@Vancouver Canucks

Francesco Aquilini is apparently interested in buying the Prince George Cougars, and moving the team to Chilliwack

Francesco Aquilini is apparently interested in buying the Prince George Cougars, and moving the team to Chilliwack

by Brock_Hard_Canuck


  1. Brock_Hard_Canuck

    As a Prince George resident and Cougars fan, the team moving would obviously suck for me.

    At least there’s still the Spruce Kings, I suppose…

  2. 21marvel1

    From the article:

    “The source said Vancouver Canucks owner/chairman Francesco Aquilini wants to buy the Cougars and base the team in the 5,000-seat Chilliwack Coliseum, the former home of the Chilliwack Bruins, who moved to Victoria to become the Royals in 2011.”

    “He said Aquilini has been trying to buy the Chilliwack rink from Chiefs Development Group, which owns and operates the facility, but the city has resisted signing off on the deal.”

  3. jordiedude

    As someone from PG I hope the rumors aren’t true, will be a sad day if it transpires.

  4. MarvelousOxman

    Didn’t they try that earlier with a different WHL team? I could be wrong but I have a distinct memory of the Aquilini’s recently trying to move a team to Chilliwack, but logistically it didn’t work out and the city itself was very happy with the BCHL’s Chiefs.

  5. bingus9001

    Apparently the team will be making a statement later [today]( which seems to say they’ll be denying the rumours.

    I really hope that their statement backs this up, seeing their run this year really was so enjoyable after so many years of mediocre hockey, the CN centre felt like I remember it did as a kid. To have that huge success and then ship the team off doesn’t really seem plausible.

  6. Firestorm238

    Current ownership includes Dan Hamhuis – not sure if that matters one way or another, but I know Dan was super passionate about returning the Cougars to their glory days.

  7. Saaaintniiiick

    Us lower mainland folk have so much already cmon man

  8. Equivalent-Spell-961

    Unless the team is having constant attendance issues, hope the team stays in PG. Spread the wealth, we’ve got lots of good hockey here already

  9. Anishinabeg

    I hate this idea. Taking away PG’s team and moving them to Chilliwack, where the last WHL team was a complete failure, strikes me as a terrible idea.

  10. Vanrainy1

    The ‘wack bruins couldn’t make it work there, they should leave the cougars right where they are..

  11. electricianmagician

    Chilliwack doesn’t want any other team but the BCHL Chilliwack Chiefs. Long time traditions with the chiefs.

    Source: am chilliwackian

  12. TastyCereal2

    I’m from Chilliwack, and I’d feel bad if we got Prince George’s team. They’ve been there 30 years, and seem to have developed a culture and fan base. I’m not confident we could give them the same support here

  13. That would suck for PG but it’s way up there on its own in the WHL. Those bus trips for road names must be brutal.

  14. hammer979

    Victoria Cougars move to Prince George due to the barn on Blanshard being ancient.

    Chilliwack Chiefs move to Victoria and become the Royals

    Then PG Cougars move to Chilliwack, the future considerations deal is complete.

  15. Blackhole_5un

    Missing a big opportunity. PG is growing fast and is the big town in northern BC.

  16. meluvulongtime3

    Oh look, another reason to hate Aquaman. Must be Tuesday

  17. ElijahSavos

    I’m in Chilliwack. I wouldn’t mind I guess. If true, welcome!

  18. WingdingsLover

    Why not buy the giants off of kneejerk instead?

  19. teedlenumb

    Flashback. Doesnt this threaten to happen every few years?

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