@Buffalo Sabres

Ranking The Top 50 NBA Players After The 2023-2024 Season

Ranking The Top 50 NBA Players After The 2023-2024 Season

all right so put him at 2 ready put him at 21 through 30 I have him personally can we do one through five we do one through five first I feel like that’s going to be the easiest to debate about I think that there’s a consensus I don’t think I don’t think that’s a consensus there’s a consensus there’s a consensus for there’s a consensus for the fifth person it’s one of two people I think sh t Tatum is down in the conversation I don’t have Tatum in that conversation for my top three I have yic Luka NB that’s that’s that’s fake crazy that’s fake crazy what l in the be yish Luka and jannis I have jnis i jannis at four I have jannis set four that’s crazy that’s crazy I’m not going to be upset with you bro because I’m I’m cool we’re ignoring that we’re ignoring that uh is better than ynis to me I mean just in totality just no did you see the year had before he missed 40 games got hurt he he was like the most Unstoppable player like bro like that has no no no no no no no and been better than jiannis in the playoffs the last two years he’s played one series but I guess what does that mean he’s not he’s not we’re not doing that we’re not doing that let me let’s read let’s read the criteria right let’s read the criteria oh we have a set criteria that we have yes because I want to make sure the criteria for this list one is impact that’s the most important thing wait hold on two they’re not all weighted the same so there’s five there’s five things but that doesn’t mean they’re all worth 20% like correct impact might be like 35 yes out of 100 impact is number one and it’s the most important thing two is portability three is two-way ability four is availability and five is projections for next year and we are doing this list off the last two seasons so 2023 uh 2022 2023 and 2023 2024 is what is the list we’re doing right now uh J JD so just so you know and we can just start off with one I think it’s clear clearly yic y everybody agrees we agree well no we obviously don’t agree on all right come on come on come on come on come on Q come on stop Luka luuka I would say Luka is number two he’s the second best player in the world put no we can debate debate that but he’s not going there um as far as I concerned um see this is sure list yeah I mean You’re Gonna Lose is it a we for are we forgetting what nve was before uh he got hurt availability is a part of it availability is a part of it he’s not he’s not as available okay so um yna just averaged 30 on 30 on like 60% from the field this year by the way if availability is a part of it then I’m I’m gonna have questions about your list okay I don’t know what that means I’m gonna have questions about your list all right so and number three we all saying um Yiannis and Kumba yeah three and four is jannis and Joan be so you might as well put them both where is jiannis I can’t find him I see him I see him I see him I see him I see him okay number five here’s where the debate start Alexander sh Alexander Q do you not have Shay five he does not I know he does not even if I didn’t even if I didn’t have him five it doesn’t matter do you have Steph five no okay then yeah I don’t I think I think Le I think got LeBron low key sh five sh five bro got KD no I’m curious who you got five Q listen listen L this must be nasty it’s probably ad I’m I think Anthony Davis is a better yeah yeah yeah I think that’s that’s I I know he was gonna say that I’m note that 80 just had a great series it just like n on mine I ain’t gonna lie yeah you trolling that’s bad that’s bad C I’m so serious we push we push up there please we push where where’s the skim God there you go yo skim God come on bro all right six ad I have Steph Curry I have step I have Curry I have Curry at six I have go I avoid it sorry Ste Steph I mean he regressed a little bit but he still like that uh 2023 he was he was he was great in the first round against the uh Kings he was good in the second round against Lakers this year he was great for the beginning of year had down year at I mean that down back of the half um time out time out time out can I run through I just with with ad I just think it’s like he he kind of relying on like uh someone else to create for him even though he’s great in the post he kind of relying on other people create for him that’s that’s a fair that’s a fair judgment I just think but he is a top he he is the best defender in the NBA to me though that’s what I’m that’s what I’m saying like that’s that’s you know he’s the only one in the top 10 we can kind of say that about so I think that should matter in my opinion and I think can I run through can I run through the next best protector go ahead my bad Max can I run through the next four or five people and y’all tell me if in no order in no order just the people that I think should be six through 10 and you guys tell me if anyone disagrees because I feel like there’s another like I think it’s kind of I think there’s a set people in this list at six we had three and two we got three and two in no order Steph Braun ad Tatum KD yes but I have I have no I have uh I have LeBron at seven I said order do we all agreed for for curry at six it was three and two it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter I don’t I don’t think Steph is at six but you know no I have I have Steph at six I have Steph at six I have Tatum at seven k at eight k at eight first off Tatum just just won a ring so you’re not I think I I have k at eight I have LeBron at nine and I have ad at 10 actually no I should have at n and I have I should have LeBron at 10 honestly why why is Tatum better than LeBron let me know please tell me Jayden uh Lebron is about to be 40 like okay list the criteria La list of criteria please 86 do you have 86 what what’ you say you have 86 I had ad6 yes I had so I think AD should come next regardless because impact portability two-way ability availability and projections to next year for next year by the way is gonna be better than LeBron next year but um thank you I do I do too that’s why I have 80 at nine I have LeBron at 10 you have LeBron at 10 so so stop like bro this Jaden’s list and we’re not nobody’s agreeing with that uh that LeBron is the 10th best player in the league can I ask you LeBron don’t let jayen duck this why is Tatum better than LeBron on the basketball cour outside of saying AG I’m going I’m going off I’m going off of projection I’m going off of projection as well that’s the I think that Tatum is I think that Tatum is a better Defender as of right now two-way ability two-way ability was what your second uh n it was the third or fourth it was either the third or fourth okay um availability LeBron LeBron was actually pretty LeBron has been available last two seasons yeah LeBron was LeBron was actually pretty healthy um again he’s a better Defender impact I’ll probably you’ll probably have to say LeBron just because uh the Celtics are so stacked no that’s not why bro what LeBron clears LeBron clears as a playmaker he’s better in the mid-range he’s better at the basket he shot 40% from three this year Tatum jump shot is inconsistent and it was one series but LeBron was literally lowkey like better than the playoffs I mean Tatum was like pretty like fre standard below average his entire playoffs run talking about you’re talking about a championship where he did not play up the par I don’t he’s not better than LeBron like no no LeBron I’m not accepting that I’m not he didn’t play he didn’t play up to par because he didn’t score literally everything but outside of scoring Tatum was like [ __ ] going crazy that that would be cool decided stop shooting and do everything else he literally was going out there trying to score and he was failing at it literally he was but I’m saying like 40% whole playse he was doing was like scor scoring is the scoring is the most important part of basketball SC hold on hold on no I I just said who else are we giving that benefit of the doubt to we’re not nobody nobody’s allowed to to to to shoot 4% from the field and get a pass nobody’s able to do that scoring is the most important part of basketball we have to stop I gu not it’s the most important part of basketball what do you have Tatum I have I have t him at nine or 10 that’s I have t him at nine or 10 so that’s I don’t I think after so me personally I think I have uh y’all want to put step there fine but I have uh after this I would say Ad LeBron KD then T AD should be next that’s all I got ad and braon should be next to him my opinion but 8 I would agree and because we got two votes on 80 being six I think it’s probably right he should be uh seven I and Q had him five so I think it’s right that 0 should be this is a consistent list this is a consistent list so I think 8 should be seven do we have any um outside of Jaden obviously do we have any any um you know objections no 80 80 should be 80 should be like nine I ain’t gonna lie but it’s cool nobody else in the world is giving you 25 um