@Pittsburgh Penguins

DK’s Daily Shot of Penguins: The superstar gap?

How to handle a (somewhat) imminent superstar gap?

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ABOUT US ► DK Pittsburgh Sports is the proud, pioneering, fully independent venture begun in 2014 by award-winning columnist Dejan Kovacevic and featuring a professional staff covering the Steelers, Penguins and Pirates year-round and everywhere they go! This is where it all started!


  1. Baseball ,lol specially here the high school team that pittsburgh has,,,,,,will never be worth anything..they can't compare to hockey team

  2. My worry today is that depens should stop being afraid of giving money to sign its free agents instead of trading them away and giving the money to someone brought in to fill a hole. Diminishing returns more than not has gotten them into this rut.

  3. Winning is always fun, but I agree we've been blessed to be able to enjoy "stars" with all three major pro teams in the Burgh, even when the team is down.

  4. Clemente, Wagner, Stargell, Traynor, and Wayner. Then Harris, Greene, Bradshaw, Lambert, Polomalu and then Mario, Sid, Jaomir, Geno, and that fun goalie!!! 🙂 Now how about the Pittsburgh sports Mt. Rushmore – Greene, Mario, Clemente, Sid, Wagner.

  5. That's exactly the reason why Sid should be supported, as well from a GM standpoint as a fanbase standpoint, for every year he wears a Penguins uniform.

  6. DK I felt the exact same way yesterday. I haven't felt this sense of wonderment and awe at an individual talent since young Sid. Hopefully the pens figure out how to win without that kind of talent

  7. If you look at 1990 and onward and think about the greatest players to ever play in Pittsburgh, it's insane. Aside from the obvious names that Dejan mentioned, we also got to see Coffey, Francis, and other Hall of Famers. I'm going to go on a limb and guess that Pittsburgh has had more HOF's in their organization since 1990 than any other team. Detroit might have more, and share about 4 with the Pens. Either way, as fans, we've been probably the MOST fortunate fans for the past 40 years, as no one has had the talent the likes of Lemieux, Jagr and Crosby in their organization since maybe the original 6 era, which I don't count because there were only 6 teams for stars to play for and no entry draft. On top of all that, the Pens are also tied for the most Cups by an organization since 1976 (Montreal has 6 since that date). I'd say we're pretty fortunate!

  8. #J1Q DK as always a great show. As someone who could not care any less about baseball, Skenes is impossible to not see at the moment and is the type of player that has brought my attention to baseball in a way I’ve never experienced before. The more we discuss our immense luck as Pittsburgh sports fans, and more acutely as Penguins fans, it’s impossible to ignore the fact that we are creeping into the last few years of Sidney Crosby being on the ice. My question is this: based on your hands interactions with our Captain over the last nearly 2 decades, do you see Sid staying on with the organization in a coaching/front office capacity once his time on the ice comes to an end? Something like that of 66? In a way wouldn’t that keep an element of that true “superstardom” in the building as we move into the next generation of players?

  9. Bottom six DK, Young or just younger with speed, strength, ability. We see how a great defense wins game's. Braden Yager just might have some answers. If nothing else for himself. Does he feel he is ready ? Thank you DK, I'm glad we have you too.

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