@Buffalo Sabres

Brandon Biro Post Skate | 05.10.24

Brandon Biro Post Skate | 05.10.24

game five with Syracuse again is that is that a surprise I guess not not at all I mean we’ve been dealing one goal games against them all season and so for this to come down to to one one game wi it takes all it’s definitely not a surprise is it like if you could pick would you rather have this game a day or two after that huge comeback Victory is it kind of weird to have that a six uh it’s definitely weird um we knew that this series is going to be like that uh we knew that last year too was kind of the same thing where it was spread out and definitely makes for I guess a different feeling series but I don’t really have a preference one way or the other how do you look back to the third per how do you guys ex so well against the team their defense to they got two guys back from Tamp Bay last week you were getting under Corners what changed in the third period from the first 40 minutes um I actually thought we played pretty well the first 40 minutes we just couldn’t score and and they happen to score in some of their chances but sports are kind of a weird thing sometimes when you’re up three nothing the pressure kind of gets to and um it was nice to be on the other side of that where you know it’s three nothing going to the third you got to really I mean you have everything to lose but at the same time it’s three nothing no one really expects anything from you so you kind of get to play without any pressure without any without any tension and you just kind of go and play play see what happen so uh sometimes being up in in the games you know when when it’s earlier it’s almost a disadvantage happened to us you know the first game we were up two nothing they come back tie it and know those things kind of happen in sports there’s there’s momentum shifts and it was nice to be on the other end of it that game so I mean when you use the term pressure going into game five who would have more pressure guys that are trying to come back in the series and finish off H I mean I don’t know I think it’s probably equal when it’s in a you know it’s game five so Winner Takes all I think everyone’s you know the exact same um if one team had it seriously the other one didn’t then you know one team might feel a bit more pressure to finish the series out but I think we’re both pretty equal you know across the board we’ve been pretty equal with them all season in terms of everything so um I wouldn’t say one of us has more pressure than the other it’s it’s going to be a lot of fun though how do you maintain Focus or maybe regain Focus like that win is such an emotional you have to come down from that because you still got to win this game so how do you go about that over the course of this I think just continuing to work just realize that yeah it was a lot of fun and and winning is fun but there’s still a lot a lot left to play for and having a long week to prepare definitely allows you to to pretty easily come down from that feel like forever ago that game was so we just we had a really good week of work it wasn’t a a rest week or maintenance week it was you know we were going to come and and we’re going to practice like we have all season and I think that’s why we’ve been you know successful this time of the year is as we get better in practice and and we use this week to get even better so um know we’re excited we’ve done all we could to get to this point and we’re ready for the challenge we four games in the series how big of a ro has he’s been he’s been fantastic I think you know any team that wants to to win a championship needs great goal tending and need a goalie that can keep you in games when maybe you’re not playing the best or know little stretches where you get outplayed for you know 8 10 minutes if you got a goalie back there who’s you know going to keep it at you know no goals or one goal gives you so much confidence and um just lets you play because you know you got a guy back there who’s you know who’s going to bring it and and so he’s been you know super super big for our team and and without him I know we wouldn’t be in this situation you know in this series or or you know being a chance to to contend for a title in the regular season if if you know he wasn’t with us so uh he means so much is a great guy off the ice um works hard and and so we’re happy that we’re happy to have him on our team guys chat in the lock room sittings off whatever how much has going into talking about the crowd knowing that it’s aell yeah yeah we definitely mentioned it I wouldn’t say it’s been a huge Focus but we obviously want to focus on hockey but you know we know that it is it’s going to be a great crowd tonight we know you know they’re going to bring us a lot of energy it’s just going to be able to manage our emotions you don’t want to get too high I think anything the crowd can get you almost almost too amped and ready to go so um we’ll we’ll use them to our advantage but yeah we we know we know they’re going to bring it so so we have to as well great job last game awesome thank you

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