@Toronto Maple Leafs

[Friedman] Word today that Wes Clark, big decision-maker at Toronto’s draft table the last few years, is exiting the organization. We will see where he ends up, but all eyes on Pittsburgh.

[Friedman] Word today that Wes Clark, big decision-maker at Toronto’s draft table the last few years, is exiting the organization.

We will see where he ends up, but all eyes on Pittsburgh.

by leafs_fanatic


  1. Svalbard38

    Kyle Dubas



  2. jackanonsmith37

    Feels like this is a decent size loss, leafs have done alright drafting considering the lack of picks

  3. Significant_News_638

    Say what you want about Dubas – his guys are loyal as fuck to him

  4. Crustovski

    I wouldn’t want to work for Shanahan either.

  5. sonofmalachysays

    we’d all do the same. team is a sinking ship with Shanahan

  6. People will get mad at Dubas, but maybe take a second to think about why Wes Clark (and others) would uproot his life to go work with Dubas, rather than stay in this organization.

  7. RattledRed

    Thats a big loss for the leafs. But someone else will come in, and they have a chance to do even better. Change is a good thing. We will see what happens :).

  8. canucks_27

    Dubas vs Shanny is starting to look like House of the Leafs am I right

  9. dingleberry51

    Shanahan gonna run this ship into the ground

  10. ChuckGump

    This team is going to be incapable of filling their holes outside of the draft, and we just lost a big component to drafting good these past few years.

    Surely giving Marner a raise will mitigate this though

  11. sadrapsfan

    Why are ppl mad at Dubas, y’all are weird. This is a grown man making a decision to bounce for his own reasons lol.

    If someone leaves leafs with a pretty high up position for elsewhere, maybe it’s not well run as you think

  12. TheGapInTysonsTeeth

    I don’t blame him.

    Brendan Shanahan can get fucked. As long as he’s the man in charge, this will continue to happen

  13. Sirrebral99

    Damn, this sucks. Wes Clark made some solid picks and found a lot of value considering how few picks were in the cupboard.

    But the entire scouting department, staff and systems are still in place. The Leafs’ front office has nearly half a dozen Assistant GMs alone, Wes Clark was a big part of our scouting team but the whole thing doesn’t fall apart when one guy leaves.

  14. toedragrelease

    Leafs are cooked at this point aren’t they? lol

  15. legendary_sponge

    This one hurts, Clark has done an amazing job drafting with such limited resources

  16. Hoardzunit

    Fucking fuck. He’s one of the key guys I didn’t want to leave from management. The dude is responsible for players like Cowan.

  17. power_of_funk

    womp womp.

    Seems like no one wants to work with Brad. How come?

  18. boredinthebathroom

    I think the leafs are in a waaay better position to win in the near future than the penguins are despite all the stumbles. Dubas and whoever follows him to Pittsburgh have their hands full and if dubas manages to pull it off then thumbs up to him, I’ve always thought he was a good gm. But leaving the leafs to go to Pittsburgh is like putting yourself a bit farther away from the cup. Maybe Pitt catches lightning in a bottle and win the cup in the next couple of years, but time is running out quickly for them.

  19. Treliving can’t get the Flames to pick up his phone calls, yet the Leafs are just willfully letting Dubas poach whoever he wants.

    This feels like a significant loss to the organization.

  20. reluctantLeaf

    Leafs are being cleaned out. Hope Wes gave us a few parting gifts in this draft.

  21. WickedXDragons

    Pittsburgh is a steaming heap and Kyle’s got all his boys going down with that ship now. Well done

  22. lol Kyle collecting former Leafs personelle trying to distracted the Pens masses who are pissed with his performance thus far

  23. Boner_Patrol_007

    Solid drafting with minimal draft capital for the Leafs, Wes. Enjoy Dubas’ sinking ship.

  24. BlueHotCoconut

    Those comments referring to Dubas’ people as being loyal… I mean yeah, of course, he will give his people chances above all else at the expense of success. Just look at the constant nepotism of drafting, signing and trading for people who played in the Sault. This does not make him a good executive. In fact, the opposite are the ones with the most success. Cut bait, grow, acquire new talent. Just look at the Raps reading DeRozan.

  25. Mustard-Horse71

    Who cares. Sadly in 2024 this is news on social media. Some guy on
    Management who we have never heard of. Good luck to you and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

  26. Musselsini

    Eliteprospects has Wes Clark as Director of Amateur Scouting from the 22′-24′ draft.

    That makes his “official” draft picks;

    2022: Minten, Moldenhauer, Hildeby, Grebyonkin, Lisowsky

    2023: Cowan, Malinoski, Chadwick

    2024: Danford, Johansson, Holinka, Plesovskikh, Obvintsev, Lahey, McCue, Mayes

    I think it’s still too early to tell if this is a huge loss or not.

  27. Hoardzunit

    Every week there’s some shitty news with this team. Fucking fuck.

  28. CashComprehensive423

    Wes Clark is solid. He has a great eye for talent.
    He was a Dubas guy so it would make sense he heads there.
    Grabbing Austin Cowan, when at the time was ‘a reach’ and look how that worked out.

    Sad to see him go, especially the no fluff announcement of draft player’s names on draft night.

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