@Vancouver Canucks

What is this and why is it worth $300?

What is this and why is it worth $300?

by ColdThief


  1. Spoiler… it’s not. It’s just a dumb “Fullsend” shirt that some teen may pay a premium for.

  2. I may be wrong but I believe this is old merch from the YouTubers “Nelk Boys” and has nothing to do with the actual canucks organization.

  3. PieRat351

    It’s NELKs trash merch, it isn’t worth $10

  4. literaphile

    It’s not. It’s some idiot who thinks he can rip people off.

  5. Tricky_leader13

    I saw that and checked it out, its just a t shirt theres nothing special about it

  6. Berdman731

    I bought one before unfortunately…it’s the biggest piece of garbage. It’s the worst fit ever and terrible quality

  7. 01000101010110

    NELK sucks so fucking much, I don’t even know what it is anymore. Used to be great about 10 years ago

  8. DMyourboooobs

    You can get them for $75-$100 if you really wanted one. I think they sold for $70 brand new.

    Worth is all relative tho. But no. It’s not worth $300

  9. TheDripDispenser

    Just some hypebeast NELK merch like the rest are saying. Save the 300 and get a good actual canucks jersey with a name (or a blank Black Skate for $300-$400 on eBay 😂) */j please don’t waste more than $300 on a jersey lol*

  10. N4ZZY2020

    Someone trying to rip off people if they’re selling it for $300.

  11. BureForSureEH

    I was hoping to get 300 for my framed signed luongo jersey

  12. LastWarChief615

    Because they didn’t lose a Stanley cup this year. They just lost a lot of games lol

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