he was just great in the playoffs like back toback Seasons By the way this is also projection like I feel like we’re we’re is he not gonna be great next year is he not gonna be great next year what are you talking about I didn’t say he wasn’t being a top 10 player means that you’re great what are we talking about so what what about him projecting him to next year has to do with this he’s gonna be better next year why are we arguing okay Tatum’s gonna be better next year okay based on what I disagree based on what what is Anthony Davis how is Anthony Davis gonna be better based on what because JJ’s JJ is actually gonna make him a hub he’s making the offense if you think LeBron’s gonna take a fall off on scoring somebody’s gonna have to take that role yeah what did LeBron a this year like 25 7 and S or some yeah I said I said I said LeBron’s averaging like 23 24 like I didn’t say it was gonna be like some huge fallof okay okay uh so it are we LeBron LeBron is at eight is that what we doing I yeah yeah Lebron k n and then Tatum 10 for me at least I don’t have a at but I mean if you want to put K you got kd8 I have K was on my L but LeBron was higher so it’s like you know what I’m saying where’s step for you behind him so you have him nine no it’s two seasons it’s two seasons uh two Seas I had KD then I had step but that was very close you can interchange him we had three KD I think they both had a close year last year they both averaged 29 last year KD did it on historical true shooting and this year he was better than Steph the whole year and he made the playoffs and last year he went farther than him in the playoffs so you split in hairs but it’s cool the same who think who who I think Kevin Durant is a better in a better situation uh to me I mean that’s part of criteria then use it but just it’s just context it’s just context about about their play yeah before they were coming off a championship run so do we all agree that LeBron is still better than KD I agree I have kd8 I have LeBron okay so so we all agree outside of Jaden once again that on this I mean y’all like to overrate LeBron it’s cool I actually I actually had Braun over ad but I think kind of overthinking it now I’m cool with ad over LeBron no next year I think ad definitely like uh would the Reigns will definitely like be passed over for sure Kevin Durant or Jason tat I got KD over I got KD over Tatum as well we right now funny how the tables turned it’s like and I know that hurts you like I really know that hurt it doesn’t hurt me it does it does because you you have Persona just being a KD M like it’s crazy like it’s crazy prior to ad that Jason Tatum was so way better than than I didn’t say that I didn’t say that oh you’re a KD truther that’s interesting never knew that who Jason T is a better Defender Jason T better playmaker I would say I’m pop you know contrary to popular belief I used to be a KD Stan until he L to the Warriors and and then you just started lying no anyways k used to be a Westbrook fan or St I was I yes I was both of them bro what do you mean um okay so you were St to LeBron uh Westbrook uh who else Westbrook is not that great like that’s not me like how can you be stand so many so many people bro it’s not that hard I don’t have teams T them at 10 this is where the list get interesting though I I I I feel like and I’m standing on it no he’s not no he’s not no he’s not no he’s not can I do the same thing I did last time say the next five in my opinion in no order and you guys tell me who you I think everybody should have that same five go ahead I think it’s book D Mitch Jah Brunson ant that’s your it’s a great list Max oh you just said the names all right no it is it is my order I’m not Li that’s your order y you disrespectful I like that though I’m not mad at you I think Donan MIT should be at 11 Donan MIT be at 11 personally at 11 I don’t hate it but I do got see like when you said the twoyear we by the way I don’t think we said that we’re looking back two years we kind of cut everything else out remember I know count that first year you that first year then my next I’m you talking about Kawai everybody besides Jaden everybody besides Jaden do you guys have those Five Guys in some order no I have well well not not in the top 15 I have Kawai instead of J then then I have everybody else n see I’m I’m not g lie I’m not gonna lie this is my kind hear Jaden Jaden shoot my next five I have an at 11 debu at 12 I don’t care and has to be 11 uh Brunson at 13 uh Brunson and Donovan Mitchell are interchangeable to me and then I have I have Jaylen Brown at 15 hell no look look look look just break it down I just don’t see how that’s crazy I just don’t see how that’s crazy crazy bro off the the past two years Anthony Edwards two years ago did he have a great season no two years ago wait what was two years he have a good season as Deon Booker no did he have a good season as Donovan Mitchell no no he didn’t he’s better in the playoffs than um D Mitchell two years ago was like the first series with the Nuggets right yes yeah that season was was was pretty okay he was an Allstar replacement it was okay who you talking about you talking about Aunt right we’re talking about Aunt yeah like in this season he’s still like it wasn’t like a drastic leak from the year before he was pretty with his numbers his playoffs his playoffs was CRA play like his playf his first few his first few uh series was crazy I think dbook and D Mitch especially like situationally like d Mitch is not in a bad situation like he can still go out new coach like he can still like do his thing ant will still project to have a great year dbook I don’t think will slow down like I still think with what happened in the past two years and projection wise I think D Mitch and dbook should still both be Anthony Edwards gets better though that’s the thing I think D Mitch gets better for sure and I think dbook does not do anything worse I think he’s got to get better new coach I think they added a couple more pieces I know we just talked about the Suns but I don’t know I think it’s still fine hey top offenses with Jeff teag and Al Horford and Paul mils what you think he gonna do with with Devin Booker at the hel I think Booker GNA a bounce I’m still I’m still JD JD you’re not having John this next five I think is still an eyebrow razor for me he’s injured when he comes back it’s not it’s it’s not that crazy because if he has if he has ka ka saying like are we like Kawai healthy I I have J 17 respectfully like if Kawai is healthy are we are we not putting him over at Tatum like 18 it just I don’t know what healthy kawhai looks like right okay okay okay okay let’s talk about let’s talk about 11 I 11 I have Donovan Mitchell I got Mitch he just Aver 35 and five yeah was 35 and five in this year’s playoffs last year he had a down playoff year but he’s had two back toback great regular seasons um he’s not really in the best situation to be honest because the spacing in Cleveland is not great um I like demons more I’m trying to put demons I like d more than de Booker book should be I don’t got I don’t got Deb 12 but uh who’s 12 hold on hold on give me a second d right there you where’s he at bro Booker at 12 there I got Booker at 12 as well at 12 now we going to talk about what Jaylen Brunson Brunson at 12 and Jaylen Brunson no he’s not yes he is no he’s not first off first off you’re gonna talk about uh the regular season was better than regular season Bron was better than the regular season than weak the east past two years what the hell the East is weak this this playoffs was weak as [ __ ] please stop what are we talking about who did the Knicks go against they went against the Sixers the Sixers first round against injured injured Jo and be they lost to the Pacers which is they got injured they were heard they whole team was heard the N not injured themselves they would have been they would have been in the ECF bro let’s be serious that’s true that’s true so what was what was your point of saying any of that um but I’m saying yourself you beat the you beat the I I shouldn’t say rning Champs anymore but then at that time you beat the the reigning Champs and um the timber wolves did yes the timber wolves did I’m talking about I’m talking that wasn’t a great that wasn’t a great ant series bro um I think it’s either or if you want to put Brunson over him fine I don’t I don’t think it’s C no he definitely took advantage of like the where do you have do you Booker are all in the same I have I have a at at 12 if y’all have DCH at 11 JD where you got him at who ant yeah I have him behind Booker where you got Booker at 12 and then at 14 I think that they’re all ENT I mean a like completely dismantled dbook and KD and Bradley if we’re talking about the last two years then Booker really can’t be over them those two so you know like I said I think they’re all in the same tier player but um they are they they are they they are all in the same tier player yes I think but like that’s why I’m like you know you can really put them in any order I really don’t care