@Boston Bruins

BOSTON BRUINS FREE AGENT FRENZY UPDATE!!! Boston Bruins Free Agency Preview!!!

BOSTON BRUINS FREE AGENT FRENZY UPDATE!!! Boston Bruins Free Agency Preview!!!

what is up runes fans today I’m going to bring you a clip from episode 358 of the black and gold hockey podcast with hosts Sam Smith and Dom Tiano as they discuss upcoming Bruins free agency coming up next let’s talk about free agency so we talked about it last week we’ll talk about it again as we’re getting a little bit closer towards Monday afternoon when free agency goes live and all hell breaks loose uh still no San contract yet that’s probably the number one concern of Bruins fans right now is that Swan doesn’t have a contract quite yet do we are we starting to get a little concerned about a possible second trip to arbitration or are we just kind of overreacting I’m not concerned I because um Sweeney’s in Vegas um Swan’s agent is in Vegas all the GMS all the agents are in Vegas so you know it’s always better to do these things face to face than it is over text or over the phone so um I’m not worried I’m not worried at all yeah excuse me absolutely um so want to point out on YouTube we are at 899 subscribers on YouTube so if you have not subscribed to our YouTube channel we are one subscriber away from 900 so make sure if you have not yet hit that subscribe button the subscriptions have gone up a lot recently um so due to the podcast returning and uh Parker’s videos coming out every Saturday which I’m pretty sure he’s gonna be doing another one on Saturday probably recapping the first round or something like that so make sure to keep that uh keep that um in noted that um Parker’s releasing new videos on Saturday for us um if you have not yet hit that subscribe button on YouTube turn on that post notification Bell get notified every single time we go live or upload here on the channel as well and uh now let’s get back to the free agency discussion so free agencies be opens in five days we still believe that Elias lolm is their target for a number for a top center right yeah although if he’s not I wouldn’t be surprised I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Stevenson and a tley type and then a defenseman yeah yeah we discussed last week that if ly Holm doesn’t work out we were we were going to do Chandler Stevenson Tyler T Foley and a Brendan Dylan type defenseman which I think would make this offseason pretty successful if you’re the Bruins at least free agency standpoint if you’re going out and getting new Talent there you go yeah exactly is it a better team than last year yeah yeah it would be um minus the goal tending the goal tending uh won’t be the same but you’ve improved everywhere else in your lineup yeah which is um especially if you get Brendan Dylan your defense only gets better I think dyan’s a very defensively Sound Player um I think he would be a perfect fit with Andrew Peak on that third defensive pairing yeah and when need be if you’re playing lorai with with makoy you can flip them I I just I just don’t think Mason Loray is ready for 82 games uh of top pairing minutes so you’re going to have to spell him some time on the bottom pairing yeah it’s only it’s only to help him develop um I don’t see lorai Ever Getting sent down this season I just don’t L that was that was only because he was a rookie now this year it’s going to be different he has a full-time roster spot now pretty a lot a lot of a lot of it two though with him and Johnny Beacher was they didn’t have cap room some there were there were times where they only had $20,000 worth of Cav space right and you couldn’t bring up a $925,000 player you had to bring up a $775,000 player yep exactly yeah so that that that’s the problem I think I think Sweeney will remember that this time and maybe leave himself some some leeway so that he can call up players and send them down as needed as need be without having to worry about a salary cap crunch um we just hit 900 subscribers on YouTube so thank you very much for that we’re on the road to 1,000 so make sure to uh still if you have not yet hit the Subscribe button over on YouTube uh thank you very much for 900 um so if H let’s look at our free agents right let’s take a look at the free agents that are coming out of our team right now right right we have uh Pat maroon which Pat maroon we talked about already I think cellic is the replacement there yeah so I don’t think maroon will be hitting I don’t think Maron will be back yeah so on defense you got Matt grizzli Derek forbert Kevin shattenkirk I think all three are gone uh we know our playoff six will be our top six uh starting this season right now Mitchell is the seventh if they bring in a defenseman like a Dylan wat spoon becomes the seven Mitchell becomes the eight down in Providence I see no way it no possible way that they bring grizzli forber or shaton Kirk back um up front we got B reik I see him gone yeah we got pinan I think he comes back yeah I think it was Dave panota who said weeks ago that they were talking and you know the the numbers everybody keeps throwing out is three years $3 million oh no no no no that’s too much for me I would do I’m fine with the three-year term I don’t like the $3 million I would be if it’s a three-year deal anywhere from 2 to 2.5 is my my range for me for Heinen a versatile player like that that’s what I would I would be down for yeah yeah I don’t anything over two and a half is an overpay and that’s not sign in that’s just what we have exactly yeah so so Patrick Brown’s not a UFA or RFA he’s under contract he’s likely headed to to Providence uh so that leaves jper B Quist who’s an RFA arbitration eligible um and Jake debrusk UFA you also have Jason Magna who’s a UFA yeah he’s gone yeah magna’s gone um I think debrus is gone that’s just my opinion I don’t know anything obviously I just think de brus is gone I don’t I I think he’s gonna test the market I heard the Leafs might have some interest in him that