our 2 most important players, Johnny will soon be 31, and Zach 27. I don’t want to keep waiting for 2-3 year developments and not be competitive until those 2 are on the decline/not peak performance anymore.

My dream trade if plausible would acquiring Kyle Connor from Winnipeg, and now the likely available Rutger. Both Michigan boys that played with multiple of ours, as far back as Connor and Werenski’s childhood. However I don’t think 4th would be enough for both of them, and a big other piece I could deal with parting is KJ. Now I know that contradicts what I just said, but even watching just 1 game of Brindley he seemed more confident/comfortable than I’ve ever seen Kent, at least when it came to zone management and a play driving threat. Connor would be a great scoring threat and possible rejuvenation for Johnny, who we clearly saw needs top linemates to return to his Calgary ways. Would also hope Connor would re-sign with his close links and friendship. Rutger is also a hard nosed forward with offensive upside, and we don’t really have that besides Boone who is only effective/aggressive above the center red line. It’s been a while since we’ve had a true scoring rough player, or defender (who can actually keep up with play @ Gudbranson).

What are your guys’ thoughts on a 4th overall trade?

by SlateKeef


  1. Frisbeejussi

    Personally it’s the time to commit, though it has been since I started following Columbus.

    Let the young guys grow with the 4th round pick or trade it away along with guys that aren’t working to hopefully build a playoff team for 2026.

    I’m very much in the camp of not trading, waiting for the Elvis contract to be done and letting older guys with Johnny to teach the young core and when it is time go all in. Going in now is imo short sighted

  2. Big_Bluebird8040

    every team should be open to trading any pick outside of a Bedard or McDavid type prospect.

  3. I think going all in on Zach and Johnny’s window would be foolishly shortsighted. They aren’t our actual core: fantilli, mateychuk, jiricek, etc are.

    I’m not opposed to trading back or making a move that helps support that group in the long term. Otherwise, I want them to make the pick (so long as it isn’t Buium or Lindstrom).

    One trade I did see talking heads throw about is 4ov and Laine no retention for 5ov from Montreal. Not sure how I feel about that, but it’s certainly one of the *less* damaging Laine trades I’ve seen.

  4. BreadMancbj

    You need to go back and watch KJ s first season .. Vincent for whatever reason didn’t have KJ carrying the puck, didn’t utilize him on the power play with Gaudreau .. KJ has star potential, which is why you have heard Don in many interviews discuss Chinakov, and KJ.. Chinakov was first priority they resigned.

  5. “If we get a good enough deal, go for it” — How brave.

  6. adam3vergreen

    Winnipeg is in a position to win now and I’m pretty sure came out saying they are trying to compete. There’s zero chance they trade away their best forward for a pick and prospect they hope will be as productive as what they already have in Connor.

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