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New Sabres Forward Ryan McLeod Joins Sabres Live | Buffalo Sabres

New Sabres Forward Ryan McLeod Joins Sabres Live | Buffalo Sabres

Ryan McLoud is uh the newest saber and he’s just completed his first Zoom call with the local media so Ryan welcome into Sabers live what was the highlight of your previous 12 minutes dealing with the local media yeah thanks for having uh just good to you know meet all the guys hopefully they take it easy on me this year well um week can start with the hard questions so we can start with the easy one you kind of you know want us to take it easy uh um what was that phone call like and you know obviously it’s been you know a a very uh emotional end of the season going all the way to the cup final but getting that phone call and and probably hearing the excitement from Kevin Adams and Lindy Ru and the and the organization uh having made that trade for you and wanting you to come in and and be a big part of this team uh yeah I kind of talked to my agent before and he he let me know I was a little you know shock to the start just kind of worldwind after the season but um you know after talking to KY Kevin and Lindy it was uh you know super excited uh I think this team is really tring in the right direction and and I’m uh you know excited to be a part of it how quickly do you get into specifics I.E role with the general manager and the coach upon an acquisition like this uh yeah just kind of had more you know introductory meetings with them so far um I’m sure there’ll be you know calls in the future kind talk about that but just right now kind of getting introduced to the City of Buffalo and kind of meeting everyone we have obviously done research on our end and we’re like okay what kind of player is Ryan McLoud um speed comes you know right at the top of the list you’re a fast player fast skater you bring a ton of speed um you have been really good defensively you’re a responsible defensively uh what do you see yourself like though in this new setting uh and what can you bring to Buffalo Sabers yeah you know I want to keep that uh you know two-way play in my game uh I think I kind of flourish a little bit more offensively now with hopefully a little bit bigger role and kind of looking to take that on but yeah just like yeah speed I didn’t want to be a really real responsible player and um yeah I think they just helped the team you know kind of hopefully fill that spot of that you know guy who you can play on both sides of the buck yeah I mean you’re five years pro three full years in the NHL where would you you say you’re able to recognize the most growth in your game year-over-year so far uh yeah I think just you know you get confidence as you get older and and you kind of you know learn the game a bit more learn the league and um you know still still learning still lots to learn and um you know every day I’m kind of trying to just just get better a little bit better and um you know I think Tom uh what I can get better at now is just you know still my offensive game getting to the net more shooting more pucks I shooting to score more um that’s kind of where I’m looking to you know open up a bit more do you remember the game in Buffalo and were you already undressed in the locker room before returning for the end of overtime in the shootout yeah I I had my uh like skates pretty much undone so I had to throw him back on to you know go for the last 30 seconds over time when I knew I wasn’t going to go on the ice anyways but um yeah no I think couple guys on our team were already eating chicken wings and stuff in the room and yeah was pretty funny but you know we came out and we you know obviously lost again so it’s kind well now you can say that you’re on the other side you got two wins on that one so yeah exactly you know it’s funny and and I I always appreciate the honesty and you know it’s not even self-deprecating like it’s it’s your awareness and this is not just you this is this is any player that typically plays with Superstar players they know which three guys are always going to be out on the ice in overtime right um but that being said you have played with Conor McDavid and Leon dral his teammates in the last few years so how often did you find yourself on the ice with one or both of them and what is your takeaway from playing with such high skilled players uh yeah you know it’s uh it’s pretty special to you know start your career with those two guys um yeah I don’t know they’re they’re so so amazing they you know do everything so well um you know so Dynamic with the puck you know you could be out of a game completely and then you know you know CL early and gets the puck and they go down and just make someone happen they score and we’re right back in and they they get another one right away um they’re really they’re truly game Breakers and I think you know two the two top centers in the league right now so um you that was a lot of fun to play with them and you know you could you as much as you could learn from them it’s you know they they obviously play the game such a different level than everyone else so you can’t really uh you get a little bit of tips but they’re kind of on a different level you know it’s it’s tough to take too much away from their games yeah Hey so two years a three years ago Conference finals last year stand Cup finals so if you let’s say I’m Rasmus Dalene and I come up to you I said hey Ryan McLoud nice to meet you I’m Rasmus Dalene and what’s the difference in the playoffs you played in in 56 playoff games in in four years what’s the difference in the playoffs that is you know from the regular season and the way that the game is played yeah it’s a lot tighter a lot tighter defensively especially I think in the regular season you can get away with kind of you know cheating for offense and you know you could outscore teams to win games but I think in the playoffs you really got to you know play play hard D and you know it’s you know one play you know changes the whole game changes the series so um you know it’s a really big you know detail game there and um yeah just you can’t really make many mistakes and I think that’s the biggest thing where you kind of learn going through the playoffs for a couple years you know it’s it’s the mistakes that you