would suck if he goes to the leavs that would that wouldn’t prob wouldn’t go well I don’t know if he can’t handle the scrutiny in Boston oh from fans and the media if you think Boston’s bad man Toronto Toronto Toronto’s on another planet compared to Boston he’ll fit perfectly with like Utah you know or Winnipeg or Winnipeg where there’s not a lot of scrutiny up there you know was just kind of like you know we like everybody it’s we’re not going to really crap on you you know right like in Boston or Toronto they’ll give you your crap if you’re in a big Market Boston Toronto New York Philadelphia La those was my five big markets in the NHL those five markets are gonna crap on you if you if you’re not playing good well you got to throw Montreal in there Montreal in there too Montreal in there as well um you know if you’re in Market forget it Montreal they’ll burn your jersey yeah yeah Montreal is something else up there so if if if it’s always been an issue for de brusk I don’t see a market like Toronto or New York interesting him no uh somebody said that we he could see de brus going to Calgary yeah Calgary is is a lot like wiip Pig in that way [Music] um you know it’s a possibility I I just don’t know what Calgary is trying to do I really don’t I yeah I don’t know they they have their their decisions ever since they traded kachuck have really confused me like most of them have like if you’re trading marstrom you’re rebuilding so why would you want de brusk yeah yeah right I could see debrusk ending up in Nashville there’ be a nice place for him I could yeah the reason why they could use another guy like they could use a guy like him in in there to continue their they had a retool for like a year or two I think next year Nashville could be a threat in the central if they a guy like de Brusque who is a playoff performer yeah so yeah I ideally that that that would be another ideal situation for yeah again not a not a crazy scrutinizing market right um what he well very very passionate fan base in in Nashville but they’re not gonna they’re you know they’re not as tough as on you as Boston or Toronto they are just very very uh eager to watch the Predators each and every night yeah so and yeah I I think debrus and Nashville could be an ideal scenario and they have a little bit of money to spend too so and you have you can put oh I can I can see it now you could your Top Line could be O’Reilly forsberg de Brusque in Nashville yeah it’s just I don’t know that Nashville would pay the money that it’ll take to get him there though I don’t know I can see wind Pig doing it yeah especially if they let toley walk it kind it can kind of be a makeshift swap yep if the Bruins go after T foi I can see D bruss going to Winnipeg it can it can be it can be a trade without being a trade exactly exactly yeah so um keep an eye on Detroit and de Brusque Detroit I don’t know I don’t know about Detroit I don’t know just doesn’t seem like an Eiserman type move no eisman’s very calculated in what he does I that doesn’t no not to me um what about Chicago for debrusk that that would not I the the thing is with de Brusque is he wants to play for a contending team and Chicago isn’t close Chicago still has a couple more years left to come close um I remember stupidly saying that Bard could help them make the playoffs in their first year obviously now I’m like no that wouldn’t have happened but Dar definitely helped develop things along but I don’t think he was the the final piece of the puzzle no if de brus wanted to go to a rebuilding team I think Chicago would be a good fit for him but it would de brusk and Dallas well yeah because they need I think if vsk is gone which he is yeah then yeah if they’re looking for a top six forward I could see de bruss stepping in Dallas isn’t a huge scrutinizing Market they’re a big Market but not a scrutinizing market yeah that could be interesting that could be very interesting yeah uh it would not be a trade but what are the chances to debrusk and Toronto we were just talking about that that’s not going to happen there’s like little to no chance to bruss sign anywhere besides anywhere in a big market like that that’s scrutinizing on their team he doesn’t want to deal with that again um yeah let’s see who else uh so we yeah what are your thoughts on boquest do you think he comes back well I would like him to Sam but you know right now if if you’re looking at the fourth line in pencil you got John beer playing the left left side Castell in the middle and Brazil on the right side and that leaves loo out and that leaves Loco out and like do you think you trade Loco you’re not going to get much for him well I well I know that but do you think they can for like a late round pick maybe in over the weekend possibly could they could like Ottawa was interested in them and in part of a bigger deal for a signed allmark um but whether they want to give something up for him just for him I don’t know so you know let’s say they bring in a guy to play number one Center whether it’s Lim Holmes Stevenson or somebody else so you got a top line of Zach on the left new guy and poock then you got marshan Coy and you need somebody on the right now MH okay if you’re going to give Maddie ptra shot out of the training camp a third line of Frederick Patra and geeky would be awesome Patra show chemistry with both those guys uh and I think could be a very good third line and then you got a fourth line to beer cellic Brazil so you bring in that that number one Center you bring in that right winger now you’ve got Loco you’ve got boquist yeah that and you got possibility of bringing back Heinen too if they decide to bring him back that’s that’s gonna make an they’re gonna have a lot of decisions to make for that bottom six a lot of decisions I personally think boquist is gone not because he’s bad I just obviously not boquist was awesome last year especially he his speed was necessary with uh on that fourth line I just think he’s