I’m not gonna lie think Brunson and Deb I don’t said ka ka gotta be on his list somewhere bro we’re not about to put him below 15 I’m sorry you can’t do that I agree with that no I a lie like I said if Kawai is healthy we all agree that he’s better than Tatum right when healthy a kind of a kind of did go crazy that’s the problem though that’s the problem Ka how many BR how many BR at 12 how many brunon at 12 we talk about the actual game we break down the actual games I got brunon at 12 I think he’s I think to be honest low Kei he’s been better the last two regular seasons I would say um in the playoffs he was good in 2023 um he was good considering his C his his true shooting was low but he had literally no help basically offensiv never lost in the first round what was what was Anthony Edwards in the playoffs two years ago he had it was a five game series brother was a five game series was the team who were they going against it was a five game a five game sze exactly what he did to the Nuggets that time that he did this time it was aage because they don’t got no room protection yeah I I think Jaylen brusson is if you want to say ath ever has been better in the playoffs I wouldn’t I probably wouldn’t agree with you I think it’s probably on par if anything the regular season regular season is Jaylen Bron I think I think I think off is a little bit more important honestly but I would say it’s on par and and with and it’s his his defense is like it’s not no he’s not he’s not it’s not it’s not actually overrated a bad Defender but it’s they acting like he’s a lock down Defender I would say he’s a good Defender he’s not I I would say he’s a good Defender because he didn’t lock down Kyrie like what are we doing no that’s not that’s not that’s not what it is at all but on average he’s not he’s not seen the other team’s best player or their second best player on aage he guard he guards their third best player and when he has to guard the you know second best exactly that’s that’s why you got a factor in that’s why he’s not a great defender is the point um but anyways we H are we we have how many Brunson 12 I got we got two Brunson 12 should go based on what it’s looking like it should go Brunson and D book like that should be the order I would agree with that why BRS why are you saying why because what you got de book at you got de book at 12 I got I got him behind Anon Brunson uh JD you have him at 12 correct yes I did I got e book at 11 I I got him at 14 that’s why that’s why I’m like you know you can these are all like interchangeable guys that’s yeah I get I got N5 so that’s just what I’m saying like I don’t I don’t think it’s concrete again it’s not basically you know what have you done for me lately all that’s all it is bro the same these are these I will agree these players all in the same tier I have uh I have who 15 kawwai ka ka I got I got so it would be Donovan Mitchell Jay BR anthy kawhai D what who you skipping Don 11b over dbook you said somebody over dbook nut he said he definitely said J on there no no no no Don or whatever is Donovan Mitchell Jaylen Brunson athy Edwards Booker Kawai johnar yeah yeah sure and then so johnar would be oh so okay I didn’t see this I thought it was 15 I everybody else agree with that that Kawai over that’s fine that’s fine yeah I have kawhai over Matt you got Ka well it don’t matter it doesn’t matter all right so are we are we okay with putting Brunson at 12 what are we doing like yeah I don’t even think Booker that’s fine bro I don’t it’s not they’re all on the same tier so honestly I just don’t I just just don’t see why like if we are grand out they’re all on the same tier I just don’t see why uh uh Latif especially you’re no bro he can’t be over him like they’re all on the same tier so I mean it just doesn’t make any sense you didn’t give me any logic how you gave logic this entire okay I just don’t what I just don’t see with Jaylen Brunson like just game by game I mean they’re both not good Playmakers he’s a better scorer he’s a better scorer uh okay an it’s a better Defender Okay so it’s not it’s not World beating defense brother we we’re bro put put Deon Booker in kawhai then I don’t think Brunson Brunson is very good at taking Chargers I gotta say okay all right oh there you go there you go okay uh then we got Kawai Kawai where you at buddy where you at buddy hellar that’s that’s what I be trying to figure out we don’t ever know where he at I don’t understand why I got Trey young over you have who Trey young I I don’t think that’s crazy either I don’t think that’s crazy but I’m not agree with it I think right you’re gonna put J right there Trey young gota be right after sure that’s fine I think ja is gonna come back next year we’re all gonna remember who J is I think I think Jimmy but I think Jimmy Butler is is Loki uh no Loki tray young I got Tryon you’re not you’re getting all types of push back from me so you’re good Jimmy did take a team to the finals I mean come on y’all I mean come on young got 16 I have J at 17 then since you guys don’t have Jaylen Brown I’ll put JB’s Jaylen Brown’s gotta be coming up pretty soon yeah I’ll put J Brown I’ll put Jaylen Brown then I’ll Jimmy then I’ll do bam that’s I got John I got johnar and then Jimmy rer I got so I got jot Jimmy Trey Jaylen bam Wy Wy not 20 that’s fine let’s see I’m fine with I’m fine with that I’m fine with that when be’s 21 for me what do you guys think of that what do you guys think of that what do you guys think of that when be’s 22 I see what this is I see Kyrie irvy we not we are we are we are we are has one year that’s the last thing though like that’s the last thing yeah that’s the last thing maybe not better than bam not right now no he’s not okay bam is a better Defender and I mean offensively I mean you’re really part of the media now that’s crazy you’re really part of the media now not better than Bam’s not better than Bam’s not better than b right now okay my 16 to 20 okay my 16 through 20 is JN Morant Jimmy buly Trey young Jaylen Brown B might B I mean we just had to give Jimmy mus a little bit of respect like we just had to give him some respect at this point in time we do my L personally have Jimmy at 19 21 is where I stopped and it’s it’s that is that if you want to put wmy at 20 you gotta wmy has to be 21 bro like if he’s not top I got Kyrie [Music] why put put the order that you you said Put it exactly like that I don’t have it in that order but m not to be when’s played one season we’re taking the past two years yeah I mean and we’re right that’s the last like say okay but but but for Wy I feel like that means more look look look impact was the first thing impact was the first thing okay just so we clear 2022 2023 the Spurs won 22 games 2023 2024 the Spurs W 22 games best player was who the same player was the year before I just said 22 games and when he came they also again won 22 games if we because impact’s the first criteria I just want us to to he was impactful he was impactful he was impactful clearly impactful especially he was defin defensively come on now because K the the the the pisses won 14 games but K was very impactful for me just saying bro weren’t they like a they were a uh they were a bad overall defense but like when he was on the floor they were like they were the worst defense in the league they were the worst defense in the league with him off four they were like they were like a middle of the pack defense with him on the court I just said that I just said it was top my bad my bad my bad my bad my bad hey hey hey 12 13 14 15 16 that’s CLE that’s that’s clear John the not jaing it I’m not gonna lie Jimmy was like Jimmy was my like top 12 before the season started but he why why are we like we are not remembering who J like J literally came back this year hit a game winner like he’s been injured I think we I think we’re getting lost with projection I’m not seeing any projection on this either because I think Jimmy next year I guess I’m projecting on J but J should be up there bro wimy gotta be top 20 bro I’m sorry I’m not arguing with y’all about that I ain’t gonna lie I just I don’t know bro I just feel like you know we’re being a bit too premature bro just a little bit just a tad bit first name Bam’s first name La first picture thank you thank you thank you thank you thank thank you thank you thank you Max thank you Max all right now this is where here’s where here’s where in this really w w is 21 Max I’m with you Max I’m with you I’m with you I’m with you hold on since since Max since Max was doing his next five let me do my next five I don’t care I I better not get any push back I don’t care not like we not doing Max is like whatever you say no I’m saying I’m saying I’m say I’m saying I’m saying you GNA get push back bro if it sound crazy the next five the next five just should just be pretty consensus to me honestly actually no actually no this is turn a few heads actually go ahead say the zword uh I got I I got wiy Zion Paulo then I got Paul George and Kyrie where’s Fox where’s fox fox is no Fox is not fox is like 26 20 28 that’s