make that you know really hurt you your Oilers special teams obviously had been a huge talking point for years based on the percentage the success rate of the power play some would believe this to be or they would see it as hard to believe but the Sabres had a slightly better penalty kill than the Oilers in the regular season before your penalty group took off and almost rewrote the record book at over 94% going all the way to the end in the Stanley Cup Final how did that transition happen and take us through it as a player like I I if you can give us a sense of how much of a role coaching plays in that but then how much individual players manage the moments in those high pressure situations and communicate out there like just what is that like when you’re riding that incredible wave yeah it’s uh it’s pretty special I think you know as a group we kind of rallied around it um you know you’re you’re playing pretty aggressive because we knew that you know we took a penally you know the likelihoods are they’re not going to not going to sting us so um you know it’s kind of like like playing on the fire but like we just had that confidence going out there that we weren’t going to get scored on it’s almost like when you get you know really hot on the power play you go out there like we’re going to score every Power Play it’s like almost the opposite on the PK and you know we we’re chipping offensively too like lot guys were you know a couple short-handed goals in the playoffs so um yeah you know we had a you know a great coach s Mark Stewart he was you know really dialing Us in on the PK and I think you know more so just the guys going out there and doing it and they were you know we were willing to block shots we were you know skating well we defending the line and um I think we just you know really clamped down their details and that’s it paid off is there something within that though like because like Marty and I joke about this all the time like just how Ryan nen Hopkins just quietly goes about his career and he’s so amazing but like you look at the time on ice and like there’s Ryan from a short-handed standpoint right like he’s out there and I’m just wondering like what his presence and what his sense of the game allows the rest of you to do as as teammates of his in those situations yeah he’s he’s so amazing I he gets really overlooked because you obviously have Conor and Leon there you know driving the ship but you know he’s so skilled he does everything so well he plays in you know every single situation um I think he truly is one of the more underrated players in the league he had 100 points you know the year four so it’s it’s pretty crazy to say but um it’s really the little things that he does so well and um yeah it’s it’s fun to watch he’s one of the players that you know I try to you know model my game after you know watching him I watch practice all the time he scores on every single shot in practice pretty pretty insane and um yeah just just uh it’s cool to watch him out there I know we only have a few more minutes and I’ve got a million things in my mind number one um any friends people you know on the Sabers players that you maybe have crossed paths or know from off ice two OD you lose your chicklets three uh any personal things we need to know about about you dogs cats family whatever like uh need to know more about Ryan McLoud uh was the first question now guys I know I’ve skiu with that Owen power for you know a couple years now so have relationship with him um I’m not I don’t know too many guys on the team but you know it’s a young team and I’m uh you know excited to you know go and be there I’m sure the room’s probably pretty pretty funny so excited for that um teth oh God where do we start um just uh uh in my first o game and then you know High stick and you know the miners and then I think another high stick yeah missing like four or five three up top two on the bottom so tough Corner the CB season for you I’m sure so yeah yeah try stay away from that one just not to embarrass myself so Marty Marty’s nominating you as the official spokesperson of the Eden Corn Festival yes exactly you’ll get to know that one in Buffalo so yeah and uh any like uh know Alex duck has his Doug Teddy tuck that uh you know we’ve seen on Instagram whatnot um any pets or anything that we we we should be prepared for when you come to Buffalo unfortunately no I would love to get a dog or something but I just don’t think uh I’m too responsible enough and or not responsible enough and I just don’t not there enough so um yeah I’d love to get one probably in the near future hopefully they can figure something out but as of now unfortunately not Al Doug said a few whoever have issues or whatever I’ll dug sit I have chickens and dogs and all that so yeah I’ll make sure my last one my last one is very tongue and cheek uh Ryan you finished 71st in lady Bing voting this year I’m wondering what you believe cost you the award oh is that even like halfway through the league like how many forwards are there oh hey we were we were blown away when Jeff Skinner got some votes a couple years ago we’re like he never stop trashing the officials now yeah must been like my parents some snuck on someone’s computer and put the VES in or something like that but oh that’s awesome no but it’s just it’s all part of the resume that you bring to Buffalo um the diligence the you know the dedication the lack of penalties the penalty killing all the rest of it thank you for the time today enjoy the rest of Summer and we’ll see you in the fall thanks guys thanks for having me on have a good one [Music]

Sabres Forward Ryan McLeod joined Marty and Duffer on Sabres Live and discussed the trade that brought him to Buffalo, his potential role on the Sabres, what he learned from Connor McDavid in Edmonton and more!

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  1. Love the hockey grill! Big trade because of the return for Edmonton, but It makes sense, Savoie was expendable to some extent and the prospects are assets to be used for just such deals. Wayne will like this interview. Follow Roam hockey.

  2. Yeah thanks Marty who let duff talk about players we don’t wanna hear about right now … and laugh like a schoolgirl for the other part smh

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