gone to go get a more consistent role I think Loco might get traded or if he does he won’t make it out of um if he if he does not get traded I don’t think he’ll make the nhel roster I don’t probably as a 13 forward and that’s where Heinen would come in I think you’re going to sign H for three years two million bucks to be your 13th forward well yeah no that’s the problem that’s the thing they put themselves into a situation where they have a lot of bottom six players not a lot of top six players right so unless you’re moving geeki up to the second line right wing and you’re putting a Hein in in that third line spot with Patra and Frederick and to me it doesn’t work their play Styles don’t work Heinen and coil h h but I don’t think Patra in that situation would work with hin with h the the the reason why I like Patra with them is you got a left shot in Frederick and a right shot in geeky who can spell potra from the face offs if they need to right one on the left one on the right and they’re big bodies and that should take some of the beating that Patra took last year away and also another thing that I want to point out and I notic I noticed this more in the preseason than the regular season ptra is really good along the wall he’s good at keep Puck free from from um from SC from uh scrums behind the net or corner or along the wall which I think having an insurance policy like Frederick and geeky there will only help him be able to sneak in and kind of steal the puck away yep so I think that that could work so we’ll see we’ll see if they decide to bring back hinen I think loo and boist are gone unfortunately yeah if they have to hold on to loo they they’ll hold on to because I think the year after he’s a UFA yeah I would try to get something back for him if if you can if because I don’t think he has a consistent roster spot over beer brazo or cellic I don’t think yeah it’s hard to say I mean it’s hard to say got if they decide to keep loo I think the preseason will be very telling yeah on who makes and who’s who’s an NH sheller and who’s not um what would it take to land a Winger like uh St like Sharon go like uh Sharon govic from Calgary pick Prospect player Formula he he’s been talking in the chat about possibly getting uh Sharon goich um I don’t know like like I said it’s it’s so hard to figure out what Calgary is trying to do [Music] um you know I I don’t like to speculate um what it would take to to trade for this guy or that guy um would I like him definitely I would like him but I don’t know I would think Calgary want a roster player back one that can play uh not a yakobo type player so I don’t know who’s that guy I don’t know maybe the RFA rights to Bist possibly who they know who who Calgary knows that that could play their style or a Trent Frederick yeah but I don’t know if I’m will to give up Frederick for sharing that’s just it like who’s Calgary going to ask for proba who they have yeah probably Trent Frederick would probably the only guy that I could think of that could fit their play style yeah so and the Bruins won’t take Frederick they won’t they won’t get rid of Frederick um yeah let’s see [Music] um I’m going to do some rapid fire let’s go through some of the top free agents that in their needs and I’ll see if the you you’ll see if the Bruins uh could take them um obviously Elias lolm that be yes yes or no okay um let’s see some top centers let’s just say uh Alex wenberg no Jack roslovic yes Max doy no Chandler Stevenson yes uh let’s go to let you didn’t include you didn’t include Monahan in there that’s a yes oh yes Sean Monahan I didn’t see him on the list yes Teddy bler got resigned today so he’s not on the list anymore oh that’s right he did too yeah yeah um let’s see and I’m not seeing anybody else it’s like a top Center so I pretty much went through the top centers of the free agent class I’ll go to I’ll go to rightwing now because rightwing is the next Target if they don’t bring back Jake de Brusque um Sam Reinhardt I think he gets resigned by Florida and he would also cost a yeah I don’t think they could afford him but would I want him yeah absolutely um teraso can we come back to that one yeah sure uh oh okay this is the guy that I would want on my team Jonathan maraso yes yeah absolutely that’s a guy I would want on my team do you think we could afford him um depends are we getting lolm or are we getting Stevenson if we were to get Stevenson yes if we were to get lolm no no okay all right decisions to be made there uh Tyler Tyler Johnson no uh Kevin leank uh if you had asked me a couple of years ago I would have said yes but no Victor arson yes and the last one I have uh and I’m gonna say is uh Tyler tley yes all right back to Tarasenko tereno yeah um is it for one year um let’s say let’s say it’s a one-year deal yes more than that I’d really have to think about it but probably not let’s go uh left defenseman so let’s see um I’ll just run through some of the top names that are on that are a left shot defenseman Brady Shay yes Alec Martinez no he’s 36 he’s he’s an older guy they don’t need that uh TJ Brody no they already have that in wspoon he can play Both Sides yeah um I guess the wings are interested in bringing back this guy Shane gos despar no brandan Dylan yes MH a definitive yes Nikita zor off I wish we could afford him so it it has to be a no yeah uh we’ll skip over grizzli since he’s the seventh on this list Joel Edmonson no Marco scandella no and the last one Ryan lingren yes fair enough kind of ran through some uh lr’s a h yeah I guess he is a life shot sorry he plays uh with Adam Fox there as the top defensive pairing for the Rangers there um oh yeah there’s another one I didn’t didn’t even see him on the list Nikolai eers yes yeah fair enough like what you saw be sure to come back on Wednesday for episode 359 of the black and gold hockey podcast as host Sam Smith Tom Tiano and markk alled will recap Bruins free agency and the 2024 NHL draft see you there [Music]