fine I have Fox 25 so that’s fine can you SC down I’m not gonna lie I completely forgot about Kyrie on my list so I disrespected him he’s gonna be up here well my list is my next huh it’s oh it’s two must be 2 KDs then he has two 2 KDs 2 KDs where’s the other one oh yeah down there I see yeah please can you just go down there and just grab one before me and put him at 21 cuz you trying who agrees who agrees with that two people have po already T you got no I have Kyrie Irving where’s we like who is placed higher Paulo or wemy who is placed higher in your ranking Wy okay so Wy goes next then yeah I have Wy at 22 and I Paulo at 23 but I mean should be next it should be Wy then paa it should be it should be W then paa it should be when ranking based on is not can we slow down can we slow down why is uh are these players why are these players better than Kyrie R first off push back for me on some Kyrie love is one of the best already generational what the hell what does that have to do with he’s not generational do with is already one of the best defenders in the league like what are we talking about okay I’m I’m not pushing back on W I’m talking about like uh was talking is better than Z Kyrie’s better than Z let’s be serious I just don’t see it I just don’t see it okay okay okay so we put we put we putting wiy at uh 21 right yes yeah okay number 22 I think Paulo should be next where where rank I have I have at 21 but why is why is Paulo better than Kyrie Irvin Paulo’s the number one okay average like 20 27 what what did he average he a like 30 si in a first round series Paulo played pretty well for his first playoff series he played well no being number one option being number one option does matter it does matter for sure wait wa wait who’s the better playmaker bro it doesn’t Mattery bro Kyrie didn’t even bro come on now bro there was was didn’t even what in the playoffs this year he wasn’t that good Kyrie just wasn’t yeah he wasn’t that he wasn’t good bro like we’re we talk a lot about scoring we talked a lot about scoring when we were talking about Jason Tatum Kyrie playm he play he was a good playmaker at times he was not scoring the basketball at a high rate Pao scored this playoffs Pao scored the basketball it was it was seven games just saying um what oh we we talk about his first five games like where you have that doesn’t make no Chief where’ you have p on your list 23 JD where you have poo I stopped at 20 I stopped where we are right now I got 23 yes I would put I would put Paulo right here over Kyrie for sure wait hold on hold on slow down what is he he do better we you got beat up though we when I when I got beat out I a argue I just left I just want to know I just want to know the logic I just want to know the logic I want to know the logic I this is Atif show okay so I can’t just argue I can’t argue I guess now because I don’t think what does he really do better than 30 more players to get to we got 30 more players that’s what I’m saying like we we already were you know taking the minute for 11 through 20 are we saying Kyrie right here fine sure yes KY I could I could put Z the guy after I got Zion that hard that’s me me either that’s crazy to me I ain’t gonna lie that’s crazy to me uh so wait hold on can we talk about seak please can we talk about seak is 26 on mine forgot about Pascal too damn I forgot about a couple people on the list I just don’t have a that high I got right on my list I think I still have q who do you have up next right now at 20 uh 21 22 24 if it’s 24 the next valuable person that’s probably gonna be in the area is Paul George PG is one of my favorite players but I still got I got Zion I have 24 as well oh we got two people we got two people with J where’s where do you guys have Zion at where do you guys have Zion at 20 uh 27 bro 27 27 27 Max tried to be funny and he put him like 30 something I literally said I have him next why are you trying to like make fun of me I said I have where Max here I’m got Maxi at Jen I’m literally on your side for this I think I have Max is here Maxi at 32 what we doing Maxi at 32 I don’t know what 31 31 Max projection just doesn’t matter projection fox fox fox is better than Maxi y’all Maxi could be better than Paul George next year [Laughter] could he not could he notna defensively you’re gonna say defensively Paul George is better than tyres Maxi but Paul George defensively I mean I just had to see it I guess and he’ll take his what a a scoring Back Seat but it’s not Avail availability matters so what are we talking about worst projection in this list offensively I think Tyrese Maxi could take the step over PG that’s what I’m saying so where’s the projection offensively how you talking about scoring the basketball that’s it yes scoring is the best scoring is the most important part did we not just say that do we not just say that ability does exist twoa ability is number two ability literally on a criteria have to see he’s what the hell youan see it always been a good Defender it sounds better as Paul George taking a back seat and being able to focus more on defense in theory that sounds good he’s better anyways though he clears him anyways yeah he’s a better he’s a better Defender than than Maxi I than Maxi too I ain’t coming over that yeah yeah yeah all right that’s a relevant argument I’m not gonna lie uh so we talking about right now we talking about who are we putting at uh 24 J JD don’t got a list so Q got what you said who Paul George I have Paul George at 24 and I have Maxi at 25 Maxi is not no damn 25 we don’t have we don’t have a Zion on here bro you talk like what Zion Zion was my 22 okay so how do he okay okay I understand what you’re saying I understand what you’re saying okay so be above tyes Maxi Darren fox has to be above I agree I agree with that I agree with that he’s not Fox Max no I just Paul George Paul George Paul George is Paul George is leading the the list right now he has two names PG PG Fox seak um they’re all in this category right here what I think siakam’s 20 not don’t ever put Pascal next to PG don’t don’t don’t ever do that is that crazy or something pasc played pretty well in the playoffs too I love first of all We’re not gonna get over this i’ I’ve been on here saying PG one of my favorite players in the league but injy it should go KY better than PG we got Zion gotta go next I don’t know JD I don’t know is isak isak not better than see y’all see how he IGN me I might be with you there z a one thank you one a what Pascal not the one pasc me not necessarily no how’s he you know I was saying Pascal was the one okay then I don’t I don’t even know why that I don’t even know why that’s pasc Fox next please put Daren Fox next does anyone have any push back Daren Fox should be next no no he’s not better than Zion respectfully Zion gotta go right there I have Z I have Zion I have Zion and fox literally right next to each other that’s fine that’s fine I do too yeah put Zer put Zer does everybody agree with that yes yes all right bro I guess uh okay what else what else Fox is next fox fox third name Fox he’s the third player bro Maxi I’m not I’m not I didn’t I know where he is I was just wondering like why are we doing this so uh about Fox who do you have about Fox bro I told you I have I have seak at 24 bro so I mean I’m fine to put seak next yeah that’s say you could put Pascal and you could put Maxi but honestly I think Ma Maxi will be better than Paul George next year honestly that’s just me criteria is the fifth thing on the list and I don’t even know that’s going to be true and also uhia is the is I mean you know what I mean you know what I mean you know what I meant I don’t know I don’t know what you mean you have to say what you mean brother I don’t think I think at this moment Dame is over Maxi I’m personally I think at this moment Dame is over Maxi I just don’t know La in 2023 he was much better and and and in a down year this year he was still like but he’s in a different he wasn’t he wasn’t better than than Max he that’s true that’s true I didn’t say I didn’t say he was you were about to say based off that based off that it’s a it’s a it’s a tie playoffs Maxi okay in projection we can project that Maxi I mean I don’t know leads away for Maxi so if we go Bas with the criteria Maxi wins slightly over Dame La you saying Dame had a good year in 23 with Portland yes a great year that was not good it was great he is in Milwaukee now though is what I’m saying he’s in Milwaukee like the role has changed right Maxi he had a horrible he had a horrible year for his standards but go look at his numbers I think it still like 59 shooting 24 what I agree with you why was he crazy in Portland he was dropping what didn’t he yeah he was dropping like 5050 60 balls all the time like where you going where you going with this brother where you say like Milwaukee’s a different situation I think dam is bounc back next year but that’s just me um yeah I think I think Damon’s better I’ll put Damon better than Maxi but okay so y’all want to put Maxi after Fox immediately after Fox that what we