@New York Rangers

NYR are known for their hard working players. Who is your fav? This is mine

NYR are known for their hard working players. Who is your fav? This is mine

by imloungin


  1. imloungin

    So many to name, in “recent” history D Moore comes to mind. 2014 was legendary

  2. lionson76

    Shout out to the HMO line!

    I don’t know if I can pick just one, but my first favorite was Jan Erixon. Nicknamed the “Shadow” because of his suffocating defense, he was the very first Steven McDonald Extra Effort Award winner. Loved that guy.

  3. RichardHartigan

    From that same era, I always loved Derek Dorsett. He was fast and always trying to wreak havoc

  4. mad-Manufacturer-166

    Adam Graves is mine. He was a hard working goal scoring machine and could drop thwm gloves!

  5. -TheSkyAboveThePort


    Ryan fucking Callahan was the hardest working Ranger I’ve seen. You give any of our stars the amount of heart Cally played with, they’d be legends.

  6. TwinkiesForAmerica

    It’s gonna be either berard or sykora in the next few years

  7. Showing my age but Eddie johnstone and Ron Harris

  8. TheRealThordic

    Ortmeyer. I still wear his jersey more than any other I have.

    Guy made the NHL on pure effort. Borderline talent, HoF motor. We take hard work for granted these days but in the HMO days it was a breath of fresh air and IMO kicked off a team culture that’s still around today.

  9. NotoriousMFT

    My all time favorite ranger is Adam graves. So I guess him

  10. UdderlyDemented

    It’s hard to pick one!

    But if I had to I’d absolutely go with Hank. The stories we’ve heard about his work ethic are just amazing. Dude left it all on the ice and carried us all those years just didn’t have the final pieces to win it for him.

  11. Formisonic

    Brian Boyle was my first thought. Blair Betts and Brett Berard to follow the theme.

    I could say Graves way back (for me), and Cuylle way recently. Too many names. Of course Dom is one. “Forgetabootit.”

  12. jkman61494

    90’s and my all time guy Adam Graves.

    Dark ages PJ Stock. The guy just worked his ass off despite having so little talent.

    2010’s Hobbit. So small but dude never once backed down

    2020’s. Trocheck

  13. juxtaposition21

    Brendan Smith. Guy knows what he has is limited, and plays his ass off, whatever he can to stay in the league. Bone head? Sure. Effort? 10,000%. Dude played forward for Hockey Terrorist David Quinn ffs.

  14. raspygatsby

    Mike Hartman (Mess specifically asked to keep him on the 94 roster because he brought it every time during practice) Chris Knuble. Mike Eastwood to name a few.

  15. legend1124

    Love Dom Moore. Wish the Rangers could pull another guy like him. Was amazing how his run as the 1C went while our 1C I can’t remember was hurt

  16. Love Sheisty because I place goalie for many years. Rempe is becoming a runner up tho for fav player

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