@Washington Capitals

The disrespect is unreal

I don't expect them to win the division, but to rank them with the 2nd lowest odds after all the recent trades and signings seems beyond disrespectful

by beentz2


  1. CapsGoGoGo

    There’s always been some kind of perpetual hate against the Caps.

  2. Spraynpray89

    Eh…not really lol. We have proven nothing yet.

    They are simply counting on our stars getting older, or not coming back (Oshie)

  3. We’re only +1700 to win the metro in FanDuel. If you find +4700 jump on that.

  4. Yea that’s insane. On paper we should be fourth on that list imo. Also Carolina just got worse, so no clue how they are first

  5. Bengjumping

    I believe these odds were from before free agency.

  6. reptard42069

    Just means an even sweeter pay out am I right?????

  7. Odds makers aren’t calculating anything other than a number to make the betting go even on both sides.

  8. My-Man-FuzzySlippers

    So, youre saying there is a chance?

  9. ChasWFairbanks

    Gambling odds reflect the betting patterns of their users. All these odds indicate is the views of idiots who place sports bets, and if those fools knew what they were doing then parasites like Fan Duel would be out of business.

  10. HereInTheCut

    Why in the actual fuck do they continue to give Pittsburgh the benefit of the doubt? The Caps vastly improved their roster and the Pens barely did shit.

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