doing are we gonna talk about Rudy go be are we gonna talk about Rudy go beer he’s 30 he’s 30 on mine but I don’t have Maxi that high either though oh wait I got seak up here so we can put seak right now yeah go be 30 I guess you could putak you guess I don’t got him that high so I can’t even if I wanted to lie bro Rudy just I don’t know okay so see come here and then impact impact is impact is the number one thing and he he just let he he he just made a top he he was he made a top defense that wasn’t my number one thing that was your number one thing I’m not going we all agree I said that y’ want agree with this bro see you see how Max you can put Maxi Maxi really better than R go bear I think so yes bro I don’t think R be walking where’s Jaylen Williams let’s be honest where’s Jaylen Williams at we not there we not there we not there not please please stop I I think so we talk about H so that’s so if that’s the case it gotta go it gotta go Rudy hi you gotta go that’s disrespectful that’s disrespectful you gotta go Rudy gotta be Rudy gotta be right after J J should be coming up maybe stop it no realistically like 40 41 what you doing bro okay buddy I thought we putting Rudy right here Jaden J all right if Rudy is there then Maxi has to be at him I I think H I think Holly should be I think Holly should be over Maxi yeah H be 30 like H’s a H’s a crazy like I know he’s playing in car offense but he’s he’s a he’s a c playmaking Gap is is n it’s it’s actually insane it’s it’s CRA playmaking Gap I I’ve seen TJ McConnell going in oh we’re not doing that I retire I retired to Hol until the next season bro I’m I’m being serious right now man if if H wish he could sell create like Maxi Maxi so yeah I’m I’m fine with that I’m just saying one two three four five six seven okay that’s 30 all right 31 we what we talking about y’all Dam uh bi bi has to be Dame sabonis hold on real talk is bi above jdub no what is stop bro I’m taking jbi please Jamal Murray Jamal Murray Jamal Murray I have Jamal Murray at 31 I have Dame on my Dame is 29 so I’m not mad at him being 31 right here I think sabonis is next I have sabonis in this in this I would 100% rather have Jamal muray than sabonis because he Jamal Jamal Murray is way better than the playoffs by a lot in it’s not sabonis sucks in the playoffs I’m not mad if he put Jamal Murray the NBI I’m not mad at not this play Brandon was not in the conversation yet um Brandon Ingram where do you have Brandon Ingram where do you have Brandon Ingram on your list 37 Ingram’s better than jdub I’ll say that thank you I agree I never say he was you have Rand on this list it’s just me Randle Randle is 43 where do you guys have like lamelo Scotty Lori I didn’t I stopped 25 so okay okay he damn near didn’t make it all right didn’t make it we’re doing a lot of trolling right now we’re at hour and 30 minutes for this episode already let’s actually like be serious right now I’m being so serious I R how was Randle how was Randle 43 okay so Jamal Murray um be he’s probably like 4 yeah I mean that’s not that’s not crazy he I I think more highly a random than most people but that’s because a lot of people don’t really care about like they literally throw away 82 games like it don’t mean nothing I mean that’s I have Randle at 34 but I’m not pushing back I’m not pushing back if you had him like 36 36 Draymond is still top 50 uh I don’t know what we’re doing I think sabonis is next I don’t I’m not mad at I’m not mad at there’s only a small there’s like a a small portion that that somebody might be better than him and other than especially if it’s that criteria list but that’s neither here nor there playf the playoff is the playoffs is just I don’t I it’s the play impact so much for 82 game stretch sabonis is better by a lot uh okay availability better by a lot projection he’s probably still gonna be better than him next year through a a larger sample size by a lot two ability doesn’t really matter because they both can’t defend and one is playing next to the best player in the world since we want to add context based on all of that mean gota go sabonis that’s whatever yeah especially when it’s it’s pretty even whether he’s had a good playoff series or or regular it’s not like he’s great every single time in the playoffs and we already went down we already went through that road already like we Max Jamal Murray or sabonis I said sabonis I’ve been said sabonis okay okay we put B here okay soar is Jamar muray next yeah you got what cat on my list now okay Jaden where is where’s your on your list uh you said 31 right yeah I have Jamal I’ll have Jamal Murray next and then I’ll have B that’s me personally I got so we got yeah be is better than cat no he’s not I got at 36 and 37 never mind um okay so are we doing Jamal muray right here yeah okay okay okay yeah so some what happened with my list cause cat used to be on here and is is bi is biat where’s lamelo going James Harden James Harden y’all I have Harden I have Harden in the 40s I’m not gonna lie to you that’s crazy I’m just I’m just curious projection bro like do we are we we’re just not the fifth one that’s the fifth one and I got we’re not using protection like at all Harden was better than Paul George in the playoffs this year but hey he wasn’t better than through the regular season 82 games still matter let’s not act like those those six games really meant that much you’re right you’re right you’re right I’m just you know I’m just I’m just calling some some things out giving some context you know you know he was I feel like context matters but uh so what we’re saying next is who Harden C gota be somewhere close bro any combination of be Lowry cat James Harden you think L is better than cat I don’t okay good I about say I think for Lor’s situation he’s just you know I say hard and Cat who’s the other person you to say uh bi bi I think yeah Harden cat I think bi is after cat me personally and then Larry yeah yeah and then where you said Randle you got Randle at 40 Jaden [ __ ] uh do I have R all right make any decisions person i r at 34 but I’m not mad if you have him like 37 through 40 Harden and cat cat has to be up here soon I don’t know where cat went on my list but Harden at 34 cat at 35 wait I think Harden is right here Harden is still one of the best off engin in the leite we just said Harden at 34 come on I want I can’t talk about Harden damn y’all [ __ ] all right um what else we got gang no reason to talk too you said cat yeah who did you have overcat on this list that’s not Lori yeah no I think cat is better than L actually talking about this um situation portability I I don’t think the neither of those two are markably be like seriously better than Julius Randle either and if it’s a playoff thing one don’t got a playoff resume and the other one is pretty bad in the playoffs outside of two games that we seen so uh based off what’s the criteria again let me read through it one more time impact two-way ability portability uh projections and availability I think I think cat I think cat and um Lori is about the same same out as portable both them I’m taking I’m I’m probably putting if those are the three names we’re talking about I Lor’s a better Defender Lor’s a better Defender than cat can we get that he’s a better Defender than cat Lori Lori I would do cat Lori Randall if those are the three ranking I’m not high on Julius I mean I’m not I’m not high on Julius I think the offensive games of Cat and uh whatever obviously Julius Rand in the post and stuff I think the portability the biggest what’s the biggest what’s the biggest thing that matters the thing that matter most is impact Julius Randle has through uh a regular season has more impact than both of them playoff doesn’t you you could just call out a was but we know Bas off impact Julius R himself is better than both of them but who’s who’s the worst Defender out of the three cat cat uh Lori Randle is a better Defender Lori i g lie I think I think C he looked better next carrying the team like to carry a team is Randle like he literally has more impact that’s true regardless what you want whatever you want to think he is he’s still an all NBA player we agree that this this three is the we agree that this three is the you know the next three I just don’t I’m just curious to see where lamelo goes I guess I don’t know where lamelo’s at I have lamelo 39 on my list I have lamelo at uh I I personally don’t think there’s 35 players better than Julian random regardless of like playoff [ __ ] because at that point we talking about people that aren’t like real playoff risers in this little I don’t either Q I think lamelo I think lamelo’s at 39 I also have lamelo at 39 but we have so we have what 31 32 33 34 so we gonna put Lorio cat right here I think the defense is the difference and I think Lori is a better Defender I don’t think it’s a Lori cat conversation I have Lori 37 but I want I want I would rather have Randle C where does J where where does jiren fall he him yeah notation notation not ination right now not in conversation yet I have see it work you have