Will the Boston Bruins Go Big In Free Agency???


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Elias Lindholm Free Agent, Steven Stamkos Free Agent, Alex Wennberg Free Agent, Max Domi Free Agent, Chandler Stephenson Free Agent, Sean Monahan Free Agent, Jake Guentzel Free Agent, Adam Henrique Free Agent, Tyler Bertuzzi Free Agent, Jonathan Drouin Free Agent, Tyler Toffoli Free Agent, Patrick Kane Free Agent, David Perron Free Agent, Jeremy Swayman Free Agent, Jesper Boqvist Free Agent, Jake Debrusk Free Agent, Danton Heinen Free Agent, James van Riemsdyk Free Agent, Patrick Maroon Free Agent, Kevin Shattenkirk Free Agent, Matt Grzelcyk Free Agent, Derek Forbort Free Agent, Jayson Megna Free Agent

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  1. I know a right shot winger is preferable to a left shot but it's notable they didn't mention Bertuzzi. I'm also thinking Teravainen may even be better. I definitely go Center first then winger, and D as an after thought because Wotherspoon has proven to be better than a 7D.

  2. Consider that Lohrei is working for next season already. He knows. He gets it. The rest is working with coaches and using the facilities etc., etc. Now, if you were a young and upcoming prospect who just got a real taste (including big playoff minutes), how would you approach your upcoming season? And that goes the same for Beach. And don't think Neely's endorsement- after their season finished -won't motivate him.

  3. The Bruins should trade Lindholm, Zacha and Lauko. Lindholms playing has been declining each year. Zacha has been as well. They will sign Lindholm for the 1st line Center. Coyle should be the 2nd line Center. Try to sign Tanev or Montour. Boqvist is a solid player.

  4. Boston isn't going to do anything. We just let Ullmark basically walk for nothing in return. We are barely even gaining any cap space… I would rather have the best goaltending tandem in the NHL…

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