@Colorado Avalanche

Nuke in Milan

Is he just trolling us now? Is he going to get help and if so, when? Is he done with the nhl?

by Forever-Flaky


  1. Khada_the_Collector

    To hell with the PAP, to hell with the NHLPA, to hell with anyone still supporting this prick. Yeet his ass off the KHL or whoever the fuck will take him, just get him off the fucking Avs already.

  2. endless_8888

    Trolling us? Is San Pellegrino not allowed in PAP?

  3. Lurkersunion

    Not to play Marty Walsh’s advocate but why encourage anyone to go in the program again?

  4. Leather_Network4743

    As someone who has been (relatively) close to people “in treatment”, it’s quite possible that he has been in treatment and is working on himself. We don’t know his day-to-day. Let those who are without sin cast the first stone…

  5. What is a grippy sock vacation, if not a vacation?

    Should he be getting help? Sure. Is going to Milan incompatible with that? No, probably not. It could be beneficial for him to clear his head in someplace sunny away from home and work.

  6. ShakaLife13

    Fuck this guy. Perrier is the only sparkling water.

  7. blaccsnow9229

    That looks like bottles of alcohol sitting there….

  8. Why do people assume you have to be locked in a rehab facility to get help? He is allowed to live his life while getting help.

  9. anemic_royaltea

    Let’s all speculate wildly and make proclamations about what we’re entitled to know about this person’s private life because we cheer for a sports team.

    Should really know better than to hang around here during the off season, I guess. Any of y’all have any cool holidays coming up? Doesn’t have to be Milan, but you know.

  10. East_Hedgehog6039

    Hopefully this will allow the league to cut the cord now and give us cap space.

  11. tildens_cat

    Y’all literally have no idea about his treatment and circumstances. This is the most anodyne picture ever, yet you want to freak out over it?

    Feel how you feel, but remember you literally have no clue what has been going on with him behind the scenes, what his treatment is or isn’t, or what his day-to-day life and attitude is like. Yet you want to judge him for drinking sparkling water in Italy? Seriously wtf? If you’re going to judge at least wait until you know something credible instead of losing your shit over a dumb photo

  12. RooseveltsRevenge

    I gotta say if the guy was American/Canadian and spoke decent English his pr people would’ve cooked up some addiction sob story and everyone would be behind him.

    I’m not gonna defend the guys decisions. But everyone who comes for him has to be real about what the game does to guys. He played 2022 on a fucked up foot and the medical staff was shooting the guy up every day with all sorts of painkillers. He did that to win the cup.

    It’s like how everyone wants fights but feels bad about a 90s enforcer killing themself. These things aren’t separate!

  13. ITT: People who have no idea how the assistance program or addiction recovery works.

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