been where I had triple j at 48 no troll that’s troll that’s TR not I don’t think that’s true I don’t think that’s I don’t think that’s true I think I think it should be Julius Larry cat okay that’s one Jan you said did you said the same thing right Jaden said Lori okay J Jordan Lorie cat Randle how you ordering that putting that in order uh I’m putting it cat Lori Randall I’ll do the same thing I’m not gonna lie no no I’ll put Lori cat Rand all right I mean impact we can do Lori cat Randle though I got I got the same order as j i cat Lori Randall so we gonna throw impact out the window no one said that I’m just looking at the other sides portability portability is also like being able to be I think Rand is kind of like as the number one is kind of like a floor Razer like he has more impact offensively than um yeah to your point think he can carry a team Bas he’s the only one as a number one that’s took their team to the playoff yeah his because his his shot creation and getting to the rim like that definitely is more valuable than you know those but let me talk to you about this Q I think I think portability that that’s that’s Lori I think two-way ability that’s also Lori um projection I mean you could go where you want on that um availability that will probably still be Lori so like Rand will Randle have the same impact next year as as loaded as this team will be no that’s a big part I know Larry’s impact is not gonna it’s it’s pretty much where it’s at right now like why I think Lori had more impact on his team this year than Rand will it’t it won’t it won’t be leading to wins though it won’t be that’s what I’m trying team to a playoffs what what what did Randle what did Randle help the Nicks do before he got hurt please what are you talking about before he went saying he said Lor he said Lor he said he said Lori had more impact than Randle Randle was Randle was won last year in 2022 2023 and then this year I’m talking about this year bro and this year he was following it up again with basically another all NBA season and before he went down he was a playing like the best player on a team for a 10 game stretch because Jaylen Brunson was was in a in dog days but whatever because if we wanna because the only the only bad thing about mandle when it come to really talk about is playoffs and neither of those other dudes are real playoff players anyway so that could get thrown out how many number one Julius R is better than all of them yes I agree with that but portability I’m going uh Lori and and two ability I’m also going Lori uh projection I probably would still go Lori but I mean we not talking about that availability again projection what is randle’s role gonna be on this on this not to say what his role is gonna be but like he he’s gon be number two he’s gonna be number two he’s gonna be number two he’s probably still gonna average the same amount of points that Lor’s averaging now but he’s going to do it on a winning team still and I and I think I think also uh availability that will also Lori so I got four things that’s going Lori the main thing is impact but that’s that’s really the only thing that’s going catway for me we breaking it down like just through the criteria I got Lori winning four of the five so does that does anybody actually disagree with what I just said no I yeah but I’m not gonna aru I’m not gonna keep arguing about the 35th best player I already knew how this was g go down we are a minute hour 40 already so okay this happen we’re doing what we said we wouldn’t do we’re doing what we said we cut the we cut the king’s topic we’re not talking about DeMar rosen he don’t move needle uh we got we got some more trivia we we’ll end it after this list um so I think Lori should be next personally me no no I Haven been doing that I Haven been doing getting heavily disrespected right now but it’s cool brand angg is not available and Brandon Ingram um just had a down playoff series Brandon Ingram he was hurt and Julius Randle I believe Julius Randle should be next too by the way so max what do you think I so I’ve I whatever I’ve been saying that I think cat and Lori should both be above Randall I’m not a Randle fan in my opinion um I I’m looking I get you’re saying impact and I understand impact obviously a big part C do long I’m not a fan of Jimmy but I still made sure Jimmy was where he was supposed to be like I don’t care if I’m not a fan of the person I don’t think that should be a reason saying something not supposed to 100% say like be it is but all I’m saying is like I’d rather have both those players portability 100% projections Lori like if we’re going off projections I do think Lor L 27 unless you think he’s just gonna get drastically much better no but I was thinking a different situation in a different situation potentially he could be better but we speaking on hypothe right now be a 25 24 point B game score on a bad team yes and okay what’s Rand gonna do the same thing he’s been doing damn near for the past I just don’t think that like is not Rand it’s not that’s not gonna be anything that’s not a great score saying is better than Rand that’s ridiculous he didn’t say that he didn’t say he did not say that he say doesn’t change the offensive Dynamic of the team because he does something that has n that doesn’t affect anything he’s just gonna be running around screens yeah I agree with that is he not the scoring load though barely yeah I don’t think he’ll be like he’ll be like I’m just saying in in I think in four do you do you disagree with the four out of five criteria part Q like do you think portability who was that that’s that’s Lori but that saying that based off just just strictly because he can shoot I think I think his skill set his skill set fits more teams yes yeah sure but if I need a a number one Julius Randle is more portable as number one because you could you could you could change portability to however you see fit I don’t think every team needs a number one though sure but then can use different team needs we stting these teams fresh from scratch I’m going Randle first yeah we our list isn’t I think that’s more so impact but our list isn’t like who you better build around or something like that that’s not like that’s not our list or who was who ready to start a team with like even even if you wanted that’s probably one that’s probably one part of the criteria that’s impact we could lump that in and then but already got V voted it don’t really really matter we haven’t even reached any type of consensus I know Randle is not gonna be 34 three of us have agreed that Randle is last so yeah so talking about so you can put Lori over cat fine okay Lori cat Randle and then darus Garland no hell no [ __ ] no Darius G is not better than Brandon Ingram Darius is not better than Lamela ball like what are we doing bro no Dar daryus Garin is better than lamelo I’m not gonna he’s not based on the criteria how cat how is cat over Randall uh I think he’s more portable that’s that’s it yeah he’s not more available not more available impact not the same twoa ability if you you want to call out a wash sure what darar do better [Music] lamelo L does lamelo does not play bro I’m I’m sorry I love lamelo that’s one of my favorite players I think Bram is next though no troll no I think brenon mam is next being serious might disagree I I think we gotta get like I think we got to start talking like after this it’s got to be lamelo like lamelo Scotty like where shenon where where’s lamelo at shenon dar’s gar lamelo lamelo is next lamelo Dar Garland is not better than lamelo bro I have Bram 37 I have I have Bram 37 I have Garland 38 who who’s 39 lamelo he is yes I think I think Garland is better than lamelo right now Q I agree why do you think that JD Q we got two Q we got two Melo over Garland and two Garland Over Melo J I think because well I mean the big one is because Garland actually is playing he’s actually on the floor um they’re not really doing anything like a gar Aver 25 seven like 20 points five and seven with and without Donovan Mitchell DG’s next a bad year DG’s next then he but he still played Mela don’t play DG’s number two second and then lamelo yeah I’m fine if we put Lelo here let move wait why is why is hold on why is Anthony not pictured bro come on bro anyways anyways bro why is he not pictured though afy Simons I’m with you I’m with you gang I’m with you gang it’s not enough to argue about it’s like it’s not that deep to argue about but it’s not that much to argue about all right one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 it’s 40 okay Kade k no no no no K that’s one k 2K here uh q q you don’t gotta ask me that question K okay all right you got out you got out Ved bro I don’t know I need to ask Max because he already got out voted too um but he’s about to say Jay Scotty Scotty is better than Kade no he’s not no he’s not no he’s not Scotty should be up here Scotty should be up here now no he shouldn’t why LaVine no I think I do think Z I said Zack LaVine availability what are we talking about I think over Ingram one year one year