@National Hockey League

Which team is NOT returning to the playoffs?

Which team is NOT returning to the playoffs?

by Only-Reels


  1. Jean-Guy13

    It’s someone who you don’t expect the most so the canes, they’ll finish like 4-6 points out of them.

  2. At least we’re not going to be facing Edmonton for the fourth season in a row – LA Kings….

  3. Yes, keep saying Isles, who will undoubtedly make the playoffs again.

  4. Unfortunately My Kings is my vote, hard to believe we continue to let talent walk as we have the past 3 years….

  5. pieceofrat

    Predators. Free agency rebuilds rarely go well. Its also a fun hot take

  6. NoNotThatMattMurray

    It’s gonna be the exact same teams as last year

  7. biffwebster93

    As an Isles fan, we shouldn’t have even been in this year. That being said, im ready for another roller coaster season with a mix of high blood pressure and confusion

  8. I can see the Jets not making it back, as much I can see them making it.

  9. ImpossiblyBlack

    Kings and Isles are my votes.

    Jets and Vegas are my surprise votes.

  10. Vingt-Quatre

    Tampa Bay was a Stanley Cup winner.
    Then, it was a wild card team.
    And now, Tampa Bay is… a fringe team.
    And it’s about to find out that being a fringe team is harder than it looks.

  11. prizefighterstudent

    The Canucks need their stars firing on all cylinders to win hockey games consistently – they’ve proven that for half a season. Boeser is hot and cold and Petey hasn’t shown consistency in some time. I’m hoping they make it but I won’t be surpised if they don’t.

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