@Nashville Predators

Crime Investigation Australia: The Predator, Leonard John Fraser


  1. No known treatment for this rapist and he is released in the community, what kind of justice system is this, this guy should be in a mental institution or in prison….. a minor had to lose her life for this justice system to realise that he is 100% dangerous

  2. Omg they didn't call the Police 😳 they waited 40 minutes 🤬🤬 what a damn idiots……I can't understand this 😢😢

  3. What a useless bunch of boomers watching a child get murdered and they do absolutely nothing. Useless disgusting people they are just as bad as the killer imo

  4. I see how if the girl was on a bike you might assume the man on foot 3 metres behind her was maybe her father. But, on foot? Seriously? Also. What took you so long? You see him smack a little girl down? Even if that were her assumed father, you have every reason to call police!! And when he got up to get his car, why the heck didn't they make a run for the girl still on the floor? These people could have avoided what happened to her. Instead they even took their fair share of time to call the entire incident in…. I just can't….

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