two year SLE size yes and he missed I’m just confused we saying a twoyear sample size when DG was literally just ass like not good he was great in 2023 I don’t give a [ __ ] bro we’re talking about two years two it’s two years ago it is two years ago what did he do last year D was not good it’s not a one year we’re not doing just off the 2034 season bro we already established that like a long time we gotta put about was in a whole different situation two years ago like I just I just don’t understand I just gota be 42 or 43 at least there’s no way k bro if that’s the case there’s no way that’s the case should be higher we got two we got two we got two what did Zion do two years ago he didn’t play he didn’t play he avered 27 and seven we’re talking about 2022 2023 he did not play bro he played 29 games yes he Aver 27 and seven no he did not yes he did how the [ __ ] are you gonna tell me it was on 29 games Jaden are you what are you talking about bro it does that matters what are you talking about he didn’t play years so why are we talking about Zack LaVine bro because he played a when he plays he’s inconsistent as hell so what are we talking about bro we got two Zin you don’t watch you don’t watch the Bulls yes I do you just saying [ __ ] I do watch the Bulls is better than Kade dear rzan is better than Kade okay we ignoring that so we have two we have two Z is better than I I think we have two SC J do you have Scotty please Scot overade I have Scot dear and Zack is kind of like the the the random q q do you have Zack or Scotty you have Zack or Scotty I got dear LaVine is far more portable than dear sure his imp his impact might be his impact might be you know better I think I think dear’s dear is more impactful I think Zack LaVine Zack LaVine is a better three level scorer like and he you know he could play off the ball off the ball is clearing like it’s bad he’s not better mange not better at I me I’m totality you don’t shoot you don’t get to the free throw line as much as dear he just one aspect of that of scoring that he’s better at but do you think he’s a better PR level scorer yeah slightly oh yeah that’s what I’m saying okay so that goes to portability though like that I think that that that I think that that like we’re we’re about to see we’re about to see a Demar fall off bro like Demar is not C I’m Li I’m not Li off the criteria off the criteria off the criteria off the criteria off the criteria we’re putting we’re putting dear we putting dear because that make more sense I personally that’s like that make more sense but if we’re projecting off the criter use that portability [ __ ] for the for the for the ly cat lawyer debate like fine that [ __ ] that [ __ ] second there’s a whole bunch of other [ __ ] that matter fine if this is a bunch of where if we could put them on every team then there’s a lot of players that you got to move up because that’s the case Mel Bridges is [ __ ] top 20 like that stoping the portability [ __ ] as the first thing you using out your mouth so if dear is here are we putting Zack next in where is Scotty where bro stop talking about Scotty Barnes bro please bro please Scot is better than Kade like I’m just confused Scotty had Scotty had a good half of the Scotty have a good half of the Year bro like he had a good half of the Year got injured he didn’t play and then before he was talking about like stop please stop with that I don’t think Scotty’s better than Zack LaVine bro or yeah he’s not like that’s actually come on bro be Ser why is Kate as high as is as high as he is that’s that’s what’s blowing me honest because Scotty better than Desmond Bay and uh Deonte Murray I think B Deon Murray and Zack a conversation that’s fine I think that that should be the next three who and is a conversation I got Zack I got zacke of uh both of them I agree I’m not gonna move him though what do y’all think you guys got three so it doesn’t matter who got three you guys were all saying that Scott that uh lavine’s ahead of uh whoever else lavine’s next I think I just don’t think I didn’t say next I just said it’s a conversation he’s better than Scotty bars but if if uh if Latif and Jaden both JD both have LaVine up next and you have him up there like I think he’s got a fall sometimes oh yeah you got Scotty above him like oh all right yeah so LaVine LaVine next yeah Scot I [ __ ] with Scot yo Scotty I don’t even know the logic bro he had a good he had a good half of the year like he got injured like honestly I might I might I might Bet On It Scotty I don’t think Scotty extremely portable either I I really don’t I mean he has a tway ability the only that’s the only like negative that I think really out of those top five impact wasn’t there either so are we putting bante also the teams were evolving door people though Desmond’s a better Defender so Bane put ban Des Ban’s a better Defender than Deonte really yes Deonte has not been good for the last two seasons on defense that that’s that’s a that’s a that’s that’s not a conversation ability that’s that’s a whole different type of conversation so don’t try to pull that off what did you say that’s just stupid I said has not been good Deon has not been good on defense for the last two season for reason for a reason it’s not because he’s not a better trender I thought was still solid maybe I’m twe no he wasn’t he was wor where’s Jaren I would say de is also better than de Deon I think Deon probably better I’m not gonna lie I’m not gonna lie I’m not gonna lie we’re taking we’re saying Desmond Baye is a better basketball player than Anthony Simons yes what are we talking about it’s only a conversation on one side of the ball offensively it’s even if anything I give the edge to Simon but Desmond Bane is a better Defender okay okay next I think Desmond Bane should be next and then Deonte Murray dejonte Desmond Bane yall agree okay for sure as long as Scotty Chad and Jay make the final list I’m fine yeah I J JB should be on here Scotty Scotty better than Mel you see what I mean though uh uh know like’s portable I don’t think Draymond is in this it’s top I think I think the only thing Mel’s got over right now is portability is the most overrated thing ever ability all go to m yeah but Scot Scot not a Defender Scot’s not a Defender the better two-way player is male M the more M but projection wise I think that Scotty will have a uh better season impact wise impact this year is going to be a little streaky because he’s got so many guys on his team situation does matter in that aspect you got Jaylen Brunson on that team they have a good team the Raptors are buns the Raptor Raptors got a bunch of a bunch of [ __ ] that’s gonna had a bowl in their ass boss you’re not that wasn’t even crazy what the heck all right all right uh Derek white should probably be on his list I didn’t I don’t have him on here uh yeah dere White white at 48 I don’t got his name up here I mean I could probably add him hold on D white J dub is porzingis is porzingis J I have porzingis at like 40 something no no I have porzingis a little bit higher than that honestly there’s no h on this list either Drew har not making it KP probably will make it though let me add let me add the uh players to the list I’m not gonna lie it’s not that serious it’s not that serious it’s about to be two hours bro bro it it doesn’t take that long it does not take that long it takes 30 30 seconds bro calm down I can add them to the list real quick yeah so y’all can see him lagging too yeah I told you I told you but he just has the best internet in the world bro it’s better than yours bro no not show me your WiFi speed bro I have it up right here it’s not that hard all right you you distracting me bro that’s why that’s why I can’t I can’t add the play to the list bro that’s uh dere W it’s tough It’s about to be nasty Derek white Chris Al has gota be on this I’m not gonna lie he probably should be higher being serious jdub is top 50 that’s not think about it though based off your criteria he’s only one of those things really really really like makes sense ability two ability portability um he’s pretty impactful too not impactful we can’t really we can’t really say that all right I added Derek white um Chris bingz um D I would say probably I’ll probably say uh J up Chad my last how many one two three four five we got five more names I would do uh Derek white KP Jaylen Williams um Mel and Chad is Chad a better player today than jiren yes yes yes yes I don’t know I yes based off the criteria how is jayen J over Mel Bridges and I don’t think he is know I don’t like Mel Bridges I think J y’all think J top 50 I think he is I don’t think he’s better than Mel Bridges necessar criteria how is he above Mel Bridges um I don’t think I don’t think I don’t think Mel is more impactful than JD I really don’t I don’t think J is more impactful than Mel Bridges I think that’s a wash okay we talk about uh two two-way ability is defin M no no no because I think J was a better like a much better offensive player I’m not gonna lie three level scoring he got it um playmaking it’s because you see him next to Shay you see him you see him brother brother M’s about to be Mel about be a third or four option I don’t even know that M that matters like I promise you if Jay was on his his better team he could do what Mel is doing um M did not play great defense he has 15 points not gonna play the hypothetical game okay okay I’m saying I think was I think L I think J was a better player than M Mel B I’m just sorry availability is the same um portability it’s I think you put JD on any team in the NBA so I think that’s also the same one of the most portable players in the NBA J not more one of the most like J can fit on everything in NBA right now how can not they both are portable they’re both well the New York n r the rather had regardless of the villain NOA they rather have Mel bridg than J I don’t I disagree you got to put KD somewhere KD’s got to go at least 47 stop stop we got we trying to finish his list 4 okay okay okay okay you do got over it’s just we’re acting like projection is not a thing that’s the only thing that he has I think he’s more I think he’s a better tway player to me personally I think JD will have more impact on the Thunder than Mel will on on the Knicks this year I also agree disagree do you disagree Q I think that’s just that’s situation based right so impact this is all based on situation I’m not Li M was pretty unimpressive on the Brooklyn n we had to mean I know that know that all right we all agree last year no no no no no no because we’ve been doing this two year stuff we’ve been doing this two year stuff last year two years go on the net he was not he was not unimpress he was not unimpressive please yes he not no he was not good that was a 5 the Mel bridg andette was was a 500 team last year they they fell apart after k k and Kye got that LE ktie and Kyrie got them that those wins okay so do we all agree do we all agree chrisz and dere white should be on the list yes or no yes yeah for sure I had kristof’s like way higher I think D should be over a few of these people that we already got though Dam near same thing porz D there I’m not gonna lie we not even talking about that right now uh that don’t even matter we not g to go back and go back and put them over people then put them then they should be next yeah they should time out time out time out time out if we have KP Derek white jdub and male Bridges as for as four the last five is anyone mad no I’m not Draymond don’t make the list put chat we out of here okay hold on next wait I told you Draymond wasn’t a top 50 player Mel France uh singon you can leave fron you can leave France leave FR leave Shang no Mel better than J Jackson Jr are we being serious y’all come on bro no I ain’t G lie that’s not it that’s not it Triple J Triple J a top 50 player I think Triple J is better Mel never mind then put him no cause we talk about impact impact impact imp no I’m not doing it’s not a dictatorship it’s not a dictatorship not dictatorship cuse it was that was already gonna be a thing and then you decide to stop it so you could put to talk about JJ because you want him on it not going for it so obviously not going for it so just put him on there just put them on there you want them on there go ahead no I don’t want this not it’s not a dictatorship but we let’s break down the criteria impact that’s Triple J yes M twoa ability Triple J yes uh portability I think Triple J prob feel any any team in the league personally You’re Gonna Go Triple J for every single one of these go ahead and put Triple J go ahead go ahead I ain’t gonna lie I be doing with with t sometimes too bro he just gonna argue into a wall until I would never ever win one of these so I just leave it alone because at the end of day always all right bro all right bro I was trying I was L trying to be fair I was trying to be fair but no since y’ don’t want don’t want to talk about it I guess uh I think it’s too close to argue like you know like I don’t I don’t really care that much so okay you don’t see it like that he’ll argue with so that way it could it’ll be how he see it I don’t be I don’t be beat for it like I really goe I don’t think it’s that bad either we could change some you know Derek white and porzingis I think should be higher but you know it don’t matter I think por should be way higher into what’s here Jaden uh 3140 on the high end or the low end uh on my list granted I did mess up a a few names because I was like Ed and stuff but on my list he is he’s 33 but I I’ll probably have him like on a lower end I don’t know about that high is he better than Julius Randle no no no yeah I I I’ll have him on a low end like I said you argue you was arguing that he was better than KP I mean that he was better than Larry I was arguing that chief chief h k better than Larry just three ago what you did no what oh c was yeah I saw people was trying to make it like a gap I think it’s it’s pretty debatable what are we talking about you had KP you had KP over porzingis over Lori Markin bro but he okay but he not better than Randall but we got Larry ahead of Randall we do that’s good but yes Lor is better than Randle yes I don’t have KP over Randle I don’t just based on our criteria we we doing today the way we was arguing in that chat or what we talking about in that chat is not the same as what we do we did for this criteria we didn’t do last two years I was talk about defense and offense type [ __ ] know what I’m saying I like the list though do y’all think y’ think y’all think KP should be um higher than dar’s yes or Brandon Ingram Oh that’s where you losing he’s he’s like right there with I I think he’s right there he should be like right next to Randle cat MBI he’s over a DG for sure what DJ shouldn’t even be above lamelo Kate needs to be lower all right anyways uh Scotty not even pict Scotty’s not even on this list a lot wrong with this but this is list so it’s it is just what it is we’re not spinning this like this ltif list we have been going through consensus after consensus after consensus it kind of got it kind of got oh my God we’re not doing this we’re not doing this last more Latif the oh so last five okay I guess last five was Latif the middle last the middle of 31 to 40 and probably like the backand of 21 to 30 those are the if you go back in the video probably those are the ones where I stopped really talking and I just last 30 was last last 30 was La is complete cap because uh Jordan said he Jordan say he he had Lori over uh Randall Maxi had lorel Randall and then that’s how that’s how we did that thing that’s literally how and both of them have Randle last that whole SE that that whole little three little conversation that’s when the the criteria kind of went out the window that’s why I knew how the this back his list he only uses certain criteria for his argument bro like just lying just lying I said I went through four I I think went through four or five for Lori and they all went Lori four to five bro four to five bro but that was based on how you viewed it you feel me that’s how that went and then them two they just wasn’t making sense Max talked about favorites you feel me and feelings and [ __ ] so like that’s where we started that’s okay but I don’t care about that just don’t say I it was my list like you can’t say between that space it was my it was list because they also agree with me a my list bro we got y’ gota P that narrative the one time they was they was arguing with they was arguing lit I just said I said I know I hate I I said I know I hate on Julius Randle I’m giving Lori three out of the five categories I mean sure doesn’t really make sense you could comfortably give them two but based off the criteria it that should how shouldn’t have been how it went but I knew this was gonna go even how this was gonna go even I knew knew this is how it was going to go too it never fails how did it go how did it go how did it go Jaden how did it go t the thing is you just don’t you just don’t understand the person you are so it is what it is okay this is just ridiculous we all we all remember no no no J JJJ has to be right here JJJ has to be right here

In this exert from Episode 100, we ranked the top 50 players after the 2023-2024 season using a set criteria. The Criteria was Impact, Portability, Two-Way Ability, Availability, and Projections for next season.

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Latif: ://


  1. There are idiots that actually believe Lebron is better than Tatum after being swept for 2 straight seasons with another top 10 players on his side ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚

  2. Arguing availability Embiid was more available the past 2 playoffs. SN: Dude really thinks Maxey is it. He broke out but damn chillll ๐Ÿ˜† And Lauri player for player is better than Randall

  3. Five Criteria are given, however once the voting begins they are thrown down the window and you can start seeing the host biases appear…this is a list spoon fed by the media, just shows you how much control ESPN has